Hi everyone! I got a request to make my chapters longer so I hope this one is! Please Review, and enjoy!

Chapter 4- Beginning

The titans all went upstairs. Raven motioned for them to come in a room. Cyborg opened the door, and they walked inside. The walls were black with red stains. Starfire's hand was tightly gripped to Robin's. When they were all inside, Raven closed the door, and locked it.

"What are we going to do?" Terra asked sitting next to Beast Boy.

"We can't get out, that's for sure!" Cyborg said.

"He gets his energy from the mansion." Raven said quietly.

"What?!" Beast Boy exclaimed.

Raven shook her head. "This place is wired with cameras, so we have to make sure we do nothing stupid." She said looking directly at Beast Boy who just shrugged.

"This is the only room without cameras." She said. "Which means the room is mine, now leave!" Raven said opening the door.

"Hey! How did you know this was the only no camera room!" Cyborg asked.

"I scoped it out before we came up here. Leave!" She said pointing to the open door.

The titans left the room, and returned to their own.

"He better stay away from Starfire." Robin muttered, and went into his room.

"Are they all sleeping?" Heartbreaker asked. A tall man in a black cloak nodded.

"Very well than. Let us begin the tournament."

The man walked over to a large control panel. His metal shoes clanked on the floor as he took his large strides. He pushed a couple of buttons.

"Everything is ready." The man in the cloak said with a gruff tone.

"Good work Delivous, let's go." Heartbreaker said.

"Robin, what are you doing? Where are we?" Starfire asked. Robin was walking up to her, his hand behind his back. He walked up to her and put one arm around her.

"He's coming." He whispered in her ear.

Starfire looked at him. Then another Robin entered the room.

"Starfire, no!" the second Robin exclaimed. But he couldn't stop it. The Robin next to Starfire turned and stuck a blade in her stomach. She fell to her knees, and screamed.

Starfire woke up at the sound of her own scream. Robin came rushing in her room.

"Starfire, what's the matter?"

Then Starfire's bed turned upward and a hole appeared in it. She fell down into the hole, and he went right after her.

Starfire and Robin fell onto the crystal ground. They looked up. The other titans, and others were in the same condition. Everyone looked confused. Robin stood up, and offered his hand to Starfire, who took it. Heartbreaker was in the center of the room, standing with ten large men next to him. One of them had a black cloak. The others stood up as well.

"Hello contestants, this is the tournament. If you can survive it through the night, you are free. This is real for sure. You will meet your friends on the way. There are rules however. You must find a key before daybreak. There are three. The one who finds it first is returned. If you don't get the key, you will pass out of existence, forever."

"That's not fair!" One of the other contestants yelled.

"Yeah! That means only three of us make it!" Someone else shouted.

Heartbreaker smiled. "Oh, who said this was fair?" He said, and snapped his fingers. The titans and the others all fell into separate portals.

Hi! How is it? I need some ideas. If anyone has a suggestion on how to end the tournament please review and tell! I can get anonymous reviews! Also check out my other stories!!!