Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Ranma 1/2.  They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.  The song used in these chapters is Sophie B. Hawkins' As I lay me down.

Chapter One: Soun
It felt like spring time on this February morning
In the courtyard birds were singing your praise
I'm still recalling things you said to make me feel alright
I carried them with me today


Soun Tendo and his wife, Kimiko sat on the engawa just outside the living room watching their daughters chase each other around the koi pond.  "We've done so well with them, Kimiko.  How will they turn out with only me to guide them?"

Kimiko gave her husband a weak squeeze.  "They will turn out beautifully.  You will raise them the best you can.  When you do your best, Soun dear, you always receive the most overwhelming of results."

"I will do my best," Soun said with determination as strong as steel.  "But I'm afraid.  Afraid that, this time, my best won't be nearly good enough.  Afraid that I'll fail them, fail you."

"I'm not afraid," Kimiko whispered.  "You'll still be here.  You'll be able to watch them grow, you'll be there to guide them, to answer their questions.  You'll be there to hold them when they're scared, to cheer them when you're proud, to smooth away their worries, and chase away their fears.  But I'm sad," her words were choked with unshed tears, "so sad.  What can I contribute?  Will they remember me, after I'm gone?  Will they remember what little I've taught them?  Will they remember how much I love them?"

Soun sat in silence.  It was time, he knew, for him to put his own fears aside to soothe his wife's.  The trading of comfort was a game they had begun to play these last painful months.  For the barest of heartbeats he pitied himself, wondered what he would do when his only partner in this unhappy game had to sit out forever.  He steadied his voice, trying to provide comfort and not sound overly consoling.  He gestured toward the three girls playing before them.  "Look at them, Kimiko.  What do you see?"

Kimiko's smile was proud; her sadness quickly shoved the aside at the thought of her daughters.  "Three little miracles."

"If any of those little miracles asked you for the moon, what would you do?"

"Climb to the tip of heaven to get it for them."

Soun squeezed her hand, touched his lips to her fingertips.  "That's how I know they won't forget you.  You would give anything for them, and they know that.  Those three girls out there, if you told them you'd go to the tip of heaven to get the moon for them, they'd believe you.  Actually," he added with a smile, "they'd never let you go alone." 

Kimiko chuckled.  "Kasumi would pack a delicious meal and make sure everyone had clean underwear.  Nabiki would find someone to take us there cheap; and Akane would go charging on ahead, determined to be the first to hold the moon in her hands."

Soun laughed quietly.  His wife had described his daughters perfectly.  The fact that the three girls had such distinct personalities never ceased to amaze him.  But the thought of what was to come resurfaced all too quickly.  The strength he found to soothe the woman beside him began to weaken, his limbs grew heavy with despair.

"That's all well and good, but Kimiko…how am I supposed to go on without you?  How can I get up in the morning when your face won't be the first thing I see?  How can I walk down the street when you won't be there to hold my hand?  How do I forget that you are everything to me?"  He turned to her, his eyes almost complete saturated with tears.

Kimiko, forever astute, knew when it was her turn to console.  Gently, she placed her hand on Soun's face, turned him so that he was looking out into the yard.  Her hand warm with life on her husband's cheek, Kimiko looked lovingly at her daughters.  "There's a piece of you in them, just as there is a piece of me.  All you have to do is look at them, and you'll remember.  I promise."