Petra: Okay, first off, be prepared for this to be very different.
Kati: Very different.
Petra: This was a very interesting fic for me to do because of the fact that I don't think I've used as many cuss words in one fic that I've used in one paragraph in this fic.
Kati: Also, this was a very different way to write Duo, though it definately could work.
Petra: I started writing this fic just as a way to challenge myself.
Kati: Pretty much, the only guidelines that were put down was that I wanted to use an idea I had about Duo hearing voices, combine that with another idea about the Zero system giving Duo powers (not necessarily magic), and that Duo couldn't act anything like what most people, including me and Petra, thought he really did act.
Petra: Even if it was sorta difficult, I really enjoyed writing this fic because it was such a challenge. I usually had to read the whole thing before I could get my mind in the right mindset and I even had to go back and add in some "fucks" because I didn't think it sounded right...
Kati: So, I hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoyed writing it.
Petra: And remember, this is supposed to be different.

DEDICATED: To Trowa; for no reason than because he's Kati's favorite and I think he'd be good to/for Duo. (Kati: Trowa... *drool*)
WARNING: 2x3 Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of cussing. Get the point. As in, fuck, a lot! If you have extreme hatred of that word, do not continue... Also... Duo isn't who you think he is. I would say OOC but... it's possibly he's really like this... not very possible... but possible enough... Also, I possibly screwed up the timeline, since I can't remember if Duo or Trowa went into the Zero system first and I'm sure they weren't all together when it happened...
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, I just make them dance! *evil laughter* (the five boys cower in fear)


Cloying Voices - Chapter 01

"some people wear their smile
like a disguise
those people who smile a lot
watch the eyes
i know it 'cause i'm like that lot
you think everything's okay
and it is
'til it's not." -Ani DiFranc; outta me, onto you


{Kill yourself… Just let everything go…} I stiffen as, once again, those little fucking voices come unbidden into my mind; this time, as I'm in the kitchen, chopping up carrots. The knife glints in the dull light and I have the sudden vision of the metal slowly cutting into my skin, red warmth trailing down my arm and onto the floor. I blink and the vision is gone but not the fucking temptation, the knife still glints in the light, almost as though it laughs at my fucking pathetic attempts. I take a deep breath and set the knife down. {What the hell are you doing?!} the voices scream at me in rage even as I turn my back on the enticing silver. {That is peace! That is fucking happiness!} I walk over to the sink and turn the cold water on, catching the cool liquid in my hands and splashing my face with it.

Slowly, the voice begins to fade into the background. 'Shinigami, you sick little fuck,' I think, 'You don't have me yet.' Then I go back to chopping up the vegetables. As I pour them in the soup, the pleasant smell wafting up, I contemplate what would happen if any of the other pilots found out about the cloying voices, the fucking voices that somehow sound of death and decay. Carefully, making sure not to nick myself in my haste, I wash the knife and put it in the drawer and, as I close it away, the damn voices claw at the back of my head.

"Duo?" a voice asks behind me, and I realize that I have been standing in front of that drawer for a least five minutes. Fuck.

"Yeah?" I ask, turning with a smile toward Quatre. He looks at me a moment but not even Mr. Empath himself can get past the damn happy façade on the surface and soon he smiles back. Pathetic little fuck.

"I was just wondering what's so interesting about the counter…"

Well, isn't he cute? By the way, people, that's fucking sarcasm! "I was just thinking." Before he can say anything else I continue on, "Why don't you get the other pilots? Dinner's ready." He nods with a smile before leaving and the smile melts from my face as soon as he's gone. Goddamn, I hate every single one of them. I hate Wufei's goddamn fucking justice that doesn't exist; God, I can't wait till the day when I get to see the crushing realization that what he's believed in all his life isn't real. Heero, I just hate that bastard. He's so… self-righteous, as though everything he does is good and everything I do is bad. Really? Yeah, well take your goddamn self-righteousness and shove it up your ass, along with the stick that's already up there! Then there's Quatre, perfect little billionaire "nothing-can-touch-my-purity" pussy boy! God, I would love to take that innocence away, just kill it in one brief interlude of sweat and sex. If you couldn't tell by now, I am one sick little motherfucker. Guess what? I don't give a shit about them or you, so fuck off.

Trowa, though, ah, I like Trowa. He's the only one who doesn't judge me, the only who doesn't look at me and think that just because I act as I do that I think everything's a joke… I take that back. I do think everything's a joke; I just don't think most people realize that what I think is funny wouldn't be thought of as funny by most other people. That's all right, though, I'm used to not pleasing people; hell, I never tried, did I? Trowa, he's seen fucked up shit, just like me. I think he's been through the same sort of crap that I've been through, too. If I were to open up to anyone, he would be the one I would open up to; just too bad I don't plan on opening up to fucking anyone. Hear that laughter? That's mine and, yes, it's entirely insane. The strangest thing, though, is that the cloying voices like Trowa also. As if me liking him weren't fucked up enough, even the voices inside my head like him! Doesn't that just crack you up?

Speak of the damned devil; here he is now! He nods at me and then sits down, waiting for the rest of them to get here. I continue to look at him as the voices in my head stop their damned yammering over the knife. Funny, I've never had someone who could quiet the voices before. I don't know why, exactly, they quiet with him but I think I have a guess. I think that the little bastards see him as someone just like me. I've tried asking them but they just laugh at me and then show me images of the many beautiful ways I could die and end my fucking pathetic existence. Don't think those images weren't tempting either; they were far more tempting than any candy I have ever been offered.

Soon, the anal-twins (Heero and Wufei) and the innocent-fuck (process of elimination, people!) join us and I pass out their meal. I love cooking. I really do. I just don't like cooking for these fucks, because these bastards don't understand the present I'm giving them… except Trowa, he always smiles at me after he's done and before he leaves. Quatre's too used to having four-star cuisine to get his pansy ass out of his high seat and realize that I'm a fucking great cook and the anal-twins don't give me so much as a grunt.

You may ask why I even hang out with the three great dicks if they're so fucking anal-retentive but, what can I say, I like pain. It gives me a sick pleasure but hell any kind of pleasure for me is a special treat. Plus, a part of me keeps hoping one of the anal-twins will finally crack and snap my goddamn neck; what can I say, I have a death wish. Plus, Heero's great for a violent fuck in the sack. You haven't had sex till you're biting each other and fighting, I mean seriously fighting, for top. Last time the fucker almost broke my arm. It was great!

Jesus Fucking Christ! I've been quiet for three whole minutes and now the three great dicks are looking at me as if I were nuts. One of the voices laughs inside my head. Oh, if only they knew. I start to talk and inside my head my voices laugh at my pathetic façade.


IMPORTANT NOTE: For those of you that wish it, DUE TO MY SPORADIC postings, I am offering you, the readers, A MAILING LIST to sign up to. When I finally UPDATE, I will SEND OUT AN EMAIL informing those of you that are on the list that I have finally updated. I need you to EMAIL me, telling that you wish to sign up, and whether it's for ORIGINAL FICTION or FANFICTION. I WILL NOT accept those people that ask to be up on it in a review because I can't be sure that email is real. The mailing list will ALSO OFFER the TITLES of those works that I am posting, the COUPLES (if any) that are in it, which FANDOM it is from, and whether it is a SEQUEL to anything.


Petra: So... I'm a little scared to ask but, what did you think?
Kati: Well, look on the bright side, Pet-chan... at least you'll finally get your first flame.
Petra: *laugh* I'm sure no one would do that. What'd you think? Seriously, tell me really. Remember, though, that I don't really think that this is how Duo really is either, but I did it because I think this is really how he could be and because it would be a challenge.
Kati: So... review! Let's hear your thoughts!

"I dream of a day when I can open my eyes, and my dreams won't disappear."
-Rose Marie Ledam

~Petra Megami Assari~
*The Gentle Tiger Goddess*