A TwoPair Of Brown Eyes

Kawaii Chibi Kitty Angel

Chapter 14:

Oh My God! The Aliens Are Here!

blink and look around.

Oh crap.

What am I gonna do?

A brilliant notion catches in the diabolical recesses of my brain.

A brilliant, terrible idea.

Turning to Malik, I give him a sugar sweet smile. Too sweet. You're gonna pay, buddy. Oh yes.

"Mariiiik...." I sing out sweetly, still smiling wickedly at the now pale Malik. "Truth ot Dare?"

He's a yami. He CANNOT resist this. You will not escape the wrath of the PMSing hikari, Malik, my dear.

He snorts. "Dare."

Who did not see that coming? Oh, you will all see..... I will prevail!

"I dare YOU to..." I grin wildly and hugely, my eyes fixed on Malik. "Eat Malik's dare, and use it straight back on him." I smirk. Not terribly original... but my mind is clouded with rage.

Malik turns the colour of an old lady's hair. A VERY old lady.

From the corner of my eyes, I see the corner of Marik's lips turn up in a slightly scary smile. He creeps over to Malik, who's sitting cross-legged, on his hands and knees.

I see Malik blush an incredibly feminine pink.

It clicks in my brain.

Oh my God....

That's why he wasn't at all attracted to me- that's why he protested that he wasn't gay- that's why he wears those girlish clothes- that's why he still had the guts to make me make out with Bakura!

Marik growls possessively, and grabs him- scratch that, HER- around the waist, grinning like the madman he is. His lips crush against Malik's heatedly, and he tilts her head back forcibly so that he can slip his tongue between those pale pink lips.

I shake my head.

Malik, I'm sorry for you.

But you deserved it.

I lounge across the couch, ignoring the strange sounds coming from the guestroom. Bakura rolls his eyes at me from where he's sitting on the floor.

"You think they could have gone home first?" He asks cheekily.

I sigh, blushing like an overripe tomato. "For once, Bakura, I agree with you."

Maybe world must be coming to an end?

That would be nice.

He reaches up from the floor and strokes his hand across my cheek with a mischevious look on his face. "Ryou?"

I look at him suspiciously. "Hmmm?"

"Wanna go out?"

I blink with surprise.

Oh my God... either the apocalypse has arrived, or the aliens are coming, my friend. Oh my fucking God...

Bakura doesn't go 'out'. Bakura BREAKS 'out' with a mallet and then comes 'in'. Bakura does not 'go out'.

There is something very, VERY wrong here...

I stare at him with huge eyes.

"Whaaat?" he says in annoyance.

"You means... go 'out'? Like, just, GO?" I ask in amazement.

He raises an eyebrow. "Yes, Ryou, OUT. You know, that place, that place outside the door? 'Out'. Ring a bell?"

I don't get it. What're you up to?

"Are you inviting me on a date, almighty couch warmer?"

He snorts. "NOW you're catching on, clean freak...."

My eyes widen.

The aliens are HERE. They're fucking HERE.

And they're named...


I can't believe...

...that I'm on a date with a freakishly sexy, yet psychopathic, tombrobber.

Ah, well.

Bakura's walking with me, hair blowing a little in the light summer breeze.

Wow. Poetic, Ryou, very poetic. I snort at myself. I must be turning into Yugi.

Small, soft, and stupid.

I slap Bakura's hand for the millionth time as it sneaks down from it's insisted pace around my hips to... lower regions.




You know you love it.

I slap his hand for the million and ONEth time.


...I think as I stare discreetly at his very, very nice ass.

"We're here, hikari." I look up at him in a moment of surprise. He takes my chin and points it forward.

I look at him curiously.

He took me to the park? But it's so quiet... not like Bakura's taste at all... It's empty, only the branches of the Sakura trees swaying a little, and the park bench, with it's peeling green paint, sitting comfortably in front of a perfectly still pond.

I giggle.

I feel like a teen on her first date.

Oh- wait.

I am a teen on her first date.


Bakura takes my hand and tugs me towards it. What's he up to?

Pulling me relentlessly, he pushes me onto the bench, and flops down beside me. I give him a confused look, raising a fine eyebrow.

He smiles at me.

In a very un-Bakura-ish way. His lips are pulled back in an almost gentle smile, which looks kinda scary with his wild, untamed hair and sharp, crimson eyes.

"Bakura?" I question concernedly, placing the back of my hand on his forehead. "Are you alright? you're act.. well, er, sort of out of character."

Still smiling, he pulls me by the back of my neck and encompasses my bottom lip with his.

...Cinnamon... always cinnamon...

For once, I curl my arm around his neck, and kiss him back. But only for a moment.

I push him away lightly.

"Hey, Bakura?" I ask, smiling a little. Time to tell him.

He looks at me curiously. "What?"

I laugh, and place a finger to my temple. "You know Seto Kaiba?"

He tilts his head cutely.


"She's like me."

He stares at me. I don't think he gets it.

Understanding dawns in his eyes.

"Holy shit..."