Author's Note: As always; my apologies for taking so long… there's no excuse really. I've been uninspired and I've been suffering from Fan Fiction Dedication Decrease Disorder, FFDDD. But now I'm back. I shall never give up on this story… not now that I've come such a long way. And I haven't been all lazy, no, I've planned future chapters and made sort of a timeline for Tamara's sixth year. Well… enjoy.

Radical Princess – Wow. That's what I call a review. Well… I guess Harry and Tamara are quite close. I just thought that Tamara would think that Draco'd like to hear it from her, 'cause I mean, they are sort of official. And about the whole Sirius-thing… yes, farfetched, I know, but basically, I just wanted to bring him back 'cause he's like, my favourite character ever and I couldn't think of any better way to do it. I also know I tend to write a little too much dialogue, but… I'm very impatient, and dialogue brings the story forwards… I'll try to be better though.

Thanks a lot also to Iviest, Taeniaea, Shading in Grey, Pussin Boots, TomF'sAngelgrl, kittycatdudet. Sorry if I missed someone.

Chapter 38: Let's Get it Started Again

"Hey Gin?" I asked. "Ginny! Hey, wake up!" As I was way too lazy to get out of my comfy bed, walk over the cold stone floor (though I did have a pair of fluffy red slippers), I threw my pillow at her instead.

"Now what!" she groaned.

"Classes start in an forty-five minutes", I said, "we'd better get up so that we'll have time for breakfast."

"I'm still full from yesterday's welcome supper", she said. "Besides, I'd really like to lose a couple of pounds-"

"You're skinny enough as you are", I said.

"You're skinnier."

"No I'm not."

"We'll measure it."

"Aw Gin, come on now… Don't tell me you're not up for a chocolate muffin at least?"

"I'm not up for a chocolate muffin."

"I'm hungry."

"I ate three chicken clubs yesterday and a whole pie. You just had one chicken club and half a pie. Of course you're hungry. You go and eat… I'll see you in class."

"Whatever", I muttered and rolled out of my bed. "Don't be late for class, everyone else has left already so there won't be anyone here to wake you up", I warned her."

I got washed quickly and put the usual school uniform on, then I headed off for breakfast. In the hallway just outside the Great Hall, I met Draco. I hadn't spoken to him since the encounter on the train yesterday, and I wasn't very sure in which phase our, eh, relation was.

"Hi", I said.

He didn't even bother answering me, just glared back. It felt like someone had punched me hard in my stomach. I didn't know what I had expected, really, and I couldn't say I wasn't surprised. Though… I guess I hoped for a slightly friendlier greeting. But as for now, Draco had disappeared into the Great Hall and there was nothing I could do to make up with him at the moment, so when I caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione and some other Gryffindors, I headed over to join them instead.

"Hey", I said as I seated myself on the empty seat next to Hermione.

"Good morning", she said brightly.

Harry looked up from the other side of the table. "Hi", he said and smiled.

Did I tell you how cute he was when he smiled? Specially as it was so rare nowadays. Although, I had gotten the feeling that he had been a little happier lately.

"We were just talking about the Quidditch Team", Harry said, "we'll need to have tryouts for the vacant chaser position. We were thinking, this weekend perhaps? We'll need to gt started as quickly as possible in order to be… better than ever."

"You see", Ron said, "we're planning to win again."

Hermione chuckled.

"What's so funny about that?" Ron said.

"Nothing", Hermione said, "just the way you said it."

"Sounds good to me", I said quickly to avoid a fight.

"I've got to go", Hermione said and rose. "I wouldn't want to be late for the first class of the year."

"It's twenty minutes left", Ron informed her.

"I know", she said.

"Wait for me", I said and rose, "I'd better go too, I've got some stuff to do and I really don't want to be late for Potions."

"Oh yeah, Tamara", Harry said, "I almost forgot; I spoke to Dumbledore and said that Snape agreed to… yeah."

"Oh. Thanks", I said, not really sure whether to be happy or sad about it.

"What did Snape agree to?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Give me Occlumency lessons", I muttered. "Harry seems to think it'd be a good idea seeing as… well, Father escaped from Azkaban and… you know."

"I think it's a great idea", she said.

"You do?"

"Oh yes. You'll be able to use Occlumency for your whole life."

"I guess you're right."

"Okay", she said and turned right, "see you around."

"Where are you- oh", I said, when I remembered that she was Head Girl now and no longer resident in the Gryffindor tower.

"I'm Head Girl now", she said and smiled when looking down on her badge.

"Yeah…", I said. "I just forgot for a second. I can't think of anyone better suited for Head Girl than you."

"Thanks", she said. "You know, actually… I was wondering… has anything happened to your brother?"

I frowned. "Not that I can think of", I said, "why?"

"It's just that… he's actually being nice. Or, not nice perhaps, but polite. Well, he's not been harassing me or picking on me. When I learned that we'd be sharing common room for the year, I thought it'd be horrible. But, he's actually left me alone."

I shrugged. "Perhaps he's matured."

"Yeah", she said. "Anyway, I'd better go. See you around!"

"Yeah", I said, waved and headed off to the Gryffindor tower.

When I arrived back to our dormitory, I wasn't too surprised to see Ginny asleep.

"Virginia Weasley!" I shrieked.

She sat up, abruptly awake. "Mum! What are you… oh", she said when she saw that it had been me, and lay back down.

I chuckled. "I thought that'd wake you up."

"You sounded exactly like mum", Ginny muttered.

"It's less than fifteen minutes left until classes starts", I said, "were you planning on getting up perhaps?"

She groaned and sat up again.

"I knew you'd sleep over", I said, "lucky for you I came back to get my books."

Ginny glared at me.

First class of the day was, as mentioned before, Potions. It was a common known fact that Snape did only let the best into his NEWT classes, and already this first lesson I was beginning to suspect that it might be some thought behind that. The tempo was awfully high, and when we got forty pages for homework in the end of the lesson I realized that this most likely would be a heck of a year.

"Class dismissed", he said, "Miss Malfoy, would you please stay for a minute."

"Yes?" I asked when the last student had left the room.

"Professor Dumbledore wishes for me to give you Occlumency lessons", Snape said, "and he also wishes for them to start as soon as possible. Shall we say, six o'clock next Monday?"

Right-o. In the middle of dinner. Perfect. Just what I wanted! Not. But I couldn't say that, could I. So instead I said, "Sure."

"Remember, this is for your own best. I won't tolerate any impertinence."

"Of course", I said.

"That's all. You're dismissed."

"Thank you", I said, grabbed my books and hurried out of the room.