Chapter 12: How it Was

The next afternoon, Gordo visited Lizzie like he promised, but he declined his invitation to stay for dinner and said something about meeting someone somewhere and said he would be back.

A couple hours later, at about 7:30, the doorbell rang.

"I got it," Lizzie yelled bounding out of her bedroom, expecting it to be Gordo. She opened the door. "Miranda!" she screamed and embraced her friend in a bear hug. After a few seconds she let go. "I thought you weren't coming back until Christmas break."

"Well, I changed my mind. Hey, you mind if we come in?"


"Yeah, me and Gordo."

Lizzie looked behind Miranda to see Gordo standing there with the same smirk that he had the day that he and Lizzie had the pillow fight. "You knew about this all along you sly dog."

"Hey, what can I say? I thought you might enjoy a surprise."

"Well, come in. We have a ton of things to catch up on. I haven't really talked to you guys since the end of eighth grade." Lizzie led her friends into the living room. "So, why are you here?"

"Well, boarding school was a lot of fun, but I realized that I can do the same things that I did there thousands of miles closer to home."

"Wait, so you're not here to visit?"

"Nope, I'm here to stay."

"Really? No joke?"

"Nope. I missed you. When I got that letter in the mail from you, I realized that where I belong is right here at home."

"So, will you forgive me for becoming a Kate clone?"

"Of course. You guys are my best friends. There is no way I'm gonna let a manipulative girl like Kate come in the way of our friendship."

"My mom sure wasn't kidding when she told me that you guys are the kinda friends that everybody dreams of having."

"Speaking of your parents, you told me that they grounded you for the rest of your life."

"Oh, it's a long story."

"Well, you've got at least three more years to talk, so you had better start now."

"Well, it all started at this day camp that my mom sent me off to for the summer." Lizzie went on to explain all of the crazy and stupid things she had done including Josh, the beer, and the parties, and how Gordo was there for her the whole time. "So then Gordo professed his undying love for me, and I'm now not only happier, but I've got a boyfriend that actually cares about me." Lizzie looked over at Gordo and gave him a smile that made his heart melt.

"Wow. I can't believe it. You totally go off on a deep end and then in the end you still get the guy. I can't believe that my two best friends are dating. This is gonna be weird."

"Don't worry. Lizzie and I are still friends, but we're just now unavailable and we get lots of perks." Lizzie blushed.

"Okay. We'll see how this works out. I could never lose my two favorite amigos."

Gordo and Miranda left at ten o'clock when Lizzie's mom finally pushed them out the door.

"So, Miranda's here to stay?" Lizzie's mom asked her after Lizzie's friends were gone.

"Yeah. I feel like my life is finally back to normal again, except that I'm happier now."

"Well, you certainly are right about everything feeling like what is used to, which is why your father and I have decided to lift your punishment."

"Cool, thanks."

"That's it? No screaming and jumping around?"

"Well, at first I thought I would never make it. I mean I felt like I had lost everything, but in the end, what I lost actually made me gain a lot more, so as crazy as this may seem, thanks for taking everything away."

"Um, your welcome."

Lizzie hugged her mom, and then they went into the basement to get all of Lizzie's things back into her room.

The End

Well, what did you think? That was my first fan fic ever. I'm now debating between writing a story about Kate getting pregnant and turning to Lizzie for help or Lizzie going to England as an exchange student for a semester and returning to find that Gordo and Miranda have changed a lot. Let me know which one seems cooler.