And All That Poker


A/N: This is an extremely random and very spontaneous fanfic, but this is mainly because we wrote this story as messages to each other on msn one evening. It's nothing serious and doesn't really have very much to do with the characters we all know from the film to begin with – but we promise we will include them later. Its just a bit of a laugh if you get the funny side of it – so just enjoy it for the fact that is really silly...


Chapter 1 – Hail to rum

Rachael Gibbs, melee-fighting lass of the newly founded Black Pearl swayed her head in a nonchalant manor as she downed the last of her mug of cool, and very much richly produced rum. By her side was her Captain, and companion: Daisy Sparrow. Daisy was slouched by her own mug of rum, gazing into it with the eager anticipation of its taste. The rest of the crew...Becky Turner, Tiffany Cooper, Matt Cotton and Nikki Swann were at the bar and sitting at various tables mixing with the common folk of the English port of Oxbay, on the Island of Redmond.

Daisy Sparrow turned her head up from her rum to gaze at her crew. The finest crew you could find in all of Tortuga and they were hers. She grinned to herself superiorly as she ducked her head back into her mug. The low murmur of the tavern around the two companions was usual for this time of night as the main bulk of pirates would gather in the next few hours as the ports began to fill up with various sizes and colours of all ships. None of these, however, was large enough, or dark enough to match that of the Black Pearl and it was this ship, which belonged to the crew in the tavern.

Rachael groaned. It seemed no matter how much she sat gazing at her mug, it just would not refill itself with rum. With another husky sigh she managed to build up the energy to swagger over to the barman, and just about slur the words: "Couldn't get us another one o' them would yeh?" With that the barman disappeared to grab another rum...that was how many now?! Well Rachael didn't really fact the post important thing going on was the game of poker which was taking place on a nearby table between Becky Turner and Matt Cotton. Those two were hilarious whenever they competed against each other - it would be funny to see how this game would end...

Daisy, meanwhile, had gone and taken over the game and turned it into strip poker, one of her favourite games. She would play it on the ship with Jack sometimes when he was in port but unfortunately he was not very good at it and always lost. Daisy was cheering them on as both were as bad as each other and both now had no shoes, tops or bandanas around their heads. The sight of the messy hair was almost unbearable as none of them had been swimming for months. Daisy was getting bored as the game reminded her of Jack and the rumbling in her belly told her that it was time for more rum. Instead she staggered across the room, leaving the two half-nude pirates to their playing, and slumped beside Rachael with a fresh pint of rum.

Rachael raised an eyebrow at the two semi dressed pirates and took a swig from her mug, then turned to her Captain. "So..." She began trying to focus on Daisy, " Are we to set sail in the early mornin' ma'am?" Rachael giggled, she always did at using the term "ma'am" it seemed so posh, but she supposed it was respectful. She blinked several times and Becky jumped up and shouted with delight as she had won the game. The whole tavern jumped too apparently as her voice echoed around, it had been rather quiet previously. Rachael turned back to Becky quickly and awaited a reply.

Daisy ignored Rachael...she hated being called 'ma'am'. She waited for a while and turned back to Rach. "Its Cap'n if anythin savvy?" She took the last mouthful of rum and stamped the mug onto the bar so the barman would get the idea to refill it. "Nah, look I've heard from-she leaned into her companion-certain people that the 'commodore' is searching these here waters for the Pearl. We are to keep a low profile for now savvy?" Suddenly a large cracking noise erupted from the table that Becky was standing on dancing around because she had won. The whole table was split in two. "We had better leave" Daisy continued as the barman burst from his back room in a fume of rage. Tiffany Cooper, Niki Swann and Matt Cotton ran from the tavern escaping the fee of the table but Becky, who had fallen when the table had broken, was lying on the floor. "Give us a hand will ya?" finished Daisy

Rachael made for the door with the rest of the crew, then turned round quickly as Daisy spoke, "Yeh what?" She saw Daisy and Becky finally making their way to the tavern exit and she shrugged and stepped out into the cool air of the night. The noise from the tavern was rather load actually, and she noticed that ahead two town guards with muskets were started to make their way over to them so she quickly shut the door as Nikki said in a panic: "Quick, shut that bloody door!"

Daisy only noticed that the door was not that to the tavern after they had all crammed in. The 'cupboard' as it can only be described was far to small for the whole crew and being trapped in a small and confined space was not quite the respect that Daisy expected. Her three-spoked hat, which she had stolen from Jack, was getting all squashed and her cutlass was digging into her side. It was no good, her crew was not meant for small spaces and Tiffany was beginning to shake with fear, as she was claustrophobic. She gave the nod to Rach and both flung threw the door and bared their cutlasses down on the two muskets ready for a battle.

Rachael darted her eyes across the tavern scene – Town Guards, ready and armed were standing proudly before Daisy Sparrow, apparently ready to question her. Further round the rest of the crew were poising themselves for battle.... and, to the dislike of the guards, Matt Cotton had still not placed his clothes back on after that game of poker. With a face of shear embarrassment, Matt ran back into the cupboard again, Becky laughing to herself. Meanwhile, the Captain tried some subtle negotiations with the Guards...

Daisy tried hard to keep the guards talking. Although she was a good fighter there was no way she could manage to kill all twelve of the guards in the condition she was in. She was laughing so hard at the fact that Mat Cotton was hiding in the nude behind the cupboard door that her eyes were full of tears and her chest was shaking violently. Poor Mat Cotton he, once again, had managed to disgrace himself. The guards began to move closer apparently unaware what peril awaited them. Daisy took a deep breath, wiped the tears away, and tried to forget the whole Matt issue. Now in serious mode she struck the nearest guard in the shoulder as a warning. He fell to the ground crying in pain and agony...honestly the skin was barely cut! Daisy looked around to catch the eye of Rachael and shot her a quick grin.

Rachael bit her lip, and took a deep breath as Daisy grins quickly at her. Okay, so she had struck him, and shocked them.... but this really didn't go down to well. The Guards were now surrounding them; the whole crew glanced from side to side, swaggering on the rum, their cutlasses in hand. Rach glanced over to the far end of the tavern and noticed the barman nudge his head behind him. Rach gave him a confused look - very discreetly indeed! And then shouted to the crew and captain, "Oi! Follow me!!!"...Rach jumped onto the table and slashed one of the guards in gap for them to get out and run for the back door where the

Daisy had been ages since they had had a good battle and she loved the way the blood glimmered on the blade of her cutlass. It would have been good for the crew to finally get some hand-on experience with fighting. Becky and Tiffany had never been in a proper made the captain wonder why she ever took them on in the first place. She saw Mat, now fully clothed, run through the space that Rachael had sighed, she really did want to taste the feeling of a battle again, but maybe it wasn't right to start a battle in the middle of a fully armed town. She started to run out after her crew but paused momentarily to slice the nearest guard's thought. She shouldn't have done it...but it felt so good to finally kill again and the satisfying thump as the body hit the floor bought back memories...of Jack.

Rachael and the rest of the crew where now outside in the dead of night. "Cheers mate!" They all said in unison to the barman who looked pretty petrified at the site of Daisy slashing those last few guards nearly in half. Rach gave a few deep breathes then gave Daisy an eager look, "We had better get out of here cap' in, they out number us already...and now they'll all be out looking for us." Rach clasped her cutlass in hand and blinked awaiting orders from their Captain as to where they were going to go now.

Daisy took a deep breath and looked at the eager faces on her crew. "Right, back to the Pearl" she said to a triumphant cheer from her crewmembers. "We'll split up. Tiffany and Niki you go that way - she pointed down to the nearest alley - Matt and Becky you two go down that road - she pointed down the nearest road - and Rachael you come with me" All members of the crew split up pulling out cutlasses and daggers and travelling their own ways. They were so obedient and Daisy smiled to the thought that if there was never a better crew...even if they didn't know how to fight. She turned to Rachael "cutlasses away mate, we're travelling down the main road...keep a low profile" and with that they were off

Rachael nodded and with a flash her cutlass was carefully hidden beneath her moth eaten coat. She sniffed in the night air and made her way down the main road along with Daisy. She could hear some sight commotion from up the hill were the tavern was, and so they both quickened the pace as they passed the houses in shadows.