"Black Cats"

(The last chapter.)

Disclaimer: Not mine.


"Well, if it isn't the Joker's bitch." Selina put a hand on her hip and slightly chuckled.

"And she's with Batman's little bitch," Harley remarked.

"I'm no one's bitch, Harley. Just a simple girl trying to leave her mark in the world." Selina crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. "You, on the other hand, have no excuse."

"At least I'm not jumping the bones of the bat."

"At least I'm jumping the bones of someone. Are you?" When Harley just glared at Selina, she laughed. "Good Lord. What do you see in that maniac anyway?"

Harley rolled her eyes. "I don't have time for this." She ripped off the bottom half of her dress and raised the knife. "I have to kill you."

"You are so pathetic." Selina unzipped the lace layer of her dress and dropped it to the floor. Next, she also ripped off part of her dress to make it shorter. "I'd like to see you try, Harley."

The blonde only smirked. "Okay."

Harley stabbed at Selina, but she evaded. Selina then grabbed her opponent's wrist and twisted her arm. She cried out and dropped the knife. Harley elbowed Selina in the ribcage and backhanded her across the face with her left hand.

Blood slipped from Selina's lip, but she ignored it and tripped the former psychologist. Harley slammed onto the cement and tried to reach for the knife, but Selina kicked it away. The Joker's sidekick then took hold of Selina's ankle and tripped her in return. Selina kicked Harley in the face with her stiletto heel and knocked her out.

Once she was sure Harley wouldn't get back up, Selina climbed to her feet and dusted herself off.

A click from a gun sounded from behind her, and Selina froze.


Clark replaced his glasses and was pulled into the next room by Lois. Her hair had fallen from the loose bun it had been it earlier, and she still looked beautiful.

"Are you all right?" he asked her.

"Yeah. Do you see Bruce anywhere?" Her eyes suddenly widened, and she shoved Clark aside. Lois punched a man who had held a dagger.

Clark looked past his partner to see a man with a revolver. Instinctively, he jumped onto Lois, shielding her body with his own, and forced her behind a dresser. In doing so, four bullets bounced off his back.

"Are you okay, Clark?" she questioned with concern in her eyes.

"I'm fine." He motioned toward the window. "I want you to get out of here."

"Like Hell! I'm staying, and I'm getting the story." Lois shook her head. "Who knows what might happen? This is going to make the front page."

"It won't if you can't write it," he reminded. "You go and take care of people who are hurt. I'm going to help others get out." When Lois reluctantly agreed, he gave her boost out the window. He then quickly spun around and was in his Superman suit.

He flew into the next room and grabbed all the guns from the henchmen. Next, he took on four of them. Within minutes, they were all on the ground.


Batgirl pulled out her boomerang and knocked the taser out of the man's hand with it. The color drained from his face, and she slightly laughed to herself. Batgirl punched him in the stomach and made a left hook to his temple.

He was down, so she helped Flash to his feet.

"My head hurts," he groaned. "Where am I?"

"Oh boy." Batgirl brought his arm around her neck so she could walk him to a chair. "It was just a small shock."

"I think I need to be comforted, and you're looking mighty fine tonight." He tried to give a smile. "What are you doing after this? Could you tuck me into bed?"

She rolled her eyes and allowed him sit down. "I'm pretty sure that you're going to be fine."

Nightwing came to join them. "Most of the men are gone or down. Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, and Superman are wrapping up. No one was seriously injured." He then looked around. "I don't see Bruce or Selina."

"She's in the garden," Flash shared.


"Uh...I don't know."

Batgirl and Nightwing exchanged glances, but Batgirl spoke first. "We have to get to her."

The commissioner walked up to the trio, holding his gun, and stated, "The police are on their way. I just radioed them."

"Good." Batgirl glanced away from her father when Hawkgirl also joined them. "You all done?"

"Yes. Superman and Green Lantern are tying up the last couple of men." The fellow redhead's eyes glanced around the room. "Where is Selina?"

Just then, a gun went off.


Slowly, Selina turned around to face the person who held the gun. She wasn't surprised to see her old enemy; she should have known that he would be crazy enough to pull a stunt like this in the first place.

"Joker, those shades of green and purple look better on you every time I see you," she sarcastically commented.

He laughed. "Well Catwoman, I really don't believe that you're in any position to criticize me." The Joker took a step closer to her and tightened his grip on the revolver. "I've always wondered if cats really had nine lives."

"I guess there's only one way to find out." Selina suddenly kicked the gun out of the Joker's hand and raced for it. Before she got to it, he grabbed her arm and a good amount of her hair. She cried out when he tugged on it. Her reaction was an elbow to his armpit. His hold loosened, so she grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder.

Selina picked up the gun and aimed it at the Joker's head. He climbed to his feet and smiled.

"What are you going to do, Miss Kyle? Wait until I make the first move?"

She took in a deep breath and pulled the trigger, expecting him to get what he deserved. It didn't happen. A flag popped out of the end of the barrel with the word "Bag!" written on it. Her jaw dropped.

The Joker cackled. "That was hilarious. You should have seen your face!" From his jacket pocket, he pulled another gun. Joker then wrapped a hand around her throat and shoved her against the garden's gate. Her back hit the cold steel, and she winced. He then pressed the barrel of his gun to the side of her forehead. "I'm usually against killing in this manner, but I'm going to make an exception for you."

"Why? Because of Batman? Because I saved his life? That was so long ago."

He made sure to meet her eyes with his own. "It's not that simple. You happened to cross my path, black cat. You didn't just SAVE his life; you ruined my chance at finally ending it. You are the reason he's still alive, and you'll be the reason he goes insane."

"He'll kill you," she warned.

"Not if I kill him first. Enough chat. Goodnight, Selina. See you in Hell."

As he began to pull the trigger, she didn't flinch. Selina wasn't afraid of dieing. She just stared him down.


Bruce heard The Flash tell the others where Selina was. He didn't hesitate; he ran as fast as he could to get to the garden. He stopped a few feet away from the man he hated with all of his heart, the man who had a gun against the head of Bruce's love.

He grabbed one of the garden's wooden chairs and raised it over his head. Just before the Joker could shoot Selina, Bruce knocked him aside with the chair. The gun went off, but the bullet only skidded against Selina's skin.

The Joker caught himself on the edge of the fountain and retaliated with a strong punch to the billionaire's chin. Bruce reacted with a right hook.

"I'm surprised your whore's other boy isn't saving her life, Mr. Wayne," the Joker stated as he rubbed his sore jaw.

"Sorry to disappoint you." Bruce grabbed the Joker's collar and pushed him against the gate. "Don't you ever, ever touch Selina again. You'll wish you had never been born." He then threw him aside. Knowing the clown would try something. Bruce spun around and punched him once more. This time, he wasn't getting up any time soon.

Selina ran into Bruce's arms and held him tightly. She kissed the side of his face and ran her hand through his hair. He had never felt something like this; Selina had been afraid for him.

"Are you all right?" he asked her. "The bullet –"

"It's just a scrape. Don't worry about me. Are you all right? You're bleeding." She lightly touched the cut beside his left eye. "Does it hurt?"

He shook his head. "I don't feel a thing. There's no pain if you're okay."

Selina kissed him but then quickly pulled away. Remorse crossed over her features, and tears filled her eyes. "Oh God."

"What is it?"

"Your night is ruined because of me."

"That doesn't matter. It's just a banquet." Bruce caressed her cheek and then glided his fingers down her neck and to her shoulder. "You could have been killed."

"And YOU could have been killed. Don't you see? It's because of me. You're hurt because of me. You shouldn't be involved with someone who has a death wish! You don't need a Catwoman!"

"Yes I do. I don't care about the risks. Selina, you don't understand. I'm –"

"I know you care about me." She ran the backs of her fingers over his jaw line. "Bruce, let me prove that I care about you. You deserve someone who belongs to this world of banquets, champagne, and money. I'll only get you killed."

"But I'm fine. You –"

She interrupted again. "Don't. Please, respect my decision." A tear managed to escape one of her eyes, but she quickly wiped it away. "I'm going to go now. Don't follow me." Selina left the garden and didn't look back.

"Are you okay?" Batgirl asked as she and Superman came to Bruce. "Looks like Joker and Harley aren't. Where is Selina going?"

"She's leaving," he answered. "She thinks that it is her fault that this all happened." Bruce walked away from his friends. He had somewhere to be.

Batman had somewhere to be.


Hawkgirl mixed her coffee for the second time. She couldn't help but think about Batman and Catwoman. The redhead glanced around the kitchen table. Five of the other Justice League members also sat in silence.

Both Diana and J'onn stared into the abyss. Superman hadn't moved his eyes away from his coffee. The Flash tapped his fingers on the table, and Green Lantern took Hawkgirl's free hand into his own. She gave him a small smile.

Flash broke the silence. "Do you think he'll tell her?"


"I don't know," Barbara told Tim. "This one's a toss up."

Alfred placed the lemonade pitcher before Dick and sat down next to Tim. "Usually, I can predict what Master Bruce will do, but when it deals with Miss Kyle..."

"All Hell breaks loose?" Dick finished. "He better remember that she's Catwoman."

"They're in love, Dick." Barbara explained, "When you're in love, it is a whole different ball game."

Tim shook his head. "I just hope he makes the right choice."


Selina folded her pants and placed them in the suitcase. She had booked a flight out of Gotham the next morning and was packing all her things. She needed to leave this city... leave Bruce... leave it all.

Remembering that she had left her favorite pair of leather boots in the living room, she stood from her seat on her bed and walked to the hall closet. Surprisingly, the balcony doors were wide open. Batman stepped out of the shadows and met Selina's gaze.

"Well, you missed all the fun. We bagged the Joker and –"

He cut her off. "Where are you going?"

Selina sighed. "Metropolis. From there, I have a direct flight to Paris." She picked up her boots and walked to Batman. "I'm packing at the moment. It's really not a good –"

Batman snatched the shoes and threw them aside. "Why?"

"I have an early flight."

"No. Why are you leaving?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Because a few days ago you told me that you loved Bruce Wayne. Now you're leaving. Don't you see that you have a second chance to turn this all around? You could stop it all." Batman didn't move from his place in front of the balcony. "Now, I want to know why."

Her bottom lip began to tremble and a tear slipped down her cheek. "I'm poison, Batman. He could have been killed tonight because of me."

"Because of me," he corrected.

"Bruce doesn't deserve someone like Catwoman. He should have someone better."

"You're wrong."

Selina shook her head and ran a hand through her blonde strands. "I'm a thief, and, for the first time, I am ashamed of that. I'm an addict. How could he deal with a maniac like me?" She lifted the Catwoman suit from the couch and handed it to him. "I don't want it."

He took it and threw it on the floor. Batman then pulled her close and looked over her face. He glided his fingers down her neck and to her shoulder. It felt so familiar. "Perhaps you just need something else to be addicted to." To her surprise, Batman leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.

He pulled away from her, and she studied his expression, searching for the truth. She studied his eyes, his mouth, and his chin. "Bruce?" Selina waited for that brief flicker of response and then embraced him. "Oh God, I love you so much. I thought..."

"We're the same, Selina. Split right down the center." He pulled off his mask and touched her face. "I'm sorry that I hid this from you. I had to. I'm sorry that clown –"

"That's not your fault," she told. "So. What now?"

"Come on." He tugged on her arm, picked up the Catwoman suit, and headed for the balcony.

"Where are we going?"

"Home," he answered. "There's a car down there that should be parked in the Batcave. I have an idea on welcoming you." He pulled on his mask and smiled.

That devilish smile came onto her face. "Does it involve a Catwoman suit and a Batmobile?"



Monday (Day 15)

Bruce held the phone to his ear as he tied his blue tie. He had to get to work in thirty minutes.

"So, everything's okay?" Clark's voice asked.

"Yes. Things are very well."

Selina stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body. She kissed Bruce's cheek and said, "Morning, honey."


Clark chuckled. "Was that her?"


"That's good for you...for the both of you."

Bruce smiled to himself. "You have no idea how good it gets. Let me just say, it's about damn time."