
Lord Cynic: "Yeah, sorry, not an update on Mercury Matchmaker."

Mini Isaac: "Why not?"

Mini Jenna: "Good."

Cynic: "Don't worry, you and your boyfriend will get together eventually."

Mini Jenna/Mini Garet: >= \

They toast him like a marshmallow and watch him collapse onto the ground.

Mini Mia: "That wasn't necessary."

Mini Jenna: "So?"

Mini Isaac: - -;


Mini Garet: "Lord Cynic doesn't own Golden Sun, Camelot Soft does. We're waiting for a GC version anyway..."

Cynic: "You better believe it."

Mini Garet: "Boo yeah, I'll be kicking some butt!"

Cynic: "If you're in the game..."

Mini's: OO;


Lord Cynic Productions and LOSERS presents...

"The Secret Life of Adepts: One Wish"

Chapter 1 - Lonesome Night

"Man, these guys just won't die!"
"Don't give up yet! Keep fighting!"

Tired, panting and strength drained, Isaac and his group of Adept friends struggled to stay on their feet. Worst for wear was Mia, whose hands barely gripped to her Crystal Rod and looked ready to collapse. Before she could collapse onto the ground of the Venus Lighthouse aerie, Isaac managed to wrap his arms around her to keep her from falling. Despite the life-threatening situation they were in, both found some kind of harmony with each other. Both stared into each other's eyes longingly, and only an impatient roar from the Fusion Dragon broke their gaze.
"Turn around and fight!" the FD bellowed, snorting irritably. Garet looked from the dragon, to Isaac and Mia, then back to the dragon.
"You shall fight us, you overgrown mutated lizard!" he roared. Ivan stared at him in confusion, but Garet nodded towards Isaac and Mia. Ivan understood immediately and wielded his Kikuichimonji again.
The Fusion Dragon snorted again in disgust, eyeing Isaac and Mia. Suddenly, the beast's eyes gleamed maliciously and a smirk spread across its/their (?) face. Before anyone could do anything, the dragon jumped up into the air then slammed onto the ground so hard that the ground shook violently.
Garet and Ivan called to their friends, but Mia was clinging precariously on the edge of the aerie while Isaac tried desperately to pull her back up.
"Isaac, please -"
"Don't worry Mia, I'll get you!"
The Fusion Dragon, diabolical as it/they was/were, took this opportunity like candy off a baby and shook the ground again with another body slam.
It was like watching a horrible slow-motion moment: One minutes Isaac and Mia were barely hanging onto one another, the next Isaac's grip loosened and Mia plummeted off the top of the lighthouse. Garet and Ivan watched in horror as Isaac's love of his life slipped from the edge of the aerie into the waters below. Isaac remained kneeling near the edge, tears flowing down his face, until...


Isaac bolted upright in his bed, ridden with shock. Sweat poured profusely from his forehead down his face, and his usually untameable spikey blonde hair was plastered flat on the top of his head.
"Oh... oh..." he gasped, panting. He ran a hand through his wet hair then turned on his bedside lamp. The first things he saw in the light were the many photos on his bedside table: Him and his parents outside their house; him with Garet and Jenna in the marketplace when they were younger; him and his Adept friends in a group photo in Imil; him and Mia, blushing red like tomatoes aboard the Lemurian boat...
He remembered when that particular photo was taken...


"C'mon you two, smile for the camera!"
Isaac and Mia stared at the Garet in horror as he brandished a camera at them. The group of four travelling Adepts - Isaac, Garet, Ivan and Mia - were sailing on Babi's Lemurian boat, and Garet had taken this as an opportunity for some cheese shots. Isaac and Mia had been discovered in the crow's nest, and Garet was badgering them for a photo.
"Now, Garet, put that thing away."
"This is a bit unreasonable."
But Garet wouldn't take no for an answer, so he enlisted the help of a reluctant Ivan. Both knew Isaac and Mia liked to have private chats together out on the deck at night, so they waited until late in the evening when they could hear voices outside the cabin.
"Beautiful night, isn't it, Isaac?"
"Yeah, you're right."
Quietly, the lovebird Paparazzi (hoping you don't take that the wrong way) consisting of Garet and Ivan crept out of the cabin they were hiding in onto the deck. Using stealth (a concept previously unknown to Garet), they concealed themselves behind some boxes to listen to Isaac and Mia's conversation.
"Mia, why did you really decide to join us on our quest?"
"Come now, Isaac, I already explained everything back in the Mercury Lighthouse."
"I know, but might there be another reason, hmm?"
Mia looked up at Isaac, smiling and turning red. As he stared back into her eyes, Isaac's face began to blush as well. The moonlight shone down on them like a stage light as their stood together on the deck, smiling fondly at each other.
"Mia, I -"
"No, Isaac, let me go first. I... I l-"
Out of nowhere, Garet and Ivan jumped out, Garet with his camera. Isaac and Mia spun around, blushing madly, and that's when Garet took the photo. For the rest of the night, Mia chased Garet around the boat, but never quite managed to obtain the film (faster than we first perceived, Garet is, yes).


Reminiscing back to that night, Isaac allowed himself a small smile as he gazed at that particular photo. He could still hear Mia's voice in his head: "Give me that camera, Garet. I swear, if you show anyone those photos, I'll kill you!" Unknown to her, when everyone returned to Vale and the photos were developed, Isaac had asked Garet privately for the photo that Mia tried so desperately to obtain.
Well, asked might not have been the word...


"Hey, Garet."
"Hey, Isaac, my photos have been developed now."
As the two friends walked from the photo shop, Isaac watched Garet flip through the newly developed shots. When Garet got to the photo of Isaac and Mia on the Lemurian boat, Isaac coughed pointedly.
"Something wrong?" Garet asked, then grinned when he looked down at the photo he was holding. "Y'know, you and Mia's faces look exactly like tomatoes in this photo."
"So," Isaac said, wringing his hands, "I'm guessing you wouldn't want to keep it?"
"Well..." Garet pondered this for a while. "Blackmail is becoming increasingly popular these days, y'know."
"Yes, I do," Isaac said, taking out a photo from his pocket and showing it to Garet. Garet's eyes widened when he saw it.
"You wouldn't -"
"Give me photo and no one gets hurt... and believe me, someone will."
Grumbling, Garet surrendered the photo of Isaac and Mia, and Isaac gave him his photo. Garet stuffed it into his pocket, bid Isaac good day and departed to his house. Isaac watched him leave, then looked at his newly obtained photo, thinking mainly one thing: "She looks really cute in this."


Isaac didn't doubt for a second that the moment Garet got his photo he burned it to a crisp at the first chance he got. Isaac however kept his photo and it now sat proudly on his bedside table. However, since waking up from his nightmare something troubled Isaac greatly. Glancing again at the photo of him and Mia, his heart painfully leapt a bound.
Mia didn't know it, but Isaac was in love with her. She made him feel like nothing he'd ever felt before {"Hurt me if that doesn't make sense"}, and whenever she was around he couldn't think straight. When she smiled at him he felt weak at the knees, and when trying to talk to her he became tongue-tied. He longed to tell her how he felt, but he couldn't build up the courage to tell her he loved her.
With a heavy sigh, Isaac climbed out of bed and strolled to the window. He looked into the sky and millions of stars shone brightly at him, much like Mia's calm, blue eyes. Quietly, he began to sing a song as the stars continued to shine.

Alone I stand in the evening night,

Waiting for someone like you to hold tight.

As a shooting star passes through the dark sky,

I wish for the ability to fly high,

To guide you to Heaven where you belong.

Your loving smile, your crystal clear eyes,

Make me crumble, even when I try,

To speak my soul to you.

But I know what I must do,

To earn your heart like you've earned mine all along.

Star light, star bright,

On this cold and lonesome night,

Grant me naught but just one wish:

To be joined by my soulmate's tender kiss.

Write a poem, sing a tune,

Or fly you directly to the moon.

But a fancy and flashy car,

Just to find out where you are.

To grasp your hand in mine is all I need.

Star light, star bright,

On this cold and lonesome night,

Grant me naught but just one wish:

To be joined by my soulmate's tender kiss.

On this cold and lonesome night,

I stand alone in the fading moonlight.

But when I think my efforts are for naught,

You find me and I am caught,

And our crimson lips forever meet.

Star light, star bright,

On this cold and lonesome night,

Grant me naught but just one wish:

To be joined by my soulmate's tender kiss.

Star light, star bright,

On this cold and lonesome night,

Grant me naught but just one wish:

To be joined by my soulmate's tender kiss.

Star light, star bright,

On this cold and lonesome night,

Grant me naught but just one wish:

To be joined by my soulmate's tender kiss.

Oh starlight, grant this one wish for me...


When Isaac finished his song, he stared at the brightest star in the sky. Closing his eyes, he made one solitary wish:

"Starlight, please grant me one wish tonight: Let Mia know how much she means to me, that I love her with all my heart."
Upon finishing his wish, Isaac quietly crept out of bed and walked out onto the garden. For the next hour he stayed out in the moonlight, not knowing that back inside the house a certain Mercury Adept was tossing and turning in her sleep.


Lord Cynic: "All right, first chapter finally done! Sorry again for not updating Mercury Matchmaker, but this suddenly came to me. I have a bad memory, so I decided to get this down as soon as possible, and here it is. My next chapter will be on Mia's perspective, but don't kill me! Oh yeah, one more thing: "Lonesome Night" (the song) was written by me, my first crack at poetry that turned into a song. Don't hate it if it's bad, just beat me up, okie dokie?"


Chapter 2: "My light through the darkness"