I'm having so much fun doing these XD because I know people… that in our group… this would definitely happen XD.


Kikyou: good morning class!

Miroku: SANGO!!!! (Tackle hugs her)

Sango: Ahh! (Falls over)

Miroku: I missed you!!!

Sango: heh really? (:

Miroku: I wouldn't have been able to handle you not here another day.

Sesshomaru: …he was loosing his mind o.o

Everyone: yeah (Nods head)

Miroku: (ignores group) Don't leave a again

Sango: I won't leave again, being sick sucks.

Naraku: …you know what really sucks?

Shippo: What?

Naraku: …a vacuum cleaner

Sesshomaru: (blinks… rolls eyes and walks away)

Kouga: (tilts head) I don't get it…

Miroku: …anyways (looks back to Sango)

Sango: (Pulls out the card every one made for her) and thank you everyone for this beautiful card (: it made me feel a lot better

Miroku: (whispers to Shippo) told you Shippo!

Shippo: wow it really worked!

Sango: um, Miroku you're still lying on me

Miroku:  I know (big smile)

Sango: Miroku!

Miroku: okay fine (stands up and helps Sango up) hehe

Naraku: so how was being sick?

Shippo: did you miss us?

Kouga: did you puke?

Kikyou: Kouga!

Kouga: what?

Sango: Being sick was so boring.

Miroku: because I wasn't there huh? (Big smile)

Sango: …yes I missed you all very much.

Miroku: so you missed me huh? (Bigger smile)

Sango: o.o and no I didn't puke, I just had a cold, but I'm all better.

Miroku: that's good (hugs Sango)

Sango: and I'm glad to be back

Kagome: …what's the matter Inuyasha? You haven't said anything.

Inuyasha: …nothing

Kagome: you look very sad, what's the matter?

Inuyasha: I said nothing ok!

Kagome: …I'm sorry (walks off)

Inuyasha: oh no, now what am I supposed to do? Two things wrong in one day… just great (Grumble)

Naraku: good job Inuyasha (smirks) I think you scared her off

Inuyasha: no I didn't!

Naraku: are you sure?

Inuyasha: (thinks) ….oh man

Sesshomaru: what's going on?

Inuyasha: nothing!

Sesshomaru: geez don't freak out! What I do to you?

Inuyasha: arg why doesn't everyone just leave me alone???

Kouga: what? (Puts hand on Inuyasha's shoulder)

Inuyasha: grrr… don't touch me

Kouga: what?

Inuyasha: (grabs the hand on his shoulder and flips him onto the floor) I said don't touch me!

Kouga: (lying on the floor in shock) …0.0

Sesshomaru and Naraku: (laughing there heads off)

Kikyou: HEY!

Inuyasha: oh just perfect!

Kikyou: Mr! Your going to the cor-

Inuyasha: yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I'm going to the corner (walks over to the corner sulking with his head down)

Kagome: (tugs on Kikyou's shirt)

Kikyou: Yes Kagome?

Kagome: Would I be aloud to go and talk to Inuyasha to see what's wrong?

Kikyou: Yes you may Kagome.

Kagome: Thank you Miss Kikyou!

Kikyou: That's all right Kagome.

Kagome: (goes off to Inuyasha)

Inuyasha: (feels a hand on his shoulder) get lost Kouga!

Kagome: …it's me

Inuyasha: I thought no one was aloud to visit the person in the corner.

Kagome: I'm aloud I asked.

Inuyasha: …oh

Kagome: what's the matter? Why do you look so sad?

Inuyasha: o.o its nothing

Sesshomaru: (snicker) It's because you forgot your blan-

Inuyasha: (jumps up and cover's Sesshomaru's mouth)

Sesshomaru: (takes Inuyasha's hands off of his mouths) Ew gawd don't touch me! (Wipes his mouth on his shirtsleeve.) Hehe…are hiding something Inuyasha?

Inuyasha: (glares) no…

Kagome: leave him alone I'm sure he'll tell us if he wants to.

Sesshomaru: …fine ruin my fun (walks away)

Kagome: …you want to tell me?

Inuyasha: …not really o.o

Kagome: that's alright… if you want to talk to someone I'm always here (:

Inuyasha: (smiles) thanks

Kagome: no problem (gives him a hug)

Inuyasha: …heh (blushes a little) thanks (:

Kikyou: (has been watching them) awww (: well class I say its time to pack it up and go home!

Class: YAY! XD

Inuyasha: (just about to leave… opens backpack… and finds….) blankie! All that worry for nothing XD.


Thank you The-Female-Inuyasha for the idea for this story!

Hey hope you liked it! XD and no I will not make Kouga any smarter -.- I love the character, don't get me wrong but this would happen to be my fan fiction so I don't plan on changing how I make my characters act… and I'm sorry to inform you 'shadow wolf' but you are NOT a wolf -.- welcome to reality… you do realize that these people are NOT real… they cant love you… and again your not a wolf…

AND Sesshomaru slept before because if YOU were lord Sesshomaru would you not sleep when you felt like it? Arg… anyhow… you're still reading it right? So I guess you like the fan fiction… you've stuck with it this long. (: (Sigh) anyways… I appreciate all your comments you have left for me to read but I am NOT going to make Kouga suddenly not as blond as he is in this fan fiction… (Sigh) don't hate me! XD thanks for sticking with me XD its really fun to write these XD don't make it not fun anymore but keep with the comments everyone has an opinion… yeah... I'm ganna stop XD

Bye-bye!!! XD

Sorry for all my ranting but my god… you know it feels better to get stuff off your chest… THANK YOU ALL MY FANS! LOVE YOU ALL!!! XD (even if you don't like how some characters act -.-)