A/N: Alright, after about what? 10 months or so, I've updated. To be honest if it wasn't for your continuing reviews I probably would've let this one die. I just figured people wouldn't be too interested in a Fanfic that centered around the second generation rather than our beloved trio. Anyways let me know if you think I should continue with this, depending on how this is received I'll decide weather to spend anymore time on it.

Hailey walked up the street with a knowing grin spread across her childlike face. Every step only emphasized the young woman's confidence as she slowly made her way to the de Chagny manor. Today she was visiting her favorite client, the wealthy and handsom Nicolas de Chagny, and though she did see him often, this was the first time she had ever been requested to meet him at his home. The late Vicomtes death, no doubt, was the reason for this sudden change in etiquette, yet she was still surprised he would so openly flaunt their relationship.

Stopping out side the estates impressive entrance,the girltookher time to primp quickly in the windows reflection. Her thick, spiraling auburn hair was done up flawlessly, her emerald eyes expertly painted, and her full lips stained just the right shade of rouge contrasting perfectly with her porcelain skin. Her dress, like the rest of her, was exquisite. Her patrons expected no less than the appearance of the perfect woman of fashion; that's why she was here, at the height of her profession, while those others still struggled on the streets. She knew what they wanted.

It was the maid that opened the door after she gave it a light rap. "May I help you?" the small woman asked, eyeing her intently.

"Yes, I am here to see Monsieur de Chagny. He is expecting me." Hailey replied, barely containing her pleased expression.

"And who should I say is calling?"

"Mademoiselle Hailey Lynn." The maid gave her a reproving look but said nothing more before allowing the young girl to step inside and left to fetch her master.

Fully enjoying herself,Hailey took her time in examining the expensive artwork and furnishings of the entrance. What it must be like to live like this! Hermind whirled at the thought, it was such a tantalizing dream for someone such as herself, born into nothing, but she didn't like to dwell on such things.She was not standing in silence long before she was greeted not by Nicolas, but instead by Etienne, who made sure to announce his presence with the full extent of his views towards the girl made plain.

"You! What are you doing here?" came his voice furiously fromabove her. He was standing at the top of a grand staircase, which took up a large portion of the entranceway,obviously unimpressed. "How dare you show your face in this house?"

Hailey smiled mischievously as she glanced up at the boy, who looked absolutely livid. "A pleasure to see you again too, monsieur," she said while making a mock bow, clearly finding amusement in his discomfort.

Enraged, he came down the steps two at a time, his face fully flushed in anger; there was no mistaking the contempt that glinted in his eyes. "Get out of this house; you disgrace it by your very presence."

"I'm here at Nicolas's request. If you have a problem with that, then I suggest you take it up with him," she answered sharply while walking farther into the room, giving it an appraising look to further anger the boy.

"Hailey, so good of you to come," Nicolas's voice finally carried over to them. Both turned in the direction of the stairs, which he now stood atop with the smallest smirk on his fully composed face.

The grin on Hailey's face now broadened as her eyes flashed dangerously on Etienne before turning to Nicolas. "Well who was I to turn down a request from the new Vicomte de Chagny?"

Addressing Nicolas, Etienne made no effort to disguise the loathing that drippedfrom every syllable he uttered. "How could you…" came a waspish voice from deep in his throat, growing in strength. "How could you bring that… that whore into this house! Have you no respect left?"

Hailey's eyesbecame thin slits as she brought her attention back to the incensed boy before her. "Actually, I prefer the term courtesan. Your family of all people should recognize those fine distinctions. Now if you'll excuse me."

She then brushed passed Nicolas's brother, sure to see thathe was givena light shove as she went, though keeping her eyes clearly locked on the man at the top of the stairs. Nicolas turned with a thin smile as soon as she was close and led her down the hall into a room Haileyhad not expected to visit on this trip.

"Just one moment," he said while straitening some papers on an eloquent mahogany desk taking up a good portion of the room.

She had been led into a massive study, filled with books andletters as a roaring fire was fully ablaze against the far wall. Nicolas had only glanced at her awkwardly before taking his seat behind the desk and hunched over the papers. "I've been swamped with paper work since my father's death, and now this whole fiasco with that bastard half sister of mine..."

Stepping behind him, Hailey allowed her hands to snake over his shoulders, messaging them lightly. "Oh? And what has the little witch done now?"

Nicolas immediately relaxed into her touch, closing his eyes briefly, and letting out a shuttering breath. "My aunts think I was acting rashly. Though they agree she has no right to call her self a de Chagny, they think it looks rather heartless to just throw out with no money. So, now I'm supposed to track her down and offer her an allowance of some sorts. Ridiculous."

"She deserves what she got if you ask me," Hailey's breathed lightly as she let her hand slide down over his chest and brought her head close to his ear. "You need to get your mind off of all this. You look pale."

Looking distantly across the room, Nicolas brought his hand up to rest on hers. "You would be too, if your father just died."

"I never knew my father," she echoed with a faint smile, feeling his lips gently brush the back of her hand.

"Would you have wanted to if you could?" He looked up at her now, his eyes full of unsaid emotion.

"I don't know."

The mirror once again pivoted on unseen hinges, revealing the dark corridor beyond. Erik was the first to enter, holding the small candle in one hand, while watching the girl with an odd, disconcerting intensity. With burning trepidation, Danielle stepped across that foreboding threshold and the mirror swung tightly closed with an ominous thump; it was now nothing but a cold echoing window to a former life, which had rejected her.

The subtle glow of the candle illuminated only a small space around the two as Danielle nervously stood her ground. She was unaware of her shaking while she strained to see into the dark abyss though it was not lost on that other figure in her presence that silently waited for her to take a step.

It wasn't until a cold, clammy hand grasped her wrist and gently urged her forward that she realized how long she had been standing there, lost in the drowningsilence.

"Come along now," his subtle voice carried to her. "It will not take us too long."

Surprising even herself, Danielle did not pull back but instead let him slowly lead her down, five stories below ground into what seemed to be an underworld that had only existed in myths and legends. What had her mother thought when she saw all this? Her mother who had always been so enchanted by her books about princesses and locked towers, dashing heroes and mystical realms? Her mother who was always so much less practical than her authoritative young daughter?

When they at last reached the glowing waters of what Danielle could only appropriately name Lake Averne, it was all the girl could do to hold back a giggle as Erik gestured for her to take a seat in the ghostly boat.

"And how much do I owe the ferry man for this forbidden passage?" Danielle asked with a grin, while shaking her head and slipping into the small front padded seat. This was all too much! Erik couldn't help but smirk slightly, the reference not at all lost to him, before the boat glided from its post.

They entered the house in silence; the sudden light Danielle was welcomed to sent her mind reeling as Erik watched on, intently. How could such a place exist! To go from the murky and desolate cellars to a house like any other, so incredibly ordinary; it took the girls breath away. Slowly her eyes swept from object to object scattered throughout the room, many of which seemed foreign, others merely old and well used.

"How did you find this place?" she asked in awe with her back turned to him, taking it all in.

"I built it," Erik answered simply. "I was one of the original contractors working on this building. I simply made some adjustments to the plans. Christine's room is this way."

He made a gesture to an empty space on the wall and went to stand beside it. Danielle stared at him incredulously looking and failing to find any sign of a door.

"There's a door there," she said dully. It wasn't a question, Danielle was sure that that was what he meant. After passing though moving mirrors and unending labyrinths, she was quitesure this was yet another clever trick.

"Yes," he answered slowly, in an unsettling voice. He stepped towards her, his ever-watchful eye shining with something that wasn't there a minute ago. Something in him had changed.

The girl shivered involuntarily, taking a nervous step back. Now that she was within a place that could be considered a partially normal world, the recklessness of her actions seemed to dawn on her. She was in a house with no doors, seven levels within hell, and with a masked murderer, trapped.

Unfazed by her actions, Erik continued to advance, raising his hand as he neared her. Danielle winced as the skeletal hand came close; shutting her eyes tightly while irrational fear flowed over her body.

It was only a light brush along her chin, slowly turning her head to the side.

"Who did this to you?" his voice called in a single velvet strand, coaxing her eyes to open.

She stared blankly at him a moment before remembering the faded bruise which must still be visible across the side of her cheek. Flushing with embarrassment she touched the spot absently,struggling to find her tongue.

"Nicolas… my brother… He and I were in a bit of a fight before I left. It's nothing."

"I see," were his only words though it seemed his eyes had thinned as they continued to dwell on the faint, discoloured spot.

Without another word he pushed something against the wall and the hidden door swung open. He stepped back in a sharp motion, allowing Danielle to be the first to enter.

Taking a lamp with her, Danielle was instantly surrounded by a room that was unmistakably Christine's. At once her senses were bombarded as even the lingering scent stirred memories of the girl's happy childhood, a time when life seemed so simple. Unable to speak, she took in every sight with amazement and began to pace around the room in slow strides.

"I'll leave you be. Every thing in this room was once Christine's," he paused as though lost in the memories as well before continuing despondently. "They are now yours. I assume you have not eaten. I'll see if I have anything appropriate."

Danielle didn't look but she heard the door shut quietly behind her. Christine, her mother, all this was hers! What kind of life did she live if it meant all this was part of it? This world, this phantom, this life, why had she given it up? Yes, her diary had explained the reason for the mask but surly it mustn't be that bad could it, that it would drive her away? Or perhaps she didn't want a dream life; she wanted to be a titled lady of power and prestige? This world was a great offer but Raoul's was more to her liking? Did Danielle even know her mother at all?

Erik's thoughts were no better organized that night but the sound of smashing glass and a sharp agonized yell helped keep them focused. Instantly he was back at Danielle's door.

Please R&R, I'm really curious if people would care about a fic like this.