RuRu: HOWDEE! ::falls over:: Argh, been a loooooong time on this story, aye? Yeah, I know, but I had to get my other stories up in chapters....Anyway, I no longer care if people like this story or not, because I'm not the person taking time out of my life to read something I otherwise despise. I'll keep writing this even if no one reads, because I will finish this story. Oh and thanks all for reading and thanks to LCDM as well for standing up for me. Anyways, I love you all for reviewing!

Chichiri: Where are you in the story anyway? No da?

RuRu: Okay what's happened is Muffy "ran away" and asked Nami to come with her. No they aren't lesbians. Celia decided to be the better person and search for them so she wouldn't have the guilt on her shoulders if anything were to happen to them. Jack is going of course, mostly because of Celia and to find Nami. Any other questions? And that should explain why Celia is finding them in the first place. Enough reviewing, on with chapter...something. AND FOR ALL WHO DON'T KNOW JACK IS THE DEFAULT NAME OF THE CHARACTER FOR HARVEST MOON.

Disclaimer: I don't own the happy go lucky game that is Harvest Moon a Wonderful Life, trust me, after getting so far in this game without one dang festival besides that summer thing, this game can grow boring.

Chapter 8?


Jack slowly opened his eyes; he was still tired from the night before. He did, however, keep his regular sleep schedule and woke up and 5:30 AM on the dot. He withdrew his arm from Celia's waist and sat up.

He grumbled and rubbed his eyes frantically trying to wake himself up. Celia mumbled something unidentifiable in her sleep and snuggled up to his side. He looked down and chuckled.

"Your so innocent...." He whispered, stroking her cheek gently.

Celia gave a small smile and sighed, but all signs showed she was still asleep. Jack got up and handed her his pillow to cuddle with as he got dressed. He changed into normal clothes instead of his usual farm clothes. He had regular blue jeans on with a black T-shirt; he brushed his hair and shook it out to create his normal messy hairstyle.

He sighed and walked over to Celia, "Celia, come on, you need to ready." He said, nudging her gently.

"Mmmm no....just a few more minutes...." She mumbled, rolling over with his pillow still in her grasp.

"Okay then." He said, picking her up like you would hold a baby and carrying her away from the bed.

She grumbled and opened her eyes, "It's so early...."

She knew that it had to be before 6 because that was the time she always woke up at. Jack smiled and set her down gently, and she began gathering her clothes up to change into. Jack turned away so she could change and after she was done Celia voluntarily began making breakfast.

"I'm gonna go take care of the animals and talk to Takakura okay?" Jack said, standing at the doorway.

Celia nodded and went back to her work. Jack headed towards Takakura's house, but he had already begun making his way towards town to sell what Jack had. Jack sighed and wrote a note telling him to please take care of the animals while they were gone, and that they had been taken care of that morning.

Jack made his way towards the field where his animals where and brushed and bathed every one of them. He made sure they were all fine and milked his two cows. He then went and made sure all his chickens where fine and fed, then took care of his crops before returning 30 minutes later to Celia.

He opened the door and noticed Celia was still cooking some of their breakfast. He got out the plates and other utensils and set them out on the table.

"Sorry if there isn't much, I usually don't cook." He said chuckling.

Celia smiled and finished up what she was doing. She set out the food and let Jack get what he wanted before she did. After eating and cleaning the dishes they went over the plans for that day.

"Okay there are only so many places that Muffy and Nami could have gone, we just need to narrow them all down." Jack said, taking out a small map.

"Right," Celia replied, looking at the map with him.

"Okay, so if Muffy dragged Nami to the city...what would they be doing there?" Celia asked.

"Drinking away their sorrows?" Jack kidded, smirking.

"Oh ha, ha Jack." Celia remarked sarcastically.

"Sorry, anyway, Muffy could've just been in the need to get away from everyone." Jack suggested, shrugging.

"Why would she bring Nami then?" Celia asked, placing her head in her hands.

"Maybe to cover the other story up, or make it look like her and Nami were leaving for good, after all, we all know Nami isn't staying here forever. She's not the kind to just settle down." Jack replied, kicking his feet up on the table and leaning back.

"I just this to hurry and be over with." Celia muttered standing up.

Jack nodded in agreement and stood up as well. He walked over to Celia and wrapped his arms around her tightly, laying his head on hers. She hugged him back and sighed, she was tired of the drama. Jack pulled away slightly and lifted her chin up revealing her tiny smile. He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, Celia was slightly shocked by this, but immediately kissed him back.

He was about to deepen their kiss when there was a knock at the door. Jack slowly broke away and sighed, Celia frowned.

"Who is it?!" Jack called.

Instead of answering the door opened to reveal a badly cut up Vesta. She limped into the room and slid down the doorframe, blood spewing out of her open wounds. Celia ran from Jack to aide her "mom".

"VESTA!" Jack cried, frozen.

Vesta sat there gasping for air and holding her left arm; that looked broken. She closed her eyes and coughed, then Celia took a piece of her clothing to put pressure on her worst wound that was up and down her left arm.

Jack snapped back to reality and grabbed his first aide kit from the cabinet; he rushed to Vesta and began cleaning her cuts and gashes.

"Who did this?" Celia asked sternly.

"Marlin..." Was all she could say.

That was enough for Jack; he finished with Vesta, helped Celia lay her on the bed, and flew out the door towards the other farm.

Jack had never been known for violence, nor had he been known for taking another humans life, but if Galen and Tim hadn't stopped him Marlin probably wouldn't be left in one piece. No mercy was shown when Jack "beat the shit outta him," as Galen put it.

Celia had joined Jack moments later in the attempt to calm him, but knew that she wasn't to regretful. She didn't want Jack to kill Marlin, but she didn't want him to get away with what he had done. She came from behind and wrapped her arms around him tightly, pressing her forehead into his back.

"That's enough Jack." She ordered, to a panting Jack.

Marlin turned on his side and coughed up blood, while Hardy checked his bag for a shot. Jack wiped the sweat and blood from his brow, and Celia's grip remained even tighter.

"You...had to touch...her." Marlin stammered, using his scarce energy.

"Shut the hell up, you know what you did..." Jack exclaimed, followed by many other curse words.

Amidst all the chaos and confusion Muffy's blonde head popped out from the hotel door; followed by Nami's exit from the building.

"What's going on?" Nami asked, rubbing her head.

"OH MY GOSH! Marlin!" Muffy cried, running over to him.

"Well looks like you have one fan," Jack began, "To bad she's a backstabbing whore!"

The village joined together in a group gasp; Celia buried her face deeper in his back out of embarrassment.

"That's enough!" Nami yelled.

Everyone's head turned to Nami's furious expression, which even for Nami was rare. Her fists were clenched; a vein was popping out of her head even.

"Look Jack the reason she "ran away" was because she had a HUGE crush on you, and you, the oblivious you; didn't even look her way! So she wanted to try and have a chance on getting you. It might seem low to you, but some girls want a shot...though why anyone would waste air on a guy like you I don't know." Nami growled, glaring at Jack fiercely.

Jack's eyes widened and there was a momentary pause before he retorted with, "So she tried to ruin Celia and mine's relationship? That's sick!"

Nami rolled her blue eyes and left the rest up to Muffy.

Muffy stood up from her position beside Marlin, "I'm sick? No...I just really liked would have done the same thing if Celia had gotten with another guy. I mean you just beat Marlin to near death." Muffy pointed out.

There was no answer from Jack, but there was from Celia.

"Jack wasn't the one at fault here! Marlin nearly killed Vesta and Jack too!" Celia yelled, now face to face with Muffy.

"Oh Celia, if anyone's a whore here it's you! You can't decide who you want to trust and marry! Jack or Marlin! Don't cast stones when you're just as much to blame!" Muffy cried back.

"Boy this village makes you lose your sanity..." A random villager mumbled.


RuRu: Wowo, that was short and action packed! Yay!

Chichiri: Yup! I think Jack should leave! No da!

RuRu: Wowo, Chichiri! Your smart! That's the chappie preview as well!

Cheers to the fans of Harvest Moon. PEACE!