Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, you guys should know that!

















Heya guys! Welcome to the newest chapter of 'A Daring Summer' I hope you guys are happy – I updated quicker! Yay! Anyways, thanks to all who reviewed my last chapter. You guys rule, and this chapter is for you! Now, sit back, grab a drink and enjoy the chapter like always!
















A Daring Summer

Chapter Three: Missing Diary?










"Oh, I don't think so little Tea. You're in my house now, despite what my sister said, you listen to me," he told her.

Tea's eyes widened. She had never planned anything like this to happen at all. She thought they would ignore each other, and pretend like the other wasn't there. But obviously, this isn't what he had planned. He seemed to have plans on her.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" she asked. "Can't we just ignore each other. . .stay out of each others way?" she pleaded.

"No. Want to know why? Simple. You're here. I may not always be able to see you, but you're here nonetheless, so I can't pretend your not there, and I can't ignore you." he replied coldly.

"I'm sorry about this. It isn't my fault at a-"

"Not your fault?" his grip on her tightened. "It is. I do remember, you saying yes to my sister's stupid request. So yes, it is your fault," he growled at her, anger rising.

"She's my friend and she needed a favor. . ." she trailed off. Anything I say, he won't like anyways right? Might as well shut up. . .and maybe he'll leave me alone she silently hoped to herself, as she watched him.

"That's not my problem. I don't give a shit, got it?" he asked her, and she quickly nodded.

Stupid woman. This will be a lot more fun then I thought. She's terrified of me, and I'm sure I can use that to my advantage he thought evilly.

"Go wash now, you smell horribly." he said cruelly, as he let her go. Quickly, she ran to the bathroom and locked the door, happy to be away from him completely.

Slowly, she stripped herself; she wanted to take as long as she could. She was in no rush to be around him again. Truth was, she feared him. Ever since battle city. Just the way he was, the way he acted. She truly was scared of him, but she was determined not to show it. She knew if she did, he would only get satisfaction in it.

Once stripped of her clothing, she entered the shower, and turned the faucets letting the hot water run down her body. She stayed like that for a while, before she went and grabbed the bottle of shampoo. She poured some into her hand, before putting the bottle back, and then began washing her hair.

From washing her hair, she went to conditioning it, and then to washing her body. She sighed as she shut the water off; annoyed that it hadn't lasted longer. Grabbing the large dark blue towel, she wrapped it around herself and stepped out of the shower.

She grabbed the pink tank top, and put it on herself, and then the baggy plaid pink bottoms for it. She grabbed the elastic from her arm, and tied her hair into a messy bun, leaving a few strands in front of her face. She made sure she looked okay, before exiting the bathroom, holding her dirty clothes in her hands.

She walked over to her room where she was staying, and dropped her clothes beside her bag. I guess I'll wash it later when I have more dirty clothes. She thought, before sitting on her bed. She blinked, as she re looked at her bag, her eyes widening.

Someone's been in my bag! She cried, as she ran to her bag, and looking through it. She took everything out slowly, and when realizing everything was there, she began to put it back, and that's when it hit her.

"My diary is missing!" she cried.

Tea stood there frozen in place, as she wondered if she could have left it at home, when suddenly, she heard laughter from downstairs. Anger ran through her body, as she immediately stood up, and ran downstairs into the kitchen, where a laughing Marik sat, his hand holding her diary.

"You. . . you. . . give back my diary this instant!" she screamed, as she ran to grab it, but Marik had stood up, and had lifted the book above his head.

"Aww, so you have a little crush on Pharaoh? Amusing." He laughed at her, as she glared at him, her arms crossed.

"Marik, that's none of your damn business! Give it back now!" she yelled. I can't believe he took it, let alone read it! He's probably going to tell him too. . .this is so embarrassing! She thought furiously.

Marik simply laughed, as he brought the book down a bit so her could continue to read it in front of her. He turned a few pages, and read from it. "Dear Diary, I don't think Yami will ever love me. I mean, he doesn't even notice me. He just sees me as a friend. . ." Marik laughed. "Aw, he sees you as just a friend? Sob, sob" he laughed evilly at her.

"Your such an ass." she hissed at him.

"Thank you." he smirked, as he threw the book at her.

"It wasn't a damn compliment!" she growled.

"Well I take it as one." he replied.

Tea simply glared, as she turned away from him. She couldn't believe what had just happened, and all she wanted to do now was sleep and try to forget about it. She was almost out of the kitchen, when Marik had called out to her.

"Woman, where the hell are you going?" he asked her, as he took his seat.

She turned to him, "To bed," she said simply.

"Oh no your not. I'm hungry, and I want hamburgers. Three of them. So get cooking." He ordered, as he grabbed the newspaper and began to read, only looking up when Tea began to laugh.

"After you take my diary? After you read it? After you humiliate me? Never! Make it yourself." She replied angrily. She had to bite her lip to stop there. She knew she was probably over doing it, and the last thing she wanted to do was anger him. She knew what could happen if that happened.

"Oh really?" he questioned as he grabbed the phone. "I think you might re-think your decision if I were to tell you that if you don't, I'll call Yami and tell him about your little crush on him. . .maybe read a page from your diary too." he threatened, as he watched her grip tighten on her diary.

"You can't!" she protested. She knew it was a weak answer, but it was the only thing that had come to her mind.

"Try me." Was his only reply.




















Eek! You guys must really hate me with my short chapters aye?? Well, I promise to write a longer one next time! At least something good happened right? Marik is being an ass, lol . Anyways, thanks again to all who reviewed my last chapter! Appreciated it guys!

Please review and tell me what you think!! Only takes a minute =)