Ron sat in his study finishing off paper work from his job at the ministry in the department of magical games and sports.

He sealed the last of the letters and sent them off with pig.

Ron watched as the tiny owl flew out of the window before walking out of the study.

He headed towards the kitchen where the smell of freshly baked cakes was coming from, along with the guitar sounds from the bats latest album and his wife and sons laughter.

Ron reached the kitchen door, he leaned against the frame as he surveyed the scene.

The normally dark work tops where covered in flour, the table in the middle of the room held tray full of cakes, bowls and baking pans were piled up in the sink and the smell of freshly baked cakes were becoming a lot stronger.

And in the middle of it was his wife with their 4 year old son perched on her hip spinning around the kitchen and dancing to the music. They spun around again when jimmy spotted his daddy. His eyes became brighter and he wiggled to get out of Luna's arms.

Once she had put him down he ran towards Ron, wrapping his arms around his legs.

'Daddy!' he shouted Ron bent down and picked him up resting him on his hip.

'Hey buddy, what are you and your mummy doing?' Ron asked him,

'Were making fairy cakes for the picnic' jimmy told him

'It looks like you made a big mess as well' Ron said. Looking at Luna

'That's so that we could see the footprints isn't it jimmy' said Luna walking over to them.

'Yep' jimmy nodded

Ron looked at them confused 'what footprints?'

'The fairies footprints' jimmy told him 'mummy said that little fairies will come and sprinkle magic dust on the cake before they go in the oven, it make's them taste all yummy'

'Really' asked Ron 'I've never heard of cake fairies'

'Their real daddy' said jimmy 'but we haven't seen any of them have we mummy'

'No we haven't baby, they must have been really quite'

'Well maybe your see some next time' Ron said putting jimmy down on the floor 'why don't you go and find some toys to take to grandma and grandpas house'

'Okay daddy'

Ron watched as jimmy ran down the hall before turning to Luna,

'Why do you fill his head up with stories' he asked her, Luna moved towards him she wrapped his arms around his neck.

'Because his head needs filling and I would rather it be filled with excitement and magic then horror and death' she told him

Ron sighed wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling Luna closer towards him, 'your right, but I just think that he's goanna be upset and confused when he finds that its not real'.

'How do you know the stories aren't real' Luna asked.

'Well their just story's aren't they, they can't be true'

'Ron, you've been spending too much time with Hermione. Just because there isn't a fact in a book about every little thing in the world doesn't been that those things are not real' she said beginning to gently run her fingers threw his red hair.

Her lips moved closer to his, he lowered his head slightly catching the faint smell of vanilla from the cake mixture that she had been eating.

In a matter of seconds there was no space left between them, two sets of lips met and everything eles seemed to fade away.

Ron warped his arms tighter around her, he gently pushed against her mouth hoping to deepen the kiss only to find Luna pull away

'What's wrong' he asked looking in her eyes, only she wasn't looking at him, instead she was looking at something from behind him.

He looked over his shoulder to see jimmy standing in the doorway looking at them with a sad little look on his face.

'What's wrong jimmy' Ron asked concerned.

'I can't find my new Quidditch figure daddy and I wanted to take to the picnic, Evan and Stephanie will be their and neither of them have got Aidan lynch Jr. I wanted to show them mine but he's gone' jimmy said in a bit of a rush.

Luna unwrapped her arms from Ron's neck and walked over to jimmy, she picked him up and placed him on her hip 'come on baby, lets see if mummy can find him'

She turned around to Ron 'can you put the last batch of cakes in the oven please'

Ron watched as they walked down the hall and up the stairs.

He turned around and walked over to the table in the middle of the room, picking up the cake tin of uncooked cake mixture he walked over to the oven and pulled open the door.

He was just about to bend down and put the tin in the oven when something caught his eye,

He looked closer at the tin and noticed that there were marks in the flour, marks that looked like tiny little footprints leading to each cake mixture which know seemed to be sparkling slightly.

Luna was right thought Ron, Hermione gonna blow a gasket when I tell her, she'll be spouting reasonable explanations for weeks.

Ginny and Dean next