Chapter 1

Buffy was absent-mindedly twirled her stake between her fingers while walking through the cemetery. It was a particularly slow night and she was feeling a little bored. The demon population had been a little slow for the past month and the Slayer was growing restless. She even started training more with Giles to get rid of her pent-up energy. Buffy just made her eleventh pass through the cemetery when her senses started to tingle. It wasn't the familiar tingle that she always feels around vampires, it was a tingle she had only felt one time before.

"Come out Whistler" She called into the empty space. She knew he was there, she could feel it all over.

"Hello Princess" The demon said as he came out from behind a tree. His clothes were the exact same as they had been last time Buffy had seen him. He didn't seem to change at all.

"So, what are you doing in our fine town at this hour" Buffy asked the balancing demon with a hint of bite in her voice. It's not that she had anything against whistler. It was just that the last time he showed up she ended up having to kill her first lover.

"What? Can't a demon just stop by to say 'Hello' to the slayer? I got to have a reason?"

"You never stop by. Now, just get to the point of this visit before I rip out your spin and use it as a belt" Whistler chuckled at the memory of the first time the two had met. She had given him a very similar choice and he could see that she wasn't over joyed to see him in her town again
"You really are good with the imagery. Alright, I'll cut to the chase and give you the little speech I've been rehearsing." Whistler didn't mind getting to the point, he did have a limited amount of time here anyway. He had a bottle of Jack waiting for him in another town. He started to stroll over to the steps of a mausoleum and sat down.

"The Powers that Be sent me down here to give you a little assignment. They want to send you to the future to meet one of their champions"

Buffy crossed her arms over her chest. She didn't really like the idea of being the Power's errand girl and taking care of whatever crap they wanted.

"For what exactly do they need me to meet their 'Future Champion'?" Buffy stood above Whistler glaring down.

" Well, they weren't really clear on that. They aren't big with the explanations. More into letting you interpret their meaning. You know, the whole free will thing. They just sent me down here with this little gadget that will send you to the proper time" He pulled out a watch. It didn't look special, just regular wrist watch. It had a silver band and a rose colored face. Buffy scrunched up her nose at how little it would match her outfit.

"So, I'm just supposed to drop everything. Go to the future, meet some random person, and try and figure out what I'm supposed to do?" Whistler nodded his head and handed Buffy the watch. "But, what if I don't want to?" Whistler stood and put his hand on her shoulder

" You know you're going to do it, even though you don't want to. You've always done the right thing, kid" With those words he turned around and walked away.
Buffy was left annoyed and frustrated at the audacity of the PTB. Assuming that she would just do the right thing and always giving her things to do. Putting her through hell and making her jump through hoops to probably just amuse themselves.
Oh well, Whistler was right, I'll do what I'm supposed to, but I am not happy about it

Buffy thought as she turned and started to walk home. She didn't feel much like patrolling anymore, and her efforts had been fruitless anyway.

Buffy inserted her key into the lock and turned it, unlocking the door. Dawn was studying at a friend's house that night so Buffy could enter the house as loud as possible. She threw her coat down and held the watch Whistler had given her in her hand. It felt cold in her warm palm. Deciding that she should go to bed to get some rest for her 'mission' tomorrow, Buffy made her way upstairs. She took her shoes off, changed into a long t-shirt and got under the covers of her comfortable bed. She had set the watch on the nightstand so she could easily find it in the morning. As she closed her eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep, Buffy failed to notice the face of the watch glowing bright pink, and the hands moving forward at a rapid pace.