A/N: *Looks left, than right* WOOT!!!! OK, I am declaring this the FIRST YST/SS crossover,on the web until someone proves me otherwise. ^_^ Ahh, the unique juices are flowing! ^_^ K. Few short notes and then I will continue with the story.

Laural Rose: I know. My main purpouse for chapter 1 was to introduce the idea and get the characters together. I will explain better about the Elemental Cloths this chapter and how Saori found out about them. Also, thank you for reviewing, and I wish you luck on your own fic. May you have lots of good ideas.

Kitsune Rose: Don't cry! I'll write! I'll write! ^_^ Glad you love it, though.

AnimegirlH: Thanks. Glad you think it's good. And thanks for telling me. My friend is writing a regular YST fic and needed the name and I didn't feel like going through my tapes to find out the name. You saved us hours of wasted times. Mucho thanks!

Lady Eos: Thank you for being my 1st reviewer. Glad you liked it.

Ok. Those are my notes. Enjoy! _________________________________________________________

The troopers stood dumb-struck before her. "Elemental Saints?", Ryo finally asked, looking back at the rest of his friends. "What do you mean by that?". Saori smiled warmly at him and said "A long time ago in Ancient Greece there were five cloths, each ruled by an element. The elements were Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Spirit. These cloths vanished two hundred years ago, however, and we thought they were long gone until a week ago, when I was going through my Grandfather's documents. I have reason to believe that the armor you five wear are the Elemental cloths. May I see them, please?" Ryo glanced back at his friends, seeking advice as to what to do. Shin nodded and pulled his orb from his pocket. Shuu was allready throwing his in the air. Feeling very foolish, the troopers transformed into their yoroi right there in the living room.

The Saints gasped. Saori looked at them, compairing their yoroi to the pictures she'd printed up of the elemental cloths. It was hard to be sure, with hardly more than a few drawing to go off of, but she was nearly certain that these young men wore the cloths she needed. "What are those orbs for?", Seiya asked, awestruck. "They're how we summon the yoroi", Ryo told him. "You don't have Cloth Boxes?" Seiya nodded back at the large stone boxes their cloths remained in. "No. It's easier to carry around orbs than those boxes, though, isn't it?" Ryo looked at his red orb, the benevolence kanji swirling inside it. By now Seiya wasn't the only interested one, and all the Saints except Ikki were crowded around the Troopers' leader, stareing at the orb. "Why's it say "benevolence" inside it?". Ryo shrugged. "We all have something inside them. They're supposedly the traits we display most." "Elemental Saints do not train as you have. So I imagine the cloth picks the wearer by some pre-destined virtue they possess.", Saori cut in. "May I ask what the rest of yours say?" "Mine says Justice", Shuu said cheerfully. "Wisdom", Touma offered. "Faith". Shin blushed a bit. "Courtesy", Seiji said in a barely audible voice. Saori nodded. They had to be them! Suddenly, Shin sneezed. "I'm sorry", he appologized. "Can you show me where the bathroom is, please?". "Of course. Seiya'll take you". "Thank you". Shin and Seiya then left the rest of the group to find the bathroom.

"He looks a bit off-color", Saori commented as she watched Shin pass. "He's been sick this past week. Getting over a nasty cold spell", Shuu explained. He was still grinning ear to ear. "My Uncle Chin's methods didn't help. I think some made him sicker". Saori stared. "What methods?", She asked. "Ummm...Sit in a tub of ice cubes for an hour, suck the air out of a ballon, put hot sauce on all his food, eat raw fish, put a dozon eggs in his hair, and...", Shuu racked his brain, trying to think of the last one. "Oh, yeah! We were supposed to try leeches, but couldn't get ahold of any.". "Poor boy! And he just let you do that to him?", Saori was flabbergasted. Nasuti laughed. "Shin would. He's too sweet to say no.", she said. Tatsumi cleared his throat. "Princess, I think a feast is in order", he said gruffly. He was trying to be polite, but his eyes clearly stated that he did not want five more strange young men living in their house. "Yes, I think so, too. Excuse me, Gentlemen". Saori left to go make arrangements. She took Nasuti with her, leaving her Saints to themselves.

There was an explosion of chatter. "THIS IS SO COOL!!", Kiki exclaimed. Everyone turned to look at him-it was a wonder he'd stayed quiet for so long. "I don't understand. What's a Saint's purpouse?", Touma asked hesitantly. "You saw that girl that just left?", Shun asked. "Yeah. Princess Saori", Seiji murmured. "Well, she's the reincarnation of the goddess Athena. Our job is to protect her", Hyoga finished. He gave Shun a sort of secrative smile that Touma took noticed to. He nodded towards Shun and looked at Hyoga with questioning eyes. The blond boy nodded. Touma smiled and nodded towards Seiji. Hyoga smiled back, their conversation clear without either uttering a word. Shin and Seiya returned. "That girl's a goddess", Shuu whispered to his best friend. "We're supposed to protect her". Shin nodded. Tatsumi came back at that moment. "If you'll follow me, Gentlemen, I'll take you to your rooms. I hope you won't mind shareing?". The Troopers quickly shook their heads. "We don't mind", Ryo said. Tatsumi took them to the top and showed them three vacant rooms. Each was humongous, with two Queen-sized four-poster beds, a dresser, a massive closet, TV, VCR, and Master Bathroom. The troopers gaped. "Are these the GUEST ROOMS!?", Jun gasped. "No. They're spare rooms for Saints that come to stay. Since you're Saints, you get these rooms. Unless you want the guest rooms?". "No, these rooms are fine!", Shuu called. He'd allready grabbed Shin's wrist and had dragged him into the middle room, bouncing on the bed while Shin laughed. "Thank you, Tatsumi-San", Seiji said politely. He and Touma went to the room on the right. "Yes. Thank you", Ryo said, leading Jun into the last room. Tatsumi left them to get settled and headed back to where the younger Saints were waiting.

Seiya pouted when Tatsumi returned alone. "They're taking naps?", he asked. "I imagine they will when they're done getting settled in", Tatsumi replied. "WOW!! LOOK AT THAT TIGER!!", Jabu exclaimed. He was stareing out the window, keeping lookout for Mu who was supposed to be coming for Kiki. "Oh, yeah. I forgot to ask you, Princess. Where do you want to keep their tiger?", Tatsumi asked. "They came with a tiger?", Saori questioned, walking back into the room. "Yes.". Saori walked over to where Jabu was and peeked out. "It's beautiful!". "It was a pain in the ass to get it here. But that Ryo boy refused to leave it behind.", Tatsumi said. "White tigers are unusual pets", Saori commented. "Byakkuken is a guardian spirit. He protects Ryo. He's very tame", Nasuti piped up. "I don't see why he can't stay in the house.", Saori murmured. Tatsumi looked ready to have a heart attack. A TIGER in their HOUSE!? He took a deep breath and bowed. "As you wish, Princess", he said, opening the door. He called and called for the tiger, but he refused to move. "Byakkuken! Come inside now!", Nasuti called. The tiger trotted over to her, then started sniffing the ground. "He's going to go find his master", Seiya said, watching the tiger with admiration. Tatsumi didn't understand why they found these new boys to be so interesting. To him, they were allready turning into nothing but nuicences.

Mu showed up an hour later. He looked none-too-pleased to be there, prefering the quiet of his own home. He was a healer, not a social person. He greeted Shiryu and Saori with a small smile and asked for Kiki. Saori told him that Kiki was in the kitchen helping Tatsumi set up for the feast, and would he kindly stay. Mu shook his head. "I am sorry. I have to get back", he said softly. Kiki bounded out of the kitchen. "Master Mu, aren't you interested in the new Saints?", he asked. His berry blue eyes glowed with such excitement that Mu smiled. "Do you want to stay a while?", he whispered. "Yeah!", the child exclaimed. Mu shook his head. He didn't know where he got all that energy from. "Allright", he agreed. "We'll stay". "ALLRIGHT!!", Kiki bounded off with the speed of a bullet train.

Dinner that night was a plesent affair, though the Samurai Troopers still seemed pretty stumped about the whole "Elemental Saints" thing. "What exactly do you mean by protecting her?", Ryo asked finally. "Well, you all are expected to fight for her and die for her and make sure she doesn't get hurt", Tatsumi replied fairly calmly and civilly. They were much politer than the Bronze Saints, and hadn't given him a real reason to dislike them yet. "Oh, kinda like her bodyguards?", Shuu asked. "You could say that". Shin yawned and rubbed his eyes. Saori smiled at him. "Why don't you go to bed? A good night's rest will do wonders for your cold". Shin nodded and politely excused himself to the room he and Shuu shared. He felt so calm and relaxed around Saori-sure, he was known to trust people, but he really felt at peace around the girl. Not too long after Shin left, the others started disbanning for bed as well. Mu took Kiki, thanked Saori and Tatsumi for their hospitality, and left. Saori wandered out onto the balcony and looked out at all the stars. "I do hope I got the right young men...", she whispered to herself.

A/N: Fluffy I know. It'll get better next chapter-I actually plan on some real action then. The 1st 2 chapters were just for explanatory purposes. Please don't loose interest. *Puppy Eyes* Anyhow, chapter 3'll be up when I can get it since I now have a job and my Senior Research Paper is killing me. I'll try to make it sooner than a month. Please R&R!