Disclaimer: I only own Leila and Laura and whatever enemy I create.

*Note: At this point, Trent IS the White Dino Thunder Ranger and is on the side of good.


Leila Omano sighed in sadness as her mom continued to drive along the highway towards Reefside.

"Leila, I know you aren't excited about the move....," her mom, Laura Omano, began to say.

"Gee mom, what gave that away? Could it be the fact that I said I DIDN'T WANT TO MOVE?!" Leila said sarcastically and angrily. Laura knew she couldn't reprimand Leila for being rude because it wouldn't change her attitude. Leila was a great kid and did not make a habit of getting into trouble, but the move from the Thunder Academy to Reefside was necessary for this part of Leila's life. Her father, the Thunder Academy's Sensei, had stressed how important it was to let Leila come into her destiny on her own terms without telling her. Leila was not at all thrilled to leave the only home she had known. All of her friends were there, she loved studying martial arts, her Aunt LeeAnn was like a big sister to her, and her grandfather was the only male figure in her life. Laura did not even want to start thinking about the story behind Leila's father. Leila still made a habit of prying and asking questions behind the father she had never known, but that was something Laura hoped she would never have to speak of to her daughter.

"Mom, not that I would care if you did, but you're about to miss the exit to Reefside," Leila said to her distracted mother. Laura moved over one lane and got off on the exit. It took them only a few minutes to enter Reefside. Leila took in the scenes of her new home. Nice neighborhoods, decent school, cool places to hangout and shop; Reefside didn't seem all that bad. It just wasn't home. She might adjust to it better if she knew WHY they absolutely had to move.

'Oh well, guess I'll make the best of it. If that's even possible,' she thought to herself. Leila felt the car stop and she began to look around.

"Here we are. What do you think?" Laura asked her daughter. Leila got out of the car and took in the house. It was a baby blue, two story home. A little big for two people, Leila thought, but her family had always been comfortable financially and didn't splurge all that often, mainly holidays.

'I guess grandpa wanted to make the move somewhat okay for me,' she thought before turning back to her mom.

"It's beautiful. I'm going to go ahead and start putting some of my stuff up," Leila said.

"Okay, sweetie," Laura replied, watching her daughter grab her book bag and a couple of boxes from the backseat of the car, then watching Leila walk into their new home. Laura opened the backseat of the car and start ruffling through stuff. The moving van wouldn't be there for a few hours, so they didn't have too much stuff to unpack until then. Laura finally found what she had been looking for. It was a small box, decorated and engraved with the Thunder Academy symbol. She didn't dare open it, for it was meant for Leila. Laura put it back in her box of things and hid it under some bed sheets. She and Leila had a lot to do today. They need to get as much unpacking done as they could. Tomorrow was Friday and the two were meeting up with an old friend of Laura's, Hayley. A teacher-friend of Hayley's, a Doctor Thomas Oliver, was going to help them get Leila registered for school. Until then, it was time to get their house settled into.

Okay what do you think? The next chapter will introduce some interaction with the Dino Thunder rangers. It will take me a few chapters but you will see more of connection with the Ninja Storm rangers as well. There's also a few surprises along the way because Leila does have as much of a direct connection to the Dino Thunder world as the Ninja Storm world. Thanks, please R & R.