Bulma came home, and saw the door messes up. Her face started turning red and yelled, "TRUNKS! VEGETA!" and the two sayians slowly walked down the stairs to to living room where Bulma was at with her hands at her hips and he face really mad.

"Yes mom?" Trunks said.

"Why are the front and back doors broken!?" Bulma yelled.

"Trunks blew up the back door, and this weird dude broken the front door," Vegeta answered quickly before Trunks said, "It was daddy's fault."

"Why did this weird dude break the door... and why did you break the door?" Bulma asked Trunks.

"The dude was this bully's dad and he wanted to beat me up for... no good reason. And I blew up the door 'cause... I got a huge cut on me and blew up the door by accident," Trunks lied, laughing nervously and looked at Vegeta. "I got to do... homework..." and Trunks left to his room.

'That boy lies...' Vegeta thought, then he was about to go eat some food when Bulma saw the walls, in which the two sayians turned SS, were all bented and such.

"Vegeta!" and Bulma walked up to Vegeta and pulled him by the ear to the hallway.


Trunks pulled out his math book when he felt a large Ki in his room. Trunks turned around and saw a boy, about the size of Gohan, which was five foot and five inches, he had curly red hair, red eyes, and bulgy arms. "Who are you?"

"I am Hector, remember?" said Hector, but Trunks never saw Hector's face, so he didn't know who he was.

"You better get out or I'll have to take you out!" Trunks said as he turned super sayian and got into fighting position.

"Like you could... apperently you don't know who I am..." Hector said. "I am the son of Dulko!" then Trunks heard someone knock on the door, and then he turned around and saw that Hector left.

"Uh- come in," Trunks said as he lower his ki and turned back to normal. It was Vegeta, he probably felt Hector's ki when he was in his rom.

"What was that energy?" Vegeta asked.

"Dad? Who's Dulko?" Trunks asked his dad, didn't answer Vegeta.

"He is this evil man who created andriods, not Dr. Gero, but this other man," Vegeta told his son.

"But... There was this dude who had this strong ki, but we can't feel andriods ki, right?" Trunks asked as Vegeta looked at his son.

"Dr. Dero had a son, but he is human," Vegeta said. 'He goes by the name Hector."

"Dad! Hector is stalking me!" Trunks wanted to yell but didn't. "Thanks dad... oh and is Hector really human?"

"Yes..." and he left. 'How could that be possible? Hector was human... but how is his ki strong?' Trunks thought, and once Vegeta closed the door, Hector appeared next to Trunks and put his arm around Trunks neck and tried to stranggle him. Trunks tried to pull off his arm but couldn't, he was losing air. Then he kicked Hector on the stomach and he let go of him. Trunks gasped for breath as he faced Hector.

"Well wel well, the little sayian prince could survive," Hector laughed. "I guess father under estimated you. You will be dead, but I will be the new sayian prince- wait not sayian- King of the world!"

"You're just plain sick and wrong!" Trunks said as he jumped and kicked Hector, but Hector grabbed his foot and spun him and tossed him out of the open window. Trunks flipped and landed on his feet, as Hector jumped and landed in front of him. "I'm gunna kill you!"

Trunks kicked off and started throwing energy blasts furiously at Hector. (Vegeta heard the explosion and started to run outside.) Trunks stopped as the clouds slowly blew away, he took deep breaths, then saw Hector, unharmed!

"It that the best you got!" Hector yelled, but then a powerful energy blast came from behind him and shot him on the head and left a huge mark. The blast came from Vegeta. "You freakin basterd!"

"Look who's talking," he muttered as he turned super sayian two and kicked the boy to the ground and grabbed his foot and started spinning and threw his sooo far that he looked like a dot in the sky. "Was that Hector?"

"Yeah," Trunks laughed, he should have told Vegeta the truth. "Sorry I didn't tell you, but I met him at school too."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Vegeta said.

"Uh... I wasn't sure of myself..." Trunks said, then he sensed bullyness. "Ricky... Hey dad, I got to go somewhere really quick. See ya later." and Trunks merely ran down the street and disappeared out of sight. Ricky was followed him as he suspected he would.

"Hey throw up!" Ricky finally called, Trunks smirked as he stopped and turned around. "Ya, turn around, face me like a man!"

"It seems your neither a man nor women," Trunks joked, he wanted to hurt someone with an escuse. Then as Trunks planned, he ran towards him and he jumped and turned super sayian and punched him on the back, making sure he didn't see him in his form. "Had enough?"

"ARGH!" Ricky yelled as he turned around and Trunks flew and stood on his head, and then jumped and turned normal and punched him on the stomach like always which knocked him down, but he stood up again. "Ha! I'm wearing protection!"

"Riiiight!" and Trunks tired one more time, but he gathered some of his strength and punched him on the stomach but he didn't noticed his hands were glowing and as he punched him, something hit him. It was Hector. Ricky was knocked out so Trunks turned super sayian three. (Vegeta felt two strong kis). "I've been expecting you again... HAAAAAAAAAAA!" and Trunks let out one of his energy blast and hit hi which caused Hector to fly then then it exploded. "Bulls eyes..."

Then Hector builded up a blast and shot it, as Trunks jumped but the blast still followed him as he flew everywhere, and he flew at laughing Hector and moved quickly and the blast hit Hector. "Yeah! I'm bored now, you're not much of a-" and Hector punched Trunks on the jaw as Trunks fell to the floor and slid down the street as he dugged through the ground. "Grrrrr! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! DANM YOU!" Trunks got up and dusted himself off, and he looked at Hector and glared at him.

"You are no match for me," Hector laughed as he started throwing many energy blasts and Trunks shield his face and closed his eyes, once Hector stopped Trunks quickly hid behind a bush and waited for Hector to let go of his guard. But he felt an arm go around his neck and somehow they teleported to Trunks room. "See that you have your guard down, huh, little sayian prince?"

"Let go of me!" and he saw someone inside his closet. It was his dad, if he fails the battle between Hector, Vegeta will hate him! "Ahhhhh!" and he bite Hector's arm and Hector screamed in pain. "Shut up! No yelling inside the house!" and he threw him a kick which knocked him out of the house making a hole on the wall. "Ooops..."

"I will kill everyone in the house for that!" and Trunks felt a large energy blast hit the house, it was twice the size of his grandpa and it hit the house as Trunks shield his head, and closed his eyes tightly. Then he opened and saw that the house was completely gone and he was on the ground a few yards away from his dead house.

"MOM!" Trunks cried as he flew towards the house and saw that no one was there, not even his dad. "You killed my parents! You son of a biotch!" and Trunks turned Super sayian FOUR! His hair was dark brown and long and his eyes were red and filled with fury.

"Whoa, I-I-I-I got to gooooo!" Hector yelled as Trunks grabbed Hector's neck and bent it in half and killed the boy blood was running down Hector's neck and he quickly buried him. Trunks saw what he did... Turned to normal and ran into the forest to hide from his shame of murdering.

'I killed someone! I can't believe it! I'm going to hell now!' Trunks thought as he cried in his hands, then Trunks heard footsteps, walking. Trunks stood up and was about to fly when someone grabbed his foot and gently pulled him down.

"Trunks?" it was his mom. "Are you alright?"

"Mom! You're alive! Oh mom! I killed someone... I'm a bad bad bad boy!" Trunks cried as he cried on his mom. "I don't deserve to live! I killed someone!"

"Trunks... You killed someone because he was evil, your suppose to kill evil super powered people," Bulma said gently as she stroked Trunks hair.

"Where's dad?" Trunks asked.

"He is somewhere. He saved me and you, Trunks," His mom said as Trunks looked at his mom and wiped his eyes.

"Where is he?" Trunks asked.

"I'm right here," Vegeta said as he came out from behind a rock, he was covered in blood and scars. "Argh, my head!"

"I killed someone! I'm a bad bad boy!" Trunks cried. "BAAAAADDDD!"

"Quit your crying, so what if you killed someone, he was bad," Vegeta said as he wiped some blood off himself. "Thnak Kami he's gone and I was fast enough to get you all away in time."

Then Trunks smiled and the Brief family walked towards what was left of their house. Bulma gasped and stared at the leftover house, and Trunks walked towards the broken house and looked at the damage, the only thing left was part of the walls and the front door a little burnt and the walls were on fire a little, the stairs were there, it was on fire a little bit too. Trunks walked up the stairs which went up to ften steps and then he went back to where his mom was weeping over the house.

"Where are we going to live?" Trunks asked as he sat next to his mom.

"We'll probably move in with Chi Chi for a few months...." Bulma said.

Vegeta's eyes widen and his face turned white. "No, I'm not going! I rather live in the forest then with Kakarot!" Then the Briefs noticed Ricky getting up.

"Hi... Ricky...." Trunks said as he remembered his mom was there and he wanted to fight him, but his mom would get piss off and say,"Why did you hit him' or "Why why why! Where did I go wrong!" Like Trunks expected, Ricky punched Trunks and he faked pain and fell to the floor and Ricky walked off. Once out of sight, he got up and dusted himself off, and smiled. "That went well... That tickled though."


"Ausome! You're really moving in with me?" Goten asked as he closed his locker. " That's neat! Well, I'll meet you after school, 'kay?"

"Sure! And maybe we'll spar together!" Trunks said as the two boys went to their classes. "Mrs. Gonhale, hi... I wanted to tell you that there is a leak at the boys bathroom, okay?"

"Okay... Well take your seat before I give you a detention..." Mrs. Gonhale said as Trunks sat next to Ricky. "Today you'll be taking a test, and I hope that-" Mrs. Gonhale saw him wearing a T-shirt with the words Capsule on the back and 'Trunks Brief' on the front. "You're the son of the creator of Casules! OH MY GOD!"

"Er... Mrs?" Trunks said as the teacher grabbed a paper and pen and asked him for his autograph. "Okay...." and he signed and she called Bulma and told her a lie that Trunks was acting up.

"Yes, please be here right away!" Mrs. Gonhale lied as she hunged up and stared at Trunks. "Trunks.. act like you're in troyble or I'll fail you...."

"Yes- Yes ma'm...." Trunks whimpered as Bulma and Vegeta burst through the doors.

"What has my son done this time?" Vegeta asked as Bulma glared at Trunks.

"He was acting up in class! Again! I gave hima warning and he kept it up!" Mrs. Gonhale said.

"She's-" Trsunks began as Bulma cut him off.

"He has!?" Bulma said.

"Yes, and I'd like you to sign here.." the teacher said as she saw Vegeta and remembered seeing him at the World Matial Arts Tornament. "And you, sir, sign here.."

'But there's nothing except her signiture...." Vegeta said as he grabbed the pen.

"Yes but this is a new way to send detentions now...." Mrs. Gonhale said.

Trunks was sooo mad for getting in trouble for no good reason. "SHE'S LYING! SHE ONLY CALLED YOU TO GET YOUR AUTOGRAPH!" Trunks cried.

"Trunks? Why would she do that?" Bulma asked.

"She saw my shirt! And got all high and stupid and made up an escues to get your autograph!" Trunks yelled.

"That's it! You're not passing my class for breaking a teachers rule! I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL!" Mrs Gonhale snapped.

"It's true! You evil- freakin-!" Bulma yelled but Trunks jumped from his seat and kicked his teacher's face and knocked her out.

"Bitch....." Trunks finished as his parents and class gasped when they saw the teacher was not human...