Well, it's only been eight years, hasn't it? In just a couple more years, the time span between the post of the final chapter of this fic and my age when I started it will be the same.

Reading over this fic made me cringe in that there is so much OOC fluff in here. I'm glad that people enjoyed it, but I am also a bit surprised. I suppose that's what I was into in middle school - fluff ad nauseum.

Anyway, to the point of why I'm adding this- I'm not posting any more stories on this account. Ever. I'm done with the Teen Titans fandom. Within the last couple of weeks/months, I have received a couple reviews from people saying that they can't wait for me to update, good fic, etc. My initial reaction was, "people are still reading this?" And the traffic map confirms that people are still reading this. Which is awesome, I guess.

I have recently started writing fanfiction again, in a different account. It's for a different fandom, and still romance-y, but with a hell of a lot less fluff and an attempt to keep characters, well, in character. No, characters do not start making out in public for hours on end for no reason other than ooh, fluff. Also, strong female characters- female protagonists who can get shit done without the help of a man. I'm through with damsels in distress.

Again, to the point- if you are curious about my new, less middle-school-ish fanfiction in a separate fandom, I invite you to tell me so (in reviews or PMs) and I will link you.

So, thanks for reading? I hope you're curious about where my writing is now?
