Disclaimer: Don't own. Don't sue.

The bell over the shop door rang as two young men stepped in. One of them, a bouncy blond who was all smiles at the moment. The other, a tall brunette who seemed impartial to the whole ordeal, hiding his azure eyes behind dark sunglasses.

"May I help you?" The man behind the counter asked.

"We're just looking." The blond answered and smiled politely, dragging his companion over to the display of very un-child friendly devices.

"I can't believe you actually want one of these Jou." The taller scowled as he looked over at the boy, who was staring up at the objects in awe and anticipation.

"It all started when I saw that R-rated movie when I was twelve..."

"Let's save the trip down memory lane for later, shall we?"

Jou frowned at his lover's disapproving tone. "You promised you'd indulge me Seto...for a certain fee of course, which I already have met." Jou gave a wry smirk in Seto's direction, pleased to see that latter was blushing slightly at his last comment.

"Well, hurry up and pick one already! I'd like to leave this godforsaken place as soon as possible." Seto scowled and crossed his arms, glancing around the run-down shop.

"So many to chose from...which would I enjoy most?" Jou questioned, eyeing his options. "This ones sort of short...but it's rather thick."

"What about this one." Seto pointed out one object that caught his eye.

"I dunno, it's kinda long, I might not be able to handle it...what about this one?"

"It's pretty small don't you think?" Seto raised his eyebrow.

"It's not the size that counts it's how you use it!" Jou defended his choice, and then added with a grin, "Not that you have to worry about that.

The man behind the counter cleared his throat as he continued to overhear the couple's conversation. He quickly turned his attention back to his magazine as Seto wrapped his arm around Jou's waist possessively and chuckled lowly. Still the debate continued, until Jou's gaze landed on something quite impressive.

"Look at this!" Jou exclaimed and took the item off the shelf, waving it in Seto's face. "It's shiny!"

Seto flinched and grabbed Jou's arm., "Watch where you point that thing!"

"This is the one! This is the one I want!" Jou beamed and headed over to the check-out. Seto followed, shaking his head and taking out his charge card.

"You are a weird one puppy." The clerk rang up the item and asked for Seto's drivers license, as you needed proof of age to buy these sort of things, and then they were off on their merry way.

* * *

Jou stepped outside of the shop and held out his prized possession, watching as it gleamed in the sunlight, and then carefully hugged it to himself. "Thank you Seto!"

"It doesn't' take much to make you happy does it? It's just a dagger."

"Yeah...but we can still have fun with it." Jou fingered the handcuffs that they had decided to pick up while they we're at the weaponry store.

Seto considered this option for a moment as he unlocked the car door. "Get in the car you kink."

Jou winked and hopped into the sports mobile before it went speeding off towards the Kaiba mansion in a haste.

Satanic Mechanic: Yeah, it was a dagger. Why, what did you think it was? You dirty minded people (shakes head disapprovingly) Anyway I wrote this as a result of being bored and not being able to sleep. Horribly short, I know, I can't believe I even posted this crap!