Hi! I just started reading yet another medieval novel and decided to put the X-Men into that world. Don't worry, I won't change them too much. Kitty will still say 'like' every other word and everybody will still have the same loves and enemies. OK? Enjoy! Oh, and a little note for reviewers: Please give 'signed' reviews. That's way if I didn't get to read your review till after the story is over I can at least e-mail you if you had asked a question, ok? And I usually do shout outs from finished fics in the next story I put up, k? Speaking of which, shout outs for X-Men's Trip To The Mountains: Weapon X 61: Thank you for the nice rating, Marie is supposed to be an old acquaintance of Logan's. Nothing more. Authoress' Note: Personally, I hate Lance, and I hate Pietro. I just might kill them both unless someone stops me. Mwuhahaha!

Disclaimer: I don't own the X-Men but everything else is stuff I made up.

Lord Kurt of the castle Wagner had just heard the news about a young princess coming to the realm for the annual tournament. He had also heard that her beauty was unsurpassed and that the winner of the tournament would receive her hand in marriage. What a prize!

The recreant knight Sir Lance of Alvers had also heard of the tourney, and he also wanted the prize. He called his servants to ready his stead Stormhoof and to get his armor polished.

"I shall have you Katherine of the house of Pryde," he told himself as his squire fastened him in his armor. "I will have you."

Farther away, but still in the same country, a company of knights was escorting a princess to her father's castle. The princess was the famed Lady Katherine of the house of Pryde.

Three errant knights sat upon their horses on a hilltop, keeping watch over the maiden and her knights' progress through the valley beneath them.

"Is this the babe that Lance wanted?" asked the smallest of the knights, Sir Todd of the noble house of Tolanskey, which he had put to shame ever since he was knighted.

His two companions were Sir Pietro, son of Lord Magneto, lord of many lands, and Sir Fred, son of the village blacksmith. Each of the knights were reknown in many countries as being recreant and scroundrelous. There was some talk amongst the knights of Xavier of whether or not the three should have ever been knighted in the first place.

Sir Pietro's lifelong enemy Sir Evan, was among the princess' knights, as was Sir Fred's enemy Sir Scott. Why Sir Pietro and Sir Evan were in low favor of each other, none could say.

But there was much talk about Sir Fred and Sir Scott's rivalry over the fair maiden Jean of the house of Grey. The two knights had fought over her since she had come into the realm, even though she had shown neither of them any love at all. She was too busy receiving gifts from her burly knight, Sir Duncan.

Sir Fred had just spied his love in the princess' train, she was one of the lady's handmaidens. Sir Fred noticed that his rival, Sir Scott, was trying to flirt with the Lady Jean. At this sight the robust knight growled and prepared to charge, but was stayed by the voice of Sir Pietro's sister, Lady Wanda.

"Stay up here blubber butt," Lady Wanda scowled, riding up to him on her black palfrey. "If you charge down there now you will spoil Sir Lance's plans."

Lady Tabitha, also called 'Boom-Boom' for her mutant energy blasts rode up to Sir Pietro and cackled.

"Yes," she snickered. "Wouldn't want to ruin Sir Lance's bone headed plans." She summoned a boom ball in her hand and made to throw into the train's midst.

"Stay your hand fool lady," Sir Lance growled, riding up to the fivesome on his large black steed. "We will strike soon, but not now. Wait until they have reached the Bleak Forest."

The riders in the train below knew nothing of Sir Lance's plans, even if Sir Jamie pointed them out on top of the hill.

"Like, I'm so hot," Princess Kitty moaned. "Like, can someone shade me?" Two servants rushed up with a blanket strung acrossed four poles to shade their lady. "Thats like, soooo much better," the lady sighed.

"Sir Logan! How long until we reach King Pryde's castle?" asked Princess Kitty's handmaiden Lady Jean.

"Not too long," the bristley knight told them. "We just have to go through the Bleak Forest and cross Lord Kurt's estates."

"Like, who's Lord Kurt?" Princess Kitty asked her ladies.

Lady Jubilee snickered.

"He's a deformed monster who eats foreign princesses," she teased.

"He is not," Jennifer retorted. "Those are all lies, and you know it!" Turning back to the princess the maid went on. "They say he was cursed as a child, by Lord Magneto. He lives alone with his sister and their servants on his estates. I think he is in the business of finding a wife," she added.

"Like, cursed?!" Princess Kitty repeated.

"He looks like a demon!" Lady Jubilee snickered.

The other ladies rolled their eyes.

"He is blue with fur all over his body," Lady Jean explained. "They say he even has pointed ears and a tail."

"He's a monster!" Lady Jubilee blurted.

Lady Jennifer growled.

"I sometimes run errands for him," she told the gossip. "He is not a demon or a monster. He's a very nice young man. You just need to get past his appearance, thats all."

"Bleak Forest!" announced young Sir Timothy.

Forgive me if this makes no sense, but I'm still adding more! Mwuhahahahaha! Hope my fan club likes it (