duo braid

Discliamer- you know i don't own it

A.n- :::Evil giggle::: Comes after wufei;s gundam

Three figures snuck up the straiwell one was in handcuffs and was rather small again.

"We should of gagged him" the girl name gabby said.

"No we are not gagging him" alea said back

"Then you shut himn up he'll wake duo."

"SOMEONE HELP I'M BEING CHIBI NAPED." Quatre now chibi said. He had went from being a little devil to a little angel chibi."

"Lucky us that his voice is to hi pitch for it to wake up heero much less duo." Gabby said

"Duo could sleep through anything trust me" alea said.

"let me guess hilde told you this." gabby asked.

"Yep. got the sicc....." alea started but was soon cut off.

"Shooo don't say the s word thats the only thing that will wake him up trust me." gabby said.

"Right." alea said opening the door.

"can i gag him" chibi quatre asked. Now a little chibi demon again.

"Sure" alea said handing him the gag.

10 minutes later duo was gagged and tied up.

"Great now you woke him up" alea said.

"Hehehe only makes it more funner" gabby said handing each of them and pair of sissors.

Duo had a look of pure fright on his face how could they cut his hair not his presoius hair. 'My hair' duo thought.


A piece of duos braid fell to the floor.

"This is for the time you broke stargazer" alea said cutting a pice of his braid off.

10minutes later you could see the figures laughing insanely and duo passed out with a hair cut like heeros.

"You know he's gonna warn the others" alea said.

"Let him" gabby said

"So who next" quatre asked in a chibi voice.

"Heero" gabby said smiling and exiting the room.

***next morning***

"MY HAIR" Duo shouted crying he had hoped he dream it all. "No one messes with shigima's hair." duo said. He had the look of revenge in his eyes.


So what do ya think the next part will be longer (i got about 2 more to go 3 counting this one.) Tell me if you think i should stop writing this all togeather tell me. Just tell me your opinion in the review. And all flames will be ingored unless there postive flames.