Author's Notes:I do not own anything SW.

Luke, Jacen, and Mara were on their way to Bakura to settle some business. At least that's what they told people who tried to stop them from landing on the planet. They told their families otherwise about their real purpose in traveling to Bakura.

Luke had had a very strong feeling through the Force about that planet, or rather a specific patch of it. It felt like a part of him was there, waiting to be found. He consulted Mara and she agreed that it was an unavoidable feeling and that they should go find out about it rather than dwell on it at their current living quarters at the present time.

So they did. Jacen had asked to come along since he wasn't busy with other things at that time. "The Force is leading me there." Were his very words and so Luke and Mara permitted him to join them. Han and Leia wished them well as well as Jaina. Ben would be staying with Han and Leia and as much as the Skywalkers hated leaving their child again, they felt they had to go Bakura. It was a constant strong feeling.

Luke landed their starship and all three prepared to leave. They gathered their personal things and Jacen was the first one out. It was about mid day and the sun was shining bright. Luckily Bakura was not as hot as Tatooine. "All set?" Luke asked, and the other two Jedi nodded. Everyone made sure they had what they needed.

"So...where do we begin?" Mara asked her husband since he was the one who had felt it so fervently.

Luke thought for a moment as they stood there. Then he closed his eyes and drew upon the Force, seeking its guidance. It immediately came to him. "We'll go that way." He pointed towards the west. "And prepare yourselves for a long walk." Luke added, a half smile on his face.

The three Jedi strode across the terrain, all eager to reach their non- appointed destination. There really wasn't much to see on Bakura except rock and a few trees here and there. Had it been others, they would have been bored out of their minds. But since this was Luke, Mara, and Jacen, they were not bored at all. Each were having their own thoughts about what could be so interesting that the Force would send them a strong signal.

After awhile, Jacen spoke up. "What do you think we'll find?" He asked.

Luke was silent. "I don't know." He finally said.

"Ditto." Mara responded. "However I have been having ideas about what it could be."

"Shoot." Jacen smiled.

"Well," Mara began. "It could be some sort of hidden compartment full of Jedi artifacts and things of the past." A wistful smile crossed her face. "Of course that's just wishful thinking."

Luke chuckled. "You never know." He said. Little did they know that what they would soon find would be of greater importance than any ancient artifact.

Soon, something odd could be seen in the distance. Luke narrowed his eyes. It was the very rock formation Anakin Skywalker had come across many years ago. Only he had been on the other side.

"What is that?" Jacen wondered out loud. The three came closer and they saw how strangely formed and shaped the rock was.

"This is it!" Luke cried, his senses going wild. "It's around here...somewhere."

Mara sighed. "I suppose we have to dig around for it, huh?"

Jacen grinned. "Right." He selected a spot and began to search around the rock formation. "It feels like it's coming from inside..."

Meanwhile, Luke had disappeared inside a crack on the other side of the formation. He turned on his glowrod and had a look around. He inched further away from the way he had come in, feeling the signal grow stronger and stronger. 'I'm close.' Luke thought. All of a sudden he felt a strange feeling of anxiety and he felt a little queasy. What would he find?

He shone the light ahead and something glinted in a corner. He cautiously moved towards it and found that something was buried beneath the sand. He began to furiously dig at it, anxious to see what it was. It turned out that it was an old model of a datapad used by the Old Republic. He knew what it was because a picture of it was modeled in the archives. "Very interesting..." He murmured. He turned to go back.

Mara suddenly became aware that Luke was nowhere nearby. "Luke?" She called. "Luke!" 'Where is Skywalker?' She thought, growing worried.

Jacen also picked up on the fact that Luke was not within view. "Uncle Luke?" He shouted. "Uncle Lu-" He sighed in relief when Luke appeared around the side.

"Where were you?" Mara asked, somewhat annoyed.

"I was inside the rock." Luke replied. "And I found something." He showed them the datapad. "Look." Mara and Jacen came closer and peered at it. "It's an old form of a datapad. It was buried in the dirt but I managed to get it out. Apparently, this is the thing we're looking for." Luke finished.

"This?" Mara raised her eyebrows.

"Hey-maybe you'll get your wish after all." Jacen smiled at his aunt. "It could contain information about the Jedi Knights."

"Let's head back to the ship." Luke ordered. "We can upload it into the starship's banks and see what it is in it."

As Luke and Mara began to leave, talking about the datapad, Jacen faced the rock formation once more. A part of him wanted to go inside and explore the rock. He shook his head and ignored the feeling. A feeling that was similar to the one he had felt months ago. It was like a blank period of his life had been engraved in his memory. Something had happened but he could not remember.

Luke contacted his sister before they opened the files up on the datapad. He told of her their discoveries and their plan of action. "We should be back soon." He said his farewells and went to the cockpit where Jacen and Mara were waiting.

Luke set up everything and soon the old datapad was loading. Jacen was tapping his fingers on the back of his seat. Mara was frowning in impatience and Luke stood there with his arms crossed.

Suddenly an image of a male human projected in front of them. The young man was about six feet, slightly dark hair, long Jedi robe and a tunic. "Who is he?" Mara wondered out loud.

The man sighed nervously and spoke. "Greetings. My name is Anakin case you did not know that already. I'm your...father." A small smile appeared on his face.

Luke gasped and Mara's eyes widened. Jacen leaned forward, eager to hear more.

"I am recording this because I want to tell you a bit about the history of the Skywalkers. This is for my children and grandchildren and future generations of the Skywalkers..." Anakin seemed to hesitate. At that time, when his memory of his adventure was still intact, he had debated whether to mention the last name, Solo. "Anyway, Shmi Skywalker is the name of my mother. She has lived on Tatooine her whole life basically and was sold into slavery along with myself." He frowned, slight anger in his eyes. The man seemed to swallow. "Forgive is hard to talk about my mother but I will do the best I can." He went on. "I don't have a father. Shmi became pregnant through the Force." a/n: From what I've heard...

"My mother and I were in the possession of Gardulla the Hutt until she lost us to Watto, a junkyard keeper in Mos Espa, through betting on a podrace. There, we worked hard for Watto and he treated us no different than our previous owner." Anakin paused to take a breath. "Anyway, my whole life changed they day your mother, a Jedi Master, a droid named R2, and a strange yet friendly creature named Jar Jar, entered Mos Espa in search of parts for their starship. Your mother was the Queen of Naboo, disguised as a handmaiden. Qui Gon Jinn was the Jedi Master. R2-D2 was the droid that became friend with C-3P0, a droid that I had built myself at a young age."

"They stayed at my home, a slave's quarters. I had entered a podrace that year and Qui Gon had made a bet with Watto. If I won, I would be freed. If I lost, Watto got the entire ship. I was determined to win. Mind you, I was the only human ever to race and the youngest contestant so that fact put a lot of pressure on me. As it turns out, I did win the race and I was free from being a slave. But my mother wasn't." Anakin paused yet again. He seemed to be fighting back tears or maybe there was a lump in his throat. "Leaving her was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But she wanted a better life for me and that life that I was to have was a Jedi's life."

"Qui Gon took me back to their ship where I met Obi Wan Kenobi, his young apprentice. It was awkward at first and it would be for a couple more years. During that same time when the Trade Federation attacked Naboo, Qui Gon passed on and Obi Wan became my master. Before though, Qui Gon was not allowed to train me. The council was unsure of my abilities and I was too old to begin training. As you can see, things turned out differently." Anakin then went on to explain his adventures in his teen years. He smiled and Padme came on.

"Hello." Padme smiled. "I am your mother." Padme explained a few things. "I became Queen of Naboo at age fourteen." She said, finished with explaining her life before that. "I was able to defend my world and people from the Trade Federation. I never saw Anakin again until ten years later. I was a Senator for Naboo and the Jedi Council assigned two Jedi, Master and Apprentice, to protect me as a dangerous time had come into play." She told about almost all the moments she and Anakin shared together. "We married secretly."

Anakin returned after Padme bid farewell. "And so began the Clone Wars." He told them everything that had happened up to now. He glanced over his shoulder in the image. "I've got to go see Supreme Chancellor Palpatine soon." He said and continued. "Before the Clone Wars, I traveled to Tatooine because I had had a terrible vision of my mother in pain." His voice broke slightly. "That is when I met my stepfather and stepbrother and his girlfriend."

My stepfather's name was Cliegg; my stepbrother's name was Owen and his girlfriend, Beru. I didn't get to speak with them much. I was more concerned with finding my mother. They said it was possible that she had died already for she had been taken by Sand People...Tusken Raiders...vicious monsters..." His voice had gone low. "I found her and she my arms."

Luke heard Mara gasp slightly beside him. To tell the truth, Luke was also visibly shaken after hearing that. Jacen's gaze had taken on a sad expression. To have someone you love and care for so much...die in your arms. It was the worst thing that could ever happen.

Anakin went on. "I killed the whole camp that night. A terrible thing to do." Luke sighed mournfully, knowing Anakin would do even more terrible things in the future. Anakin said a few other things and told a few other stories until it was time to go. "I have enclosed a few holos of Padme, mostly, and a few of myself and Obi Wan, Jar Jar, and 3P0 and R2. I wish I had some of my mother to show you...but I don't. I will tell you this much though: She was a beautiful woman with a kind and gentle heart. I regret the fact that you will never know her." Anakin hesitated, thinking. Finally, he ended the holo-message with a few words. "I don't know what's going on with you or others, whoever is reading this message. I don't know what has happened to the galaxy. However, Padme has already said it but I haven't." Anakin's memory had started fading at the time. "My son or daughter, (or maybe I have both), I...I love you." Anakin grinned. "You haven't been born yet obviously but I will always love you...even if it may not seem like it." The hologram ended.

There was a long silence before anyone dared to speak. Finally, Jacen broke the silence. "Wow..." Was all he could say. He just sat there, dumbfounded.

Luke felt the same way. All these years he had wondered about his parents and the time before his time. Anakin had been through many ordeals. But he had been saved in the end.

"Luke..." Mara looked at him, her voice soft. "Are you alright?" She asked. She had no clue as to how Luke would take the whole thing.

Luke looked back at her and then a small smile lit his face. "I feel...I can't describe it! I..." Luke sighed happily. "I am complete." He proclaimed almost the very words his grandmother had said many, many years ago.

"We've got to show this to mom...and dad!" Jacen stood up. "Dad's never gonna believe this!" He chuckled.

They all laughed, noting the attitude and personality of Han Solo.

"Well, we should leave." Luke said. "And we're taking this with us of course. Jaina will have to see it and in years to come, Ben will see it too. Then you can tell your children and they will tell theirs..." Luke smiled again. 'Thank you, Father.' They prepared to leave, the sound of the ship drowning out everything but one thing.

'You're welcome.'


Shortly after recording the message, Anakin lost all memory of Padme being pregnant, his journey, and his family. Life went on and events of the past before the Rebellion and Vong invasion came to pass.

But the Skywalkers and Solos would always be bonded in ways unimaginable.