~On the Dance Floor~

Well, this is it, Kagome thought. The beginning of the best night of her life. She hoped. Inuyasha had finally found enough courage to ask her out to the dance. She couldn't wait.


"You wanna dance?" Inuyasha asked nervously of her later. Even though he was practically yelling, Kagome still had trouble hearing him.

"Yes!" She grabbed his hand in reckless abandon and led him out onto the dance floor.

They stopped in the middle and stood looking at each other. Kagome realized that she was still holding Inuyasha's hand and dropped it like it was on fire, blushing furiously. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, someone bumped into Kagome from behind and sent her flying into Inuyasha. Inuyasha caught her and growled at the felon, but whoever it was was lost in the crowd.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, staring into Inuyasha's golden amber orbs.

"Hmm?" he asked, flicking his gaze down to her chocolate brown eyes.

"Thanks," she said breathlessly, all too aware of his body pressed against hers.

Slowly, the words of the song vibrating the floor and walls started to vibrate into her head. Unconsciously, she started to sway with the music. Inuyasha looked at her, then started to pick up the beat.


As they danced, they were oblivious to everyone else on or off the dance floor. All they knew was each other and the rhythm of the music.

"You smell good," Inuyasha muttered into her neck.

"What? I can't hear you," Kagome told the silver haired hanyou.

"I said you smell good," he blurted out. Slowly, he lowered his amber orbs to look into her chocolate ones. Kagome blushed and rested her head against his shoulder.

"Thanks," she whispered. The dog-ears on top of Inuyasha's head twitched.


Kagome tripped on one of Inuyasha's feet and started to fall towards the ground. Inuyasha grabbed her and expertly tipped her back up.

"You alright?" he asked, knowing that Kagome would know that that was as close to an apology as she was going to get.

Kagome laughed and told him, "That was fun! Do it again!"

Inuyasha complied, but it didn't go as well as planned. Having dipped Kagome too far, Inuyasha couldn't recover and she fell to the ground, Inuyasha on top of her.

"Kagome, I-"Inuyasha stopped whatever it was he was going to say when Kagome looked at him, laughter and something else evident in her eyes.

"Yes?" she asked breathlessly, and not just because of the fact that he was laying on her, though that had something to do with it. No, it was his gorgeous amber eyes. Inuyasha leaned forward and Kagome could feel his breath against her lips. She raised her head to meet his lips when a rather loud and raucous catcall caught her attention.

"Woo-hoo! Go Inu! Always knew you had it in you!" A slightly intoxicated violet-eyed man yelled. A few minutes later a furious girl with long dark brown hair hit him over the head.

"Baka! Ruin their moment! Don't mind us. I'll just be taking Houshi-sama home," Sango told the furiously blushing couple who where still on the floor and dragged the now-unconscious Miroku away.

~ ~

~Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co., though I wish dearly that I did. I don't even own a plushie!! Waaaa! *heart breaking sobs*

^_^ Ta da! Hope you like! Inspiration hit me when I was watching a tv show (which I can't remember the name of...) but I haven't gotten around to working with it until now. Please tell me what you think.

Ja ne!