I had gotten to the Moscovitz's apartment right after Michael's band basically declared his love for me. He'd even worn the t-shirt I bought him for Christmas. He had to still love me. He used phrases we used to say when we were friends. He wouldn't sing that if he didn't, right? I almost laughed when he talked about the Temptations and the Jackson Five.
I couldn't stay to listen to the rest of the set though. I had to run to the apartment to set everything up for him. To let him know I felt the same about him. To make him remember everything we had before.
Lars helped me set everything up. There was a small table and two chairs set up in the living room. I lit two candles. Lars left to get the food. I started breathing heavily. I just needed to sit and relax. Breathe in, breathe out. The technique Michael taught me to do right before my math tests. My calming center? Michael of course. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MICHAEL:
Lilly unlocked the door to our apartment, but let me in first. All the lights were off. She shut the door behind me. I opened it again. "Where you going Lil?"
"I forgot that I told Denis I would talk to him about maybe making a video for you guys. I'll be back later on tonight!" she lied. I knew she was lying when she was saying something about doing nice stuff for me or my friends.
I shrugged and walked into the apartment. I didn't turn on any lights. Waste of energy. I walked into my bedroom only to hear music playing from the living room. I know it wasn't playing before and the type of music was definitely not Lilly (it was old school Jackson Five my friends). I grabbed my never used baseball bat and hoped that I wouldn't look like a sissy. Then I started listening to the song that was playing. It was "Maybe Tomorrow".
I walked into the living room, leaving my bat in the hall, to find a table set for two with two candles set up. Judith had gone too far this time... and then I saw it. A pizza with yellow M&M's spelling out the words, "I LOVE YOU". Only one person knew about that...
Then I saw her. She looked amazing. She had changed into a black thin strapped dress. Her hair hung down her back beautifully. Her gray eyes sparkled like diamonds. She confidently strode over to me and said those three words I always wanted to hear, "I love you."
As corny as it sounds, I almost cried. I took her in my arms and kissed her. I had never kissed a girl with my tongue before, but I did with her and it felt totally natural.
"Wait for a second," I whispered as we parted lips. I ran to my room and grabbed my guitar. I was going to play the song for her that she missed. When I returned to the living room she was sitting nervously at the table. I played the song for her. I just stared at her. She started crying.

"Michael, I'm so sorry, for everything. I was being so immature."
"No, I was. I should not have been on you like I was. I should have given you a chance to figure it all out..." We spent the rest of the night catching up and then I looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight. My ever absent parents would be coming home soon. "No they won't," Mia said, interrupting my thoughts. She pushed my hair out of my face.
"They are staying in Albany again. Lilly told me earlier when she helped me plan tonight."
"Lilly helped?" I said with a slight laugh.
"Well, a little. She convinced me to do it. Well, I wasn't sure if I was going to, but after those songs I had to. I did the pizza...Michael," she started, sitting on my lap.

"Those songs....those songs were for me, weren't they?"
I smiled and leaned in for another kiss.
"Yes?" I asked, kissing her neck.
She stood up and took my hand. She guided me to my bedroom. "I want to share a bed with you tonight...if that's okay with you?"
"Beg pardon?" I said. Okay, my overly hormonal teenage boy mind was going into the gutter.
"Remember that night we fell asleep and you didn't have your shirt on? I fell asleep on your chest..."
Only every moment....then again there were so many times we had done that.
"Well, I want that back."
"Mild making out?" I asking teasingly.
She gave me a mischievous smile, "More like extreme making out...."

Author's note:, I cannot believe it's over. I want to thank everyone who read this and to those who responded to it.
I'm currently working on a sequel. You have seen the friendship, but how will the relationship work out? You shall soon see! It'll be titled something along the lines of "....and then the Relationship" something like that. I'll be out of school in about....two week or so and then I have finals (only two!), so that'll be put up shortly, in about two to three weeks. Thanks again everyone!