SPOILERS: So far as I can see, none, but to be cautious I'll say all the way up to 'Memorial Day'

A/N - These one hundred word drabbles are, basically, a response to the current standard of the West Wing episodes, although even I'm not sure whether they're hopeful or condemning for the future of the show. The title for this first one is the Latin for either a lull or a funeral song (you can decide which is more appropriate) and there will be more from other characters' perspectives soon. And I think that's all the information you need about it. Feel free to comment or, you know, not.

Bartlet's POV


It's gotten to the point where he's not sure it was worth all of the trauma and all of the drama.

They're sinking into the quicksand, and he's not sure whether they've given up struggling because they know it can only make the situation worse or if it's just because they've given up.

He likes to think that maybe they're waiting for something, some particular thing that will make them care again. Something that will make them care about whether Bartlet's being Bartlet or not.

And he's not.

And so, he begins to think about changing what 'Being Bartlet' means.