Disclaimer: I do not own/am not affiliated with any of the characters/ content mentioned in this Fanfiction.

CHAPTER 10: Through the Looking Glass

She was painfully aware of her surroundings. The thumping of the music and the nameless faceless figures gliding along to the rhythm. There was just something so raw about being in a place where she didn't know a soul- well- that wasn't entirely true. She had just left Sango with Rin at the door hoping to find Kikyo in the crowd. However, the first thing that caught her eye as she entered was the silver haired boy by the bar. He wore a crisp white shirt rolled up at the sleeves with camel colored slacks and loafers. His casual look was polished off with his aristocratic authority that attracted females and males alike it seemed. She couldn't help herself but roll over with laughter whilst watching him getting his feathers ruffled, his silver hair sticking every which way as he exclaimed with frustration "Why do I attract so many men!"

"You really know how to pick 'em" said Kagome through fits of laughter.

Inuyasha was thankful for the dimmed lights, otherwise his beet red face would have been thoroughly apparent to all around him. He cleared his throat and asked Mirkou for a drink to gather his composure.

He eyed the doe eyed beauty in front of him bubbling with laughter, and thought to himself how lucky I am to be graced with such a presence. Instead he chose to put up a gruff front and said, " Wow you actually showed…. Kagome… was it? Good to see you I guess…"

Kagome's laughter was cut short, and she became painfully aware of her surroundings once again. She remembered she hated coming to such places, because they were usually filled with pompous assholes like the one she faced currently. She subconsciously pulled at the corners of her dress and said " Yeah… I guess this beats staying in and flipping channels at the villa."

Just as she was scanning her brain to find another topic of conversation Sango sauntered over and cut the tension with a gruff " I need a drink barkeep!" she had spent the last half hour trying to convince the bouncer at the door that Rin was of age. " It seems like you have some sort of macho egomaniacs working your door Inuyasha. I would fire them pronto!"

Inuyasha eyed the new addition to their group with feigned disinterest. She was a 5'10 leggy beauty in a tight black number that just grazed the mid portion of her thighs. Her naturally provocative eyes scanned the crowd as if she were some jungle wildcat hunting for her next prey.

" I don't bother myself with such menial tasks as hiring the staff." said Inuyasha in a haughty tone as he casually leaned back on the bar with his elbows to purvey his nonchalant attitude.

Kagome internally cringed. What did I see in him yesterday, she thought. Have I grown so shallow that I shiver at the thought of his masculine physique? Am I some little schoolgirl who can't control her hormonal instincts? I mean my god I am turning 17 this year. I need to get my life together. I'll be graduating high school this year, and then off to Tokyo University soon after. I don't have time to pine after some silly narcissistic douche.

" My, my, aren't you just the sweetest little primadonna." Said Kagome with a dry mirthless grin. She had grown sick of Inuyasha's little show. " Come on Sango, it seems that our company is too high and mighty for our worthless selves." She grabbed Sango by the arm and they slunk into the crowd of warm reverberating bodies, as the slow thumping music swallowed them up.

" Well you my friend…. just royally blew that." said Miroku materializing behind the bar sliding a drink over to Inuyasha.

" Story of my life." said Inuyasha unnervingly pleased with his accomplishment. He didn't need anybody, and he just made damn sure that nobody came looking for him.


Author's Note:

So the story has taken a bit of a different tone, tell me what you think in your reviews! :)