~Joey running through the school yard right before the tardy bell rings~

'I'm gonna be late again damn it,' Joey thought to himself as he ran as fast as he could towards the school doors. 'If I'm tardy again I'll get a detention with that prune they call my homeroom teacher. Damn it again'

As these angry thoughts ran through his head he didn't look where he was going and ran into someone and made both of them crash to the ground painfully.

"Sorry man, I didn't see you," Joey gasped after having the wind knocked out of him, still not seeing who he ran into.

"That is quite obvious, you pathetic chihuahua," replied a very cold voice.

'Damn it, please don't be who I think it is' Joey thought to himself.

No such luck, though, as, Joey opened his honey-colored gold eyes and met cold, deep blue ones. Joey couldn't believe his luck and just laid there and gaped at Kaiba, who was giving Joey a death glare.

"Now if you don't mind, Wheeler, I would like you to get off of me," Kaiba said coolly, as he was indeed being pinned down by Joey.

Joey blushed a deep red and scrambled to get off of Kaiba, trying not to touch more of him then he already had. Joey was flushed and had his hair messed up. Kaiba got up with his usual grace, without any dirt on his gravity-defying trench coat, and without a hair out of place.

"What, ya called me Wheeler, no doggy names? You're going soft or loosing your touch, probably both." Joey said, still angry. 'Man that was a pretty lame comeback. I need to work on that.' Joey thought.

"I didn't want to fluster you more after you obviously enjoyed being on top of me," Kaiba retorted with a sneer.

Joey blushed even more, though it might have been because he was angrier and was yelling "You're such an ass-hole, ya stuck-up, overdressed bastard!" this time more pleased with his comeback.

"At least I don't roll in the dirt, you sniveling lapdog," Kaiba half- yelled, his temper rising.

"Ya rich pig!"


"Selfish jerk!"


For the other people in the school, this was a regular thing, seeing Kaiba and Joey fight, so they didn't even give them a second glance as they went towards the school. The two kept yelling insults at eachother and neither noticed the tardy bell ring until they saw no one else was in the schoolyard.

"Screw this," Joey muttered and headed towards the doors. Kaiba shoved Joey and made him fall again and went in first. Joey ran in after him and cursed Kaiba but not loud enough for him to hear. Unfortunately, they were in the same homeroom and had to got the same way. All the way there, they didn't talk directly to eachother, but insulted and swore at eachother under their breath. As they walked into homeroom 5 minutes late, the teacher looked up.

"How nice of you to join us Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Kaiba. Please help yourselves to a detention slip," she said in a false sweet voice that was more like poisoned honey. Ms. Pruntler (called the Prune or Prunella by the students) must have already given hundreds of detentions to Joey this year. Kaiba had had quite a few detentions himself because he was often late because of a business meeting or something, but the teacher didn't care. The two of them had always been able to avoid having detentions on the same day, though, except for today.

'Damn, I really don't feel like having a detention today, especially not with that mutt. I have work to do after school and I doubt she'll let me work on my laptop. Wheeler needs to go to hell.' Kaiba thought to himself angrily as he filled out the detention slip.

"Oh, and before I forget, Wheeler," the Prune continued, "I'll have to call your parents for this. You have so many detentions, I am required to make a call. I'm sure he'll want to punish you when you get home," she said with a malevolent grin on her face. She was apparently enjoying this. "I would do the same with dear Kaiba, but as he doesn't have any parents..." she trailed off.

Kaiba gave her the nastiest look he could and Joey just glared and bit his lower lip to stop himself from yelling at her.

"Well since you both just seem so happy about it, I'll make it a double- detention, 4 hours long instead of 2, and you can both have it every day for the rest of the week, TOGETHER," she said, stressing the last word. "I'll also add this to my conversation with your parent, Joseph" she smiled even wider, making her look like a toad.

By then, Kaiba was shaking with anger but Joey just went pale and went to his seat. Only Kaiba noticed Joey going pale and thought it was weird. Kaiba went back to his seat and ignored everyone and pretended nobody existed.

'Why did Joey go pale? I know his parents are getting a phone call, but that's nothing to get scared about. He gets detention all the time. But now he has detention with me all week, and double-detention at that. Bet he's just scared of me. Or is he scared of his parents? Oh, wait, he only lives with his dad (Kaiba had done a background check on Yu-Gi and all of his friends). Is Joey afraid of his dad or something? Does he get abused? No, that can't be right, he's always goofing off and is never serious. But still... Why do I even care?' Kaiba thought uneasily, knowing even he wouldn't wish abuse on the stupid mutt.

"Whatever," he said out loud to no one in particular.

Kaiba didn't know how true his thoughts were...

Back to this morning before school

Joey woke up to a booming headache because the previous night, Sunday night, Joey's dad had punched him on the side of the head, nearly knocking Joey out. After that Joey's dad went back to drinking even though he was already thoroughly wasted. Joey was able to get up to the attic and to the few blankets he called a bed before he fell unconscious. Joey groaned and felt his head. There was one hell of a bruise and he winced as he felt it. He changed his clothes and slowly and quietly went downstairs. His dad was passed out on the couch in the living room. There were broken and empty beer bottles everywhere, which was true of pretty much the rest of the house. Joey grabbed a bagel and was about to slip out of the house when his dad blocked the door.

"Trying to slip out, huh?" He said slowly as an effect of the hangover. He was feeling like crap, which was always bad for Joey. He took a drunken swing at Joey's head who moved out of the way and got the hit on the upper arm instead. Pain spiked through his arm, but it wasn't broken. His dad took a beer bottle and hit Joey over the head with it. It smashed and cut Joey's scalp with a sharp pain. He knew better than to whimper or cry, because then he would get it worse. His father went back to the living room and continued to sleep. Joey took a quick shower and made sure his scalp wasn't bleeding anymore. He changed clothes because they had blood, his blood, on them. He ran out the door and then looked at his watch.

'Damn, I'm gonna hafta run fast or else I'm gonna be late.' He thought...

Back to present

[Just a note; no one knows about the abuse, only Joey]

~Over with Joey~

"What was all that about, Joey?" Yu-Gi whispered, trying to not get the teacher's attention. He had noticed Joey being really angry and was very concerned [sounds a bit like a girl ^_^;].

"Aw, don't worry about it. Me and Kaiba just had a bit of a fight and missed the bell, that's all," Joey said with his big, sheepish grin.

"What happened?" Yu-Gi asked in a worried tone. He hated any kind of violence and it made him sad to know any of his friends were fighting [no offense to Yu-Gi fans, but he can be a wuss and a bit of a pushover sometimes].

"I was just running to homeroom trying not to be late and I accidentally ran into him and we fell. (He left out the part about him being on top of Kaiba). Then I tried to apologize but he was being his normal, idiot, stuck- up self and we just started fighting. It's really no big deal, it happens all the time," said Joey trying to end the conversation because he really didn't want to talk about it.

He was thinking of what would happen when his dad got the phone call. He'd probaly get a beating; his dad didn't care about the detentions, but he hates phonecalls. Then Joey remembered his dad didn't like Joey being home before midnight ever. Joey usually never came home before 1 AM. Maybe he wouldn't remember a phone call from earlier from being drunk, as he was every night. Only one way to find out...

"But it was a bigger fight than usual," said Te'a cutting into his thoughts.

"Huh?" Joey said, not really listening.

"Usually you two just grumble at eachother and walk on, but this time, you were having an all-out shouting match," Te'a continued, "I tried to call out your name, but you were to busy fighting with Kaiba to notice," she finished in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Sorry, I didn't hear..."

He was cut short by the bell and they all went to their first classes.

This was going to be a long day...

~~~~Pretty Please R&R, I'm not asking for much

MariksGurl666I'll put up the next chapter about the detention(s) and junk after I get at least one or two reviews. Come on, that's not asking too much. I accept flames and won't get mad, I'm nice.

Y. MG666Whatever, she's crazy, she's totally obsessed with Joey, Kaiba, and especially Marik

MarikWhat can I say, I'm fine.

MariksGurl666 *drool* Anyways, that's another thing I want in the reviews. Should I bring Marik into the story? (Please say yes). Anyways, just tell me what you think and tell me what characters you want to see a lot of. Please *puppy eyes*

Marik Yes, please before I drown in her drool.

MariksGurl666 DROOL

R&R Please