The Morning After – Chapter 4

A/N: For those of you who don't have me on your Author Alert, but wanted to know when I was planning to update my other fic – I have. I updated it during the Easter weekend. Hurry! Read! Review! LoL!

I think I'm going to put a little more focus on this fic for the time being just because right now, any little ideas I have seem to be centred on Hermione and Draco's rather uncomfortable "Morning After."

Anyways, since I am not a big fan of all the chatter (LoL! We all remember my last author's note!), here's chapter four . . .

Hermione couldn't quite say when the dreams had started. When she had begun to close her eyes and see Draco's face, imagine all of the delicious things he would do to her with his mouth, his hands, his . . . was unknown to her.

In her old bedroom, in her parents' house, Hermione was dreaming of Draco. His talented hands were caressing her softly, eliciting heated moans from her that she could not control. Hermione snapped her eyes open, this was no dream. Her delicious fantasies had somehow become a reality.

Draco's hand was wandering down her thigh, and she shifted slightly, making out the outline of his face in the darkness.

"How long have you been awake?" she whispered into the darkened room.

"Around the time that you threw one leg over me Hermione," he replied. His features flickered from slight amusement to suppressed desire.

Indeed, Hermione had flung a leg over her husband in a possessive fashion. If she didn't know better, just under her calf, her husband was hiding a high power flashlight; she could feel it pressing into her soft flesh.

Hmm . . . we're not in Hogwarts anymore are we?

Hiding a wicked grin, Hermione ever so slowly, moved her leg a fraction further down her husband's body and sighed slightly, as though she were only making herself more comfortable. To her great satisfaction, she heard Draco's sharp intake of breath. She only had seconds, however, to absorb the feeling. The next thing Hermione knew, she was on her back with Draco hovering above her, kissing her with a passion that was spreading to her very toes. To her delight, Draco's hands and mouth were making a journey that she had only experienced at night when she shut her eyes and allowed her imagination to run wild. This time however, she was certainly not to be left unfulfilled as Draco hooked a finger on either side of her panty and slipped it past her thighs, her legs, her toes . . .

Arching her back towards him, Hermione writhed under his touch. Oh yes, this was what she wanted most in the world right now.

Hermione woke with the chirping of birds and warm sunshine on her face. Relishing the feel of the solid sheet of hard muscle below her and the arm that was protectively circling her waist, Hermione smiled with contentment.

Popping one eye opened, Hermione checked the alarm clock on the side table. It was only a little after ten. Maybe just a couple more minutes, then she would go and help with breakfast.

That plan flew out the window when the arm around her waist decided to go on a downward trail. Hermione smiled – so he was awake.

Pulling her up towards him, Draco touched his lips to hers. Perhaps Hermione would stay for more than a few minutes. She would help with breakfast tomorrow.

"Knock, knock!" came her mother's cheerful voice from the other side of the bedroom door. "Hermione! What about our Saturday morning tradition? We've got a huge breakfast to make!"

Draco groaned and pulled away from her and Hermione blushed. Merlin! What were they doing!?

"Coming Mum!" Hermione called back, grabbing a sheet and wrapping herself in it, just as she had on their first morning together. A blush crept its way all over her body as she recalled what she had spent most of last night doing. Stepping into her slippers and snatching her nightie, her robe, and her toiletry bag off of the floor, Hermione went into her bathroom and locked the door.

Draco threw a hand over his eyes and tried to control his utter amazement. He could barely move and it was all thanks to . . . little Hermione Granger. She could not have shocked him more if she started walking around with a sign that said Dangerous When Wet. Damn, if he had known this in school . . . On second thought, he should have known. After all, wasn't it said that it was always the quiet ones?

Putting all lecherous (okay . . . almost all) thoughts of his wife out of his mind, Draco decided that he had been right to refuse to allow them to go their separate ways immediately following their marriage. Coupled with the fact that her intelligence constantly kept him on his toes, he had just realized that Hermione Malfoy was a woman of very many incredible talents. The Malfoy was right again. It was enough to put a rather smug smile on his face when he realized that he had most likely been the first to sample those said talents. He had no qualms about continuing their . . . union . . . for a more extended period of time. Judging from what had almost happened again this morning, his wife obviously shared his thoughts. Too bad her mother had to crash their little party.

Feeling more than a little satisfied with himself, Draco slipped out of bed and grabbed his own things for an early morning shower in the bathroom down the hall.

"Crack these eggs for me dear," Mrs. Granger told her daughter, handing her the carton.

The next words that Hermione heard almost had her drop the dozen eggs she had taken from her mother.

"Good morning Mum, Hermione," Draco said, walking into the kitchen. "Do you need any help?" Walking towards Hermione, he wrapped an arm around her waist and nibbled on her ear, causing her cheeks to tint pink.

His mother-in-law smiled at their cute little picture and nodded. "Yes we do," she replied. "You can fry up the sausages while I put these baked beans in a sauce pan to heat up."

As the three of them worked away, Hermione was finding it hard to ignore the obvious brushes of Draco against her and the response she felt swirling throughout her body.

"Where's Mr. Granger?" Draco asked over the crackling of the stove.

"Andrew hardly ever comes down before breakfast is ready on a Saturday," Hermione's mother replied. "Tomorrow is his turn so he just sleeps in."

With three people as chefs, breakfast was soon ready and Mr. Granger made his appearance when he could no longer ignore the scent of bacon and coffee.

"Morning dear," Jillian smiled, pecking him on the cheek and passing him so that she could place the dish of scrambled eggs on the table. Turning to survey him more carefully, she frowned. "Andrew dear, are you ill? You look a bit peaky."

"Just didn't get enough sleep," Mr. Granger muttered back.

Mrs. Granger didn't take her suspicious eye off of her husband for the duration of the meal. "Honestly Andrew!" she finally exploded. "Would you kindly tell me what's wrong with you this morning!? You look like you're battling ghosts!"

"Really Jillian," he responded wearily, "it's nothing. I am just a little tired."

"Fine Andrew," she snapped. "Have it your way. There's actually something I want to discuss with you. Last night I heard squeaking and creaking. I think we may have mice. You're going to have to call someone to come in and deal with it."

Mr. Granger choked on his orange juice, and repentant for yelling at him, Mrs. Granger began to pound him on the back. Draco could see where Hermione got her nervous twitch from. Clearly the squeaking was the source of Mr. Granger's distress.

Hermione and Draco shared a look and then quickly glanced elsewhere – they were the mice. Hermione blushed to the roots of her hair and became engrossed in her toast while Draco stabbed at some eggs and chewed with relish in an effort to hide his smile.

Hermione was having no luck pushing Draco out of her mind. She had cleverly avoided him after breakfast by going into the family library and fine-tuning some of her lesson plans for the upcoming school year. While she tried to think of a brilliant new essay question for her students, Hermione could not help thinking back to last night and her sighs in the dark. Merlin! It was no use! Perhaps she would get some inspiration from 'Hogwarts: A History,' a book she put on the school list for her course every year. As far as Hermione was concerned, no student should be without it. Getting up from her father's desk, Hermione headed towards the bookcase and looked for the book in question. Oh – there it was on the top shelf. Hermione had lifted an arm to reach for it when two arms circled her from behind.

"There you are Mrs. Malfoy," Draco whispered into her ear. "You're rather hard to find."

This was just the position that Hermione had hoped she would not find herself in. She had been either trying to think of a way to avoid him tonight, or trying to think of a way to avoid thinking about him. She still couldn't believe what had happened last night. Clearly, her husband was a bad influence on her and she didn't trust herself to be alone with him. It was just like Draco to come and find her and ruin all of her plans.

Draco twisted her around to face him and leaned in to kiss her neck. "Miss me?" he asked her, pulling his wife closer.

A soft moan escaped her lips and Hermione began to panic. Her parents were home. It was broad daylight. What would happen if they burst in and caught them?

"Draco . . ." Hermione muttered, her arms moving of their own accord to her husband's shoulders, then her fingers slid into his hair. "Draco . . . we have to stop. We have to stop right now," she choked out.

"Why?" he asked her innocently, between butterfly kisses across her neck and collarbone.

"My . . ." Hermione began as she shifted restlessly against him, "my parents . . ."

"You worry. . . " Draco said, maneuvering Hermione towards her father's desk, "entirely . . ." he went on, laying her down across it, "too much," he finished, slowly slipping the straps of the yellow summer dress she wore down her arms.

"Draco . . ." Hermione sighed, forgetting about where they were, what they were doing, and all of the reasons why they shouldn't be doing it.

"– and so I said to Suzanne 'Well why would you get into her new Jacuzzi if you had just used a frothy cream to treat your yeast infection?' and she says to me – Dear Lord!" Mrs. Granger said, as she and her husband walked in on Hermione and Draco in the library.

Hermione gasped in shock. What had she been thinking? Right. Clearly she had been thinking of nothing but the pleasure at hand.

Draco stood in front of his wife while she pulled herself together and reached around Hermione for a booklet to hold before him in a strategic fashion.

"What were you . . . how can you . . . Hermione this is . . . you two are . . ." Mr. Granger sputtered incoherently, shaking his head and blinking compulsively.

Jillian Granger slapped her husband on the arm and told him to shut up before she had him committed. "They're married Andrew. They can do whatever they want!"

This wasn't embarrassing or anything, Hermione was thinking as she put her head in her hands and stifled a groan.

"Well we'll just be leaving now!" Hermione's mother announced, shoving her husband out the door ahead of her and closing it behind her.

Draco turned to face his wife and smiled a very small smile. "I'm so sorry that happened Hermione. Why don't we continue this upstairs?"

Hermione was silently pulling up the straps of her dress again and she shook her head.

"Why not?" Draco asked her, putting on a charming smile. "We were having so much fun a moment ago."

"Draco, no." Hermione told him plainly. "I have lots of work to do and I'm sure that you have some unfinished business also. We're leaving tomorrow remember?" Instead of allowing him to try and convince her further, Hermione circled the desk and grabbed the things she had been using.

"Can you please pass me that book?" she asked Draco, pointing to the one she had been about to get upon his entrance.

"What will you give me if I do?" he asked her, a gorgeous eyebrow raised.

Hermione's eyes narrowed. "The question should be: what will I give you if you don't?"

Ah . . . he had realized only recently how adorable his wife's fighting spirit was. Suppressing a smile, Draco recalled the only other thing that could colour her cheeks that way and make her eyes that bright. Deftly removing the book from the shelf, he handed it to her, but delayed releasing it into her sole grasp. The dangerous look she was shooting at him, however, did jog his memory back to her threat of a few moments ago and Malfoy chose to surrender the book to her.

Hermione huffed in annoyance and left the room in a rather haughty fashion.

Even when she was mad, Draco noticed, she walked like a goddess. He took the opportunity to admire the sway of her hips.

Hermione and Draco had finally slipped into their regular routines At least Draco had. After they had left her parents house (with no further humiliating scenes taking place) they had returned to Malfoy Manor and their careers. With school just around the corner, Hermione had thrown herself into lesson planning and had actually come up with more than a few incredible essay topics without the help of her favourite book. Draco, on the other hand, had returned to his office in the Ministry.

Hermione and her husband were actually getting along. Although she often made threats to his life when he ticked her off, the two were actually developing a rather nice friendship. Hermione however, had stalled when it came to any further nocturnal activities with him. He would flirt with her and she would flirt back, but she always ended things before they went too far (a feat that was often very, very difficult). The image of her mother and father gaping at her in shock was etched in her memory, possibly for eternity, as was her current outlook on the subject.

All thoughts of that aside, today, Hermione would be meeting Draco at the Ministry for a lunch date.

"Please tell him that it is his wife," Hermione told her husband's secretary.

Clearly the mousey witch hadn't heard the news of her boss's newfound marital status. Her eyes widened and in them, Hermione recognized the shimmer of delight for fresh gossip that Lavender and Parvati Patel had been famous for in school. "Right away Mrs. Malfoy," the secretary, a Miss Applebee according to her name tag, replied, rushing to Draco's office door. "Sir," she said after knocking on his door and being summoned. "Your wife is here to see you."

"Send her in," Hermione heard him reply.

"You're early," he said when they were alone. "Couldn't stay away could you?"

"Get over yourself Malfoy," Hermione said with a grin. "Where are we going for lunch today?"

"I've ordered a basket from the dining room downstairs. I was thinking a picnic would be perfect. We could eat by the lake in some secluded spot and you could read to me and rub my feet," Draco responded with a smile.

Seeing the look on Hermione's face, Draco went on "If reading me a novel and giving me a massage, doesn't appeal to you, we could always -"

"Not a chance Malfoy," Hermione shot back before he could finish.

"Well we still have to wait a few minutes anyway," Draco informed Hermione. "A new intern has been hired to my department and I always make a point to greet every employee personally on their first day. I'm not sure who it is yet, but we had to replace Mrs. Thorpe now that she has retired."

Hermione was about to reply to this when they heard a scuffle from outside the office door.

"No! Miss please! You can't go in there!" Mrs. Applebee was begging someone. Mr. Malfoy is already -." Her pleading was obviously to no avail as suddenly, the door was thrown open.

A rather stout woman with a pug face and heavy make-up appeared before them. "Dracky-poo!" she called, throwing herself into Draco's arms.

"Pansy!?" Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy cried in disbelief.

A/N: Well, I have begun to introduce some other characters. This is just the beginning dear readers! Ron, Harry, Ginny, and perhaps a few other friends should make their grand entrances soon!

As far as the first scene, and perhaps the second . . . I hope I haven't offended anyone. I tried not to go overboard and hopefully succeeded. I was taking up on my idea to experiment a little and I am not sure how successful the attempt was. I know some people might like it, but it really matters to me that I don't offend people and put them off of my story. If there are a few readers who don't like that kind of thing, please tell me what really bothered you about it and I will try to fine-tune it, but give me another chance before giving up on my story. (I value every reviewer's beliefs but I can't just "take it out" as some people might insist because there are still others who actually asked "when are they going to do it?" therefore, removing all of the fluff is not an option. I can try to tone it down though.)

I know some people might think that it is a little unrealistic to have Draco in a kitchen taking part in meal preparation, but really, don't all Draco lovers have a god-like vision of him? Next to his six-pack and dreamy grin, I would totally be unable to resist him if he could also make me a luscious lasagna. I like food, I like him, and I put them together. He has now increased in his overall level of perfection.

Also the scene in the library might be a topic of discussion. Rather then use the word disrespectful, I'll say overly-enthusiastic. I wouldn't do something like that in real life (mainly because . . . okay . . . disrespectful as far as my upbringing goes . . . and my mother is not as cool as Mrs. Granger) but they did it for the purpose of adding a scene to the story. That's all.

What does everyone want to see next? I'll try to work your ideas into the plot!

Read and review please, but try not to be too mad at me!!!
