Kougra: Hello People! Here's the sequel to Experience Pearls. For once I think I'll let Shadow have her fun with this chapter. Tala! Disclaimer!

Tala: [whining] Argggg. Do I have to?

Kougra: [cracks whip] You wanna see my REALLY bad mood?

Tala: [gulps] Um....see her other story's for the disclaimer.

Kougra: [pets Tala's red- head.] Good boy.

Of Bit- Beasts and Birthdays

"Tyko! Are you up yet?" Kenny yelled up to his sleeping son. "Nicky and China are here!" With that last sentence Tala could hear the commotion of someone getting untangled from his bedsheets and falling onto the floor with a loud thud. Today he would finally give his son the bit- beast and beyblade he'd been promising him for weeks. He chanced a knowing glance at his life- bound lover as he drank his morning coffee and smiled. His life had turned out to be better than he ever expected it to be: a loving 'wife', lively and couragous son, and a wide circle of friends that spanned almost clear around the world. He mused a stiffle laugh as he heard his now fourteen year old son curse outloud at the bookshelf above his desk. "What are you smiling at?" Kenny asked. "He gets it from you."
"Yes. I know that he does. It's just that he reminds me so much of Tyson with the way he gets on about the little things that bug him." Tala repiled with a smirk as he put down his empty coffee cup. Stealing a glance at the wall clock he rose with a swiftness that came with being a father to kiss Kenny on the cheek. "I'll be home a little late tonight, Hon. I got stuck with doing the inventory count at the BeyBlade Supply Shop."
"Yes, well don't be too late. You know how Ty get's when you aren't home before he is." Tala nodded in understanding. Tyko had grown into the habit of getting spunky if his dad got home after he did and would spend at least two hours gloating about it. Not that it really bothered Tala and all it just started to become rather annoying after a while.

I heard Papa yell up to me that my two best friends were here and reluctantly dragged myself out of bed only to find that I was caught in a tangled mess of bedsheets. I hurried to get dressed then leaned over to get my math and sience books, banging my already brused forehead off of my bookshelf. I cursed the bloody thing outloud- probably get punished for that one. I love to read. Something Dad said I got from Papa. I watched as Dad pulled out of the driveway, shaking my head in utter disgust as the loud screech of the tires reached my ears. Papa'll have his head for squeeling the tires again.
I can smell the strong scent of my favorite strawberries n' cream oatmeal and it draws me into Papa's kitchen. When he isn't in his room sleeping or toying with that computer- I mean Dizaira- or in the liberary reading he's most definetly in the kitchen cooking up a storm. Probably going to give me the royal treatment, after all today is my fourteenth birthday. All the gang will be here, this I know from other birthdays. I sent out the inventations three days ago which would give my uncles- Kai, Ray, Brian, Tyson, Max, Ian and Spencer- and my aunt Hilliary ample time to get ready to surprise me with their seemingly unusual gifts. They're not really my aunt and uncles, but their as close to me as family would be. Then there were the other kids they would be bringing. Those included Alixhi Kuznetsov- Granger, China and Nikki Hitwari(my best friends), and Arucard Tate. Besides that fact, we all went to the same school so I usually get to hear exactly what the other parents were planing for me every year. According to Chi. I would be getting my very own bit- beast this year from Dad. Nikki said Papa was going to go all out and let Ray- chan help cook his infamous Chinese Surprise dinners.
"'Morning, Papa." I said as I gulped down half a glass of orange juice then fill the glass to the brim with apple juice. So what! I have weird ways of eating everything. Pizza I like to eat the crust first- toppings- then the bottom. With cake I'll eat the icing last- sugar gives a good boost to my already hyper- energitic way of living. I scarffed down four pancakes and the rest of my juice in ten minutes- that would be my record for eating. Uncle Max walked into the kitchen at that very moment dragging a very tired looking Arucard behind him followed by Aunt Hilliary. I swear, if he doesn't stop messing up my hair! Uncle Max likes to mess it up a lot. Especially when something important is happening. Aunt Hilliary bent over to give me a pleasant kiss on the cheek and I couldn't help but surpress a laugh as Arucard pouted in the hallway. Don't you just love attention? I know I do! "He missed the bus again?" I quizzed raising my eyebrows slightly when Arucard gave me the finger. "I'll take him if I can have my present now." More a question than a statement.
"I don't know, Tyson." Uncle Max sighed.
"MAX!" Damn him! He knows I dislike it when I'm reminded of whom I'm named after. That, of course, would be the infamous Tyson Kutzentov- Granger- Can you say 'Food junkie'?-, my Uncle Kai and Papa's friend Oliver Somebody- OK! So I don't pay very much attention to anything at the reunions. Sue me. 'Sides, I have a three track mind- School, Beyblading, and Sugar. If my day does not include at least two of the three, consider me cynically crazed. Either that or out of commission (OOC). Papa grinned ear to ear- sometimes I half believe that he's gunna crack his face in two with the way he does that. Oh well.
"Go ahead, Hilliary. Tala's not home."
"Arigatou Papa!" I said as the shinny present was placed in front of me. It isn't very big but through past present getting- giving events I've learned that it's not the size that counts, it's what's inside the damn box- if ever I could got through the unholy taping job Aunt Hilliary did. My eyes widened as I pulled out a heavy chain with a circle attached to it. My very first bling bling! The chain is silver with little gold designs in it and the circle held a dragon and was embedded with a half a dozen white zircon stones. There was no clasp because the chain fit perfectly around my neck. "Wow! Thank's Auntie Hilliary. Uncle Maxie." I heard Arucard groan in disgust as I gave Hilliary a hug- though as I looked over her shoulder I stuck out my tounge at him. My birthday. My way.
In the porch, Arucard ushered me to hurry up as I snapped on my rollerblades- they're black with gold fire running up the sides. After saying bye to the others Arucard, China, Nikki, and I began our trek to our other friends house. Alixhi, as it turned out, was already half-ways down the road whan we saw him so Arucard took it upon himself to bike up and ride beside him. Chi looked at Nikki and he, in turn, looked at me. We know that when those two got together there was no telling what they were planning.
"Looks like we're watchin' your back today, Ty." China said as she pushed her scooter onto the school grounds ahead of me. There were a few kids scatttered around, but nothing looked out of the ordinary to me. Nikki bladed behind me, more than likely he was waiting for something bad to happen and I didn't blame him. I believed every word they said when they got this way about the last day of school- which also happened to be my birthday. Nearly everything went wrong on this day. We walked, well China walked, Nick and I bladed, to our lockers. The halls were nearly empty. A bad sign according to Alixhi.
"We ain't going to be around him all day, Ina. What's going to happen anyway?" Alixhi asked, his slight Russian slash Japanese accent felt like a pleasnt wind as it blasted through the hallway to my ears. "Hey! Tyko, chech your morning schedule, Dude!" He called from his locker. "I got Math, Art, and Science."
"Uh... same here. Looks like China gave us fair warning this time, at least we're in the same classes today. You watchin' my back too?"
"Dude. I'm plannin' your day remember?" Oh how I wish I could forget. "Yeah. I got your back, it's Arucard you gotta worry 'bout. He's cookin' up somethin' nasty 'cause you outshon him again."
"Hey! I ain't got nothin' 'gainst him. Why would he try somethin' bad?"
"Put it this way," Nicholas, who hadn't said a word to me save for then, said. He's like Uncle Kai when it comes to talking because until he sees something worth talking about, he hardly says a word. "He missed the bus on purpose this morning just to see if you would notice his new blade he's got tied to his waist. I just hope he doesn't think to babysit the thing all day, I'm itchin' for a battle." China grinned ear to ear.
"You're always itching for a beybattle. By the way, Lixhi found out what Uncle Tala got you for your birthday." I watched as Alixhi shifted his books to his left side.
"A new beyblade and your very own bitbeast. Papa Tyson couldn't keep his mouth shut so Da says he's getting him a muzzel before Arucard's birthday." Alixhi had been boosted up a grade when we were in Elementary school because he was considered too osmart for grade two. In the end, the five of us ended up in the same grade with most of the same teachers and classes. His birthday wasn't until January 27th 2009. Arucard's was December 8th 2008, making China and Nicholas the oldest of the five of us where they were born on April 9th 2008. That put me right smack in the middle because I was born on July 9th 2008. So I was stuck with the wait of not yet having a blade or a beast until afternoon. Damn. Oh well, maybe I'll get a surprise from Papa this evening.

Kougra: YAY! Chapter one is short, I know. But at least it's done!

Tyko: Ain't that a fact.

Angel: Where's your father?

Tyko: Elsewhere you dunce.

Shadow: I like him lots! Yes I do! [hugs Tyko till he turns bule in the face]

Kougra: OooooK. Um...R,R&R please.