Chapter 9


Upon arriving at her apartment, Sarah took off her flak jacket and gun belt and dropped them on the floor next to her couch. She then lay down on the couch, took her boots off, and turned on the TV to watch the news.

"Our top story tonight: Star Wolf made another attempt to attack the planet, and were once again foiled by Star Fox. Leon Powalski, thought to be killed by Wolf O'Donnell, had survived and built a new Star Wolf team lead by a Venomian Captain. That Captain was taken into custody shortly after his Wolfen was shot down. Leon Powalski's body was discovered later on and he was soon pronounced dead. According to General Pepper of the Cornerian military, Wolf O'Donnell was not with this Star Wolf team and instead was helping to stop them. Hopefully, this will be the last time we ever have to worry about attacks from Venom."

Sarah laughed. A few seconds later, her phone rang.

'I wonder what the General wants now?' she thought, as she got up and walked over to the phone.


"Hello, Sarah." Wolf said on the other line.

"Hi, Wolf." Sarah said, "I see you found my card. I'm glad you're alright."

"Never felt better. So are you busy next Wednesday? I was wondering if you'd like to go out."

"I'd love to. Why don't you meet me at my apartment at 7:30?"

"Okay. It's a date then."


Fox sat on his bed, waiting for Krystal to come out of the bathroom. A week had passed since Star Wolf had been defeated for the last time and their leader had been arrested. Now, Fox and Krystal were getting ready for their date.

"Today's the day." Fox said softly to himself.

Years ago, Peppy had shown Fox a videotape of how James proposed to Fox's mother. It was on the beach at sunset and Peppy had been there shooting the video. It was several years ago on that same day, so Fox decided that at the end of the date, he would propose the same way his father did. A few minutes later, Krystal came out, wearing a black dress with high heel shoes and most of her jewelry.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Fox looked her over and grinned.

"I'd better call heaven," he said, "because I think they're missing an angel."


As Wolf stood outside Sarah's apartment he pulled out a ring box, opened it, and looked at the ring.

"Today's the day." he said softly to himself.

He too was going to propose to his girlfriend. Sarah was one of the only friends that he had on Venom and the first person who loved him for who he was. Wolf was not going to lose her again. He was also wearing his eye patch, hoping to surprise her by revealing his new eye. Taking a deep breath, he put the ring box away and knocked on the door. Shortly afterwards, the door opened and Sarah came out. She was wearing a red dress and a pair of red open-toed slingback shoes.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Wolf looked her over and grinned.

"I can't remember the last time you looked so beautiful." he said. "Which reminds me, do you remember how I used to wish I could see you with both eyes?"

Sarah nodded.

"Well, thanks to our medic, I've got my wish."

Wolf slowly removed his eye patch and opened his eye. Sarah was amazed.

"He fixed your eye?"

"It didn't even take surgery." Wolf said, "He developed a formula which repaired the damage. So what do you think?"

"I like it." said Sarah, "You know, I never realized you had such beautiful eyes."


After going to see a movie, Wolf and Sarah stopped at a restaurant to have dinner.

"That was a great movie." said Sarah. "Too bad the hero had to die though."

"Yes," Wolf said, "but at least he got the villain."

Pretty soon, a greyhound waiter arrived at their table.

"Are you ready to order?" he asked.

"Yes, I'll have the prime rib." said Sarah.

"And I'll have the steak." said Wolf, "Medium-well."

As the waiter wrote down the orders, Wolf could see him nervously glancing in his direction.

"Look, I know you people still aren't used to me but I assure you, Star Wolf is dead." he said, "I'm part of Star Fox now."

Fox and Krystal, who happened to be eating at another table, grinned and nodded as they overheard him.

"Right. I'm sorry." said the waiter, "Your orders will be ready soon."

As the waiter took the menus and left, Wolf and Sarah resumed their conversation.

"So, how's it feel to have two eyes again?" Sarah asked.

"You can't imagine how good it feels. After I was separated from Kyle, I started losing everything: my friend, my eye, I even thought I'd lost you after I'd been shot down by Fox on Venom. It was only then that I realized that I'd been living the wrong kind of life and had to change. Now I've been reunited with Kyle, I've got my eye back, I'm back with you, and I couldn't be happier."

Sarah smiled.


Wolf and Sarah walked back to Sarah's apartment, holding hands. As they reached the door to her apartment, they stopped.

"This was the best date you've ever taken me on." Sarah told Wolf.

"It's not quite over yet." said Wolf, "There's just one more thing to do."

Wolf knelt in front of Sarah, holding her hand.

"Sarah," he said, "I've loved you as long as I can remember. Ever since Andross was defeated at Venom, I wanted to see you again. Now that I have, I want to make sure that we'll never be separated again. I want us to spend our lives together."

Wolf pulled out the ring box and opened it. Sarah gasped with excitement. Inside the box was the most beautiful engagement ring she'd ever seen.

"Sarah, will you marry me?" Wolf asked.

"Oh, Wolf!"

Wolf placed the ring on Sarah's finger. Sarah looked at it for a few seconds and then said, "Yes!"

Wolf and Sarah threw their arms around each other and kissed their longest kiss ever.


"So, what does 'No'ho weddu bacc 0ei!' mean?" asked Fox.

"I believe it's… 'We're gonna kill you!'" said Krystal.

"Oh, so that's what those sharpclaws said. Too bad for them, I proved them wrong."

Fox and Krystal laughed. They were sitting on a blanket on the beach, watching the solar sun go down as they felt the sand beneath their paws.

"The sky looks so beautiful during sunset." Krystal said, digging her toes into the sand.

Fox was starting to get nervous, but then he heard his father's voice whisper in his ear: "Go ahead, Son. You can do it."

Fox was startled to hear James again, but he nodded in response.

"Krys," he said, "I have something to confess."

Fox took Krystal's hand, knelt in front of her, and looked her in the eye.

"I've been in love with you ever since I first met you on Dinosaur Planet. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met and I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. Krystal, will you marry me?"

Krystal was so shocked that she almost fell backwards. She suddenly felt so happy that all she could think of was…


Fox and Krystal kissed their longest kiss ever. Out of the corner of his eye, Fox noticed James' spirit standing a few feet away.

"I knew you could do it." he said softly, James said, giving him a thumbs up sign.

Fox grinned and returned it.


(Well, I hope you all enjoyed this story. I am working on one more sequel for this series, so keep an eye out for it.)