I've been trapped in a prison

And I can't break out, confined to a room.

My solitude of lies.

I've never understood.

Why I caught myself here.

Why I stuck myself where I stand.

I am the key, I could escape.

But I don't.  

I hold myself

In this space, multiply my suffering

Everything is wrong.

It appears I can make nothing right.

I can't work out what I've done wrong.

Can't fix the mistake I seem to have made.

How I wish, that I could move on.

Leave you in the past.

But I'm stuck in this hell

Keep saying that it's all your fault.

The lies I create, the happiness I fake

It's all a game.

I pretend to move on, to let go.

Pretend to be a lie, never being true. 

I built a wall… its all around

You may not see, but it stands high.

And it stands strong.

No one will break through

No one will open my door.

I've lost the key, you took it with you.

He read it knowing that he shouldn't have. He placed the book down as the door slammed, causing the walls to shake with vibrations. He slid the book across the desk, and preoccupied himself with his work. She walked in the room, the anger, the pain, surrounding her in a heartbreaking aura. He knew she was hurt, and oh how he longed to help. But she wasn't ready for his help, she didn't want his help. So he was waiting patiently for the perfect opportunity to show her he cared. To show her the kind of girl he knew she could be. 

My head, it hurts
Each day it's getting worse
My looks and smile
Have now become my curse
Tight lips, red skirt
The never ending street
Big car, little man
My lover for a fee

Damn, had she ever been hurt. But that wasn't what got her down. No… not at all. It was how angry she was. She had let him affect her; she had allowed herself to believe she was in love. HA! Love, there was no such thing, only pain, lots and lots of pain. The world was dark; she wanted a man, a dark man. Someone who would view the world as she did, she dreamed of watching the filth that had hurt her, die, she dreamt of his blood. Yes things had changed, she wasn't so good anymore, she was quite… bad.

So if you see me will you just drive on by?
Or will I catch the twinkle inside your eye?
And if you want me well I guess I want you
Oh pretty baby how could you?

He saw it in her eyes, she was ready. He would teach her all he knew, he would bring her to the top. Pulling out a sheet of parchment, he scrawled a quite note on it. Tonight, he would show her. He was everything she needed, she wouldn't hurt anymore.

Standing in the rain
Milk carton mug-shot baby
Missing since 1983
Standing in the rain
20 years of dirty needles
Raindrops runnin' through my veins


She lay on her bed, staring up at the black above her. A simple spell had changed the once bright and cheery red hair to a deathly shade of black. She loved it… it was… well… it was her. A screech from her window brought her back to reality; walking across her room she untied a small piece of paper from a grey hawk.

Outside, the edge of the forbidden forest. Midnight.

Was all it said. But she knew who it was from. She didn't need to be told. The florescent green letters of her clock read 9:30, 'Well, if I'm going to make this midnight rendezvous, then I better get a little shut eye now.' She thought to herself before her eyes slipped closed.     

My head it hurts
Each day its getting worse
No sun, my room
Has now become my herse
Cold sores, im beat
Got bruises on my feet
My pride, these men
Have taken it from me


He blended in to the darkness, but she didn't. She approached him, glowing with the light from the moon. She had donned a slinky read skirt for the occasion, and wore a black sweater to match both his pants and shirt.

So if you see me will you just drive on by?
Or will I catch the twinkle inside your eye?
And if you want me well I guess I want you
Oh pretty baby how could you?

She walked right up to him, stopping only inches away. She looked up into his eyes, no words were needed to be spoken, he was what she wanted, he was what she needed. He had been right in front of her, she had been searching everywhere but there, but there was no need to dwell in the past.

Standing in the rain
Milk carton mug-shot baby
Missing since 1983
Standing in the rain
20 years of dirty needles
Raindrops runnin' through my veins

She slipped her arms around his neck, and her tongue in his mouth. And that was all the invitation he needed. His tongue slithered past hers, and he explored the crevasses of her mouth. He hands left her waist and slip slowly up, before reaching the curve of her breast, they would slip back down… no point in getting to far here, they couldn't quite do anything in the middle of the dark forest. 

Missing since 1983
Standing in the rain
20 years of dirty needles
Raindrops runnin' though my veins
Standing in the rain
Mother, I have lost my way
Standing in the rain
Mother, I have lost my way 

She was now his, and he was now hers. He slipped his hand into hers as they entered the great hall, all heads turned; she was now one of them, a silver and a green, no longer the red and gold of her past. They now reigned over the school of Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry, Prince and Princess of darkness. Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. 


Hey everyone!! Another one of my little ficlettes… this time I was at home and I was really bored so I decided to write this. The Poem at the top, I wrote that, but the song that's throughout the fic in BOLD is by Billy Talent it's called Standing in the rain. It's a totally awesome song!! Anyways I would really appreciate some reviews… thank so much!