Queen's Own: My new ficcie! Gary has always had a knack for *cough* 'overhearing' things. Makes his life interesting, don't you think? Events Gary eavesdrops on or experiences while Alanna is a squire. I might do a sequel, and/or prequel if people like this one enough. Is going to fragmented, one conversation at a time, and isn't always going to be in chronological order. Its going to be pretty AJ (gee I wonder why?) so it should be a good fic for all you AlannaJon lovers out there. If you're an AG shipper (like myself) this is still a good ficcies for you! (I hope!)

Siri: This is the work of my noble mind, because I am a good muse. Queen's Own is finally paying attention to me!!! But

Disclaimer: There are going to be almost no original characters in this, and none of them are going to have any bearing on the plot. So, because of this, Tamora Pierce owns everything: plot, characters- the works.


Gary sighed and rested his arms on the stone railing of the balcony. I hope Alan doesn't feel too left out, he thought worriedly. It was his friend's 17th birthday, and their Majesties had thrown another dinner tonight. As Alan usually avoided these things, he'd be spending his 17th birthday night alone.

He saw Jonathan dancing with Lady Delia and sighed with envy. Trust his cousin to snag the best looking woman at court. Of course, seeing as he was the Crown Prince and fairly handsome too, it was sort of a given that the ladies would flock around him. He still thought Lady Delia was feminine perfection. Gleaming chestnut hair, flirtatious emerald eyes- and those dresses she wore, accenting that perfect figure-

"Gareth!" giggled the blond girl at his elbow. He fixed a polite smile on his face and turned to the girl. Unlike me, who always has to make do with second best!  He took the hint and extended his arm, nothing of his resentful thoughts evident on his face.

"Would you care to dance, Lady Netta?" he asked. Netta –giggling as always- latched herself to his elbow as he led her out onto the dance floor. As the musicians began their next song, a waltz, he watched over Lady Netta's perfectly coiffed head as Jonathan handed Lady Delia off to his cousin, Roger –no relation of Gary's as they were related from opposite sides of the family- and left the ballroom. I hope he's gone looking for his squire, Gary thought. He knew Alan had been here earlier, but the squire had slipped out earlier, presumably as bored with all of this as Raoul who was currently dancing with another brunette, a bored expression on his face.

After one or two dances, he handed the blond off to Alex and decided that if he didn't leave this soon, he was going to go mad. Another dance with another stupid, only moderately pretty girl and he was going to kill someone, presumably the lucky person dancing with Delia.

There was a short cut to his rooms through the palace, but after so much perfumed and crowded air, he needed at least a breath of fresh air. Deciding to walk through the gardens, he left the party.

Congratulating himself on his excellent choice, he strolled through the garden. Seeing nobody, he began whistling tunelessly under his breath. He'd made it a good way through the garden when he heard someone's voice.

Peering closer, he caught a glimpse of two black heads, one of which belonged to Jon. He quickly backed away, not wanting to interrupt anything, but stayed within hearing distance. He hadn't seen this girl before.

"Hullo. I think this is yours." That was Jonathan. Gary frowned. It wasn't like Jon to be so informal with a lady. He poked his head up quickly and saw –not black hair- but short red hair, cropped like a boys. Hurriedly, he backed away again. That's extremely odd. Why would she wear a wig and why would she have short hair? There aren't any redheads in court currently-

"How did you know it was me, Jonathan?" The girl spoke this time. Her voice sounded familiar, though he couldn't quite place it. So she's on first name terms with the prince? I wonder why I haven't met or at least heard of her before?

"I guessed. And then I saw how you walked and I was sure." What does that have to do with anything?

The girl chuckled ruefully. Gary raised an eyebrow. This girl didn't giggle. Instead, she had a warm laugh- again, familiar. Why is she so familiar? I would remember a girl with short red hair who didn't giggle. "Mistress Cooper tried to cure me of walking like a boy, but it doesn't seem to have worked." Mistress Cooper? That couldn't be- George's mother? And why would a court lady walk like a boy? This just gets stranger and stranger every minute.

The sound of someone moving. "What's this?" From the tone in Jonathan's voice, Gary concluded that staying hidden was definitely the way to go.

"It's a charm- to keep me from having children." She sounds embarrassed- poor girl. "Mistress Cooper gave it to me- a long time ago." George's mother again! How would a noble lady know the Rogue's mother?

"Have you ever tried it out?" Gary blushed slightly- if Jonathan caught him, he'd be in big trouble. Eavesdropping on his father while he discussed nothing of terribly great importance was one thing. Listening to Jonathan and a girl- that was quite another.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She's not being flirty, Gary realized. She's honestly scared. Funny. Her voice had changed too. She sounded almost like- a boy? The voice was becoming increasingly familiar.

"This." This is the point, Gary concluded. Where they start kissing. From the sounds coming from the couple, he was correct in his assumption. Nothing much, just the quiet sounds of lips on lips and rustling of clothing that he was well acquainted with.

The sounds halted abruptly. "No!" Mithros! This girl gets more confusing every second. "I was crazy to think-" No she wasn't. Jon sleeps with every one of the court ladies. "Jonathan please!" But- she's telling him to- stop? No one had done that since- ever!

"You're fighting what has to be. And you know it as well as I do." At least Jon was being his usual self.

"I- I know no such thing!" Poor girl- she sounds terrified. And that voice is going to drive me insane until I figure out who it is! "I promised myself once that I would never love a man." Silly promise for anyone to make- and most unlike a court lady.  "Maybe I almost broke that promise just now because of moonlight and silliness-"

"Stop it. We belong to each other. Is that silliness? Surely you've realized all along that this had to happen." All along? Who was this girl? "Go away, before I change my mind." Trust Jon to be a prig about it.

He heard the sound of running footsteps. A purple skirt could just barely be seen from his vantage point. Jon stayed where he was before slowly following the path the woman had taken, which was-

The wrong way for a noble lady to be running; towards the squire's rooms. Gods, this girl was becoming more confusing every minute.

Running a hand through his hair, Gary stood, continuing on the course he had originally been taking before it had been interrupted. Finding out who this girl was could wait. He'd find out soon anyway: everyone would be talking about the girl who'd refused the prince! He smiled at the thought. She'd probably have more brains than most of the court ladies. Maybe he'd be able to make Jon jealous for once-


Gary rubbed his head and stared accusingly at the doorframe. The evil things moved! He did not run into inanimate objects! Sighing, he continued, through the door back to his room. Neither Jon nor the mysterious lady were anywhere to be seen…


Siri: hope you liked!! Please review so I can feel loved once more!!

Queen's Own: I type for you and you feel unloved? *throws up hands in disgust* Peeps, reviews would be loved- maybe then this ungrateful muse –who does turn out good stories- will feel loved again. 'Til next chap!! Zhai'helleva! ~Queen's Own