Hey everybody! This was going to be the chapter with Sango, Miroku and Kohaku, but after I wrote it, my disk messed up and deleted it. SO I'm just going to make this chapter the last one. And than, the sequel!!! Woo hoo! I'm so excited! Well, here's chapter 23!


Let's go on vacation!









The sun slowly rose over the horizon, seeming to shine brighter than usual. Sango, Miroku and Kaede watched the sun rise as Kohaku played tag with Shippo. He jumped forward and grabbed Shippo by his tail while Sango, Miroku, and Kaede stood to the side and watched with smiles on their faces.

"There! I finally caught you Shippo!" Kohaku cheered.

"Hey, isn't that... Kagome and Inuyasha!" Shippo squealed.

"Not this time Shippo. You're not tricking me. I got you fair and square."

"No, really!"

Kohaku turned his head and glanced at the entrance of the village to see two figures slowly making their way down to Kaede's hut. Shippo transformed into his flying form and hovered over to Kagome and Inuyasha.

"KAGOME!!" Shippo squeaked.

Kagome smiled, pulling Inuyasha's haori closer to herself. She grabbed Inuyasha's hand and ran over to Shippo, catching him just as he transformed into his regular form again.

"Shippo!" Kagome said happily.

"Hey you little runt," Inuyasha said with a smirk. "You haven't been causing trouble again, have you?"

Shippo stuck his tongue out at Inuyasha.

"Yeah right! I've been being good and playing tag with Kohaku all day!" Shippo boasted.

Kagome's head tilted to the side.

"Kohaku....... As in Sango's little brother Kohaku?" she asked puzzled.

"So, he woke up did he?" Inuyasha looked over at Kohaku who was just staring at them.

"Sango, look," Miroku said, tapping her shoulder and pointing to Inuyasha and Kagome. "They're back!"

Sango and Miroku ran over to Kagome, hugging her tightly.

"Kagome!" Sango exclaimed. "I missed you so much!"

"We all did. Are you ok Kagome?" Miroku asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Kagome chirped, hugging them back.

Kohaku walked over to Kagome and Inuyasha, slowly and timidly.

"Hm? Oh, Kohaku! Meet Kagome and Inuyasha!" Sango grabbed Kohaku's shoulder and pulled him in front of her. "Kohaku, these are my other two friends, Inuyasha and Kagome!"

Kohaku blushed and stuck his hand out.

"Nice to meet you," he s whispered.

Kagome smiled. "You know, you act just like my brother. Quiet and shy. But I bet after you get to know us better, you'll be loud and won't be as shy, huh?"

Kohaku's blush deepened and he nodded slowly. Inuyasha stepped forward and looked down at Kohaku.

"You're Kohaku... The boy Sango stole my sword for... The boy who caused us to loose Naraku time and time again..." Inuyasha stated, staring down at him.

Kohaku trembled.

"Inuyasha..." Sango growled, ready to defend her little brother.

"You know... You're not half bad a fighter."

Everyone except for Inuyasha and Kohaku did an anime fall.

"Umm... Thank you..." Kohaku whispered, rubbing the back of his head.

"No problem kid."

Inuyasha and Kohaku walked back to Kaede's hut while everyone else got up and followed them.

Miroku walked along side Inuyasha and asked, "So, where is the jewel now...?"









"So.... The jewel is now inside of Kagome's body is it..." Kaede asked, stirring a bowl of vegetable soup.

"Yes..." Kagome said.

"Just where it was when you first came here..." Kaede smiled and handed a bowl of soup to Kagome. "Remember the night when ye first came in my hut. I made this very same thing."

Kagome smiled.

"It seems like it was...... Such a long time ago..."

"Aye... But it was only months before this very night. Inuyasha was still sealed to that tree and we never dreamt of meeting Miroku or Sango."

"Hey! What about me?!" Shippo piped up.

"Yes child. We never dreamt of meeting you nor Kohaku," Kaede chuckled, handing everyone else a bowl of soup.

"And I never thought that I would meet a demon or miss out on almost an entire year of school searching for jewels shards..." Kagome whispered with a dreamy look on her face. She blushed slightly and held her held her face with her hands.

"Kagome, are you ok?" Shippo asked, pinching her leg.

Kagome smiled warmly.

"I'm fine."

They all smiled at her.

"So, what do you all purpose we do now?" Miroku asked, looking at everybody.

"Well, I guess just sleep tonight and go on from there," Sango suggested.

Kaede smiled. "I have a better idea. Why don't you all sleep tonight, and after that, tomorrow you all can build your own huts? Than that way, this old women can have her own hut back and the rest of you can have yours as well."

They all looked at each other and frowned.

"Uhh, wait! I have a better idea!" Kagome said loudly.

Everyone sighed in relief as Kagome came up with a back up plan.

"Well.... In my time I have school, but now-"

"You're going back to your time?" Shippo asked sadly.

"But Kagome, I thought you were going to stay with us..." Sango whispered.

"Forget about school Lady Kagome, aren't we more important?" Miroku asked sadly.

"Kagome... You're leaving us..." Inuyasha whispered.

Kagome sighed.

"If you guys would give me a minute to finish my sentence, maybe than you would know what I plan on doing!" Kagome yelled, blowing everyone away.

"NOW, I can tell you all what I was going to say. In my time I have school, but now, it's summer time, and I don't have any school for two whole months. I was thinking we could all go on vacation in my time." Kagome crossed her arms and smiled.

'There,' she thought. 'That should give us something to do.'

When she looked up at everyone, they were all sending each other regretful looks.

"Actually, I think it would be better to build the hut tomorrow," Inuyasha said.

Kagome glared at him. "And why is that???"

"Uhh.... It's just that uh... I don't think it's a good idea to go to your time. What would everyone think if they saw a guy with ears?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Just put on a hat like you always do."

"But uh, what about Shippo?"

"I know how to transform!" Shippo squealed.

"But Kagome... Are you sure we can all pass through the well?" Sango asked.

"Well... When I don't have my jewel shards, I can cross over as long as Inuyasha's with me. But now I have the entire jewel. I'm sure we can all got through, as long as we all touch. Hey, why are you so scared?"

"I am not scared! I just... I'm not sure about it..."

Miroku nodded in agreement.

"Look, it's perfectly safe. And in my time you will have so much fun! I promise!"

Sango sighed, and than smiled at Kagome.

"If you say so Kagome, than I believe you..."

Kagome and Sango smiled at each other. Kohaku just sat there.

"Kohaku must not have any idea what we're talking about," Miroku chuckled.

"You're right Miroku," Sango said, looking down at Kohaku who was sitting beside her. "I'll explain all of it to you..."

So Sango explained to her younger sibling all about Kagome and where she was from.

"So, she's not from this time?" Kohaku asked puzzled.

"That's right. I'm from five hundred years from now."

Kohaku gasped.


"Yeah, it's pretty hard to believe but, you get used to the thought after you've gone back and forth in time for a while."

Kohaku smiled at Kagome.

"You're very nice," he said, blushing slightly. Sango pinched his cheek.

"Do you have a crush?"

Kohaku's blush deepened.

"I don't!"

Everyone in the hut laughed as Kohaku's face turned redder than a tomato.

"Well, it is still early," Miroku said, getting up and stretching. He yawned loudly and put his hand over his mouth. "What do you all purpose we do?"

Sango smiled.

"Hey Kagome, let's go down to the hot springs!" Sango said excitedly.

Kagome smiled back at her.

"Okay! Kohaku and Shippo can come too!"

Kohaku blushed deeply.

"O-okay..." he stuttered.

"Yay!" Shippo squealed.

Miroku smirked smugly. "Great idea Sango. Inuyasha and I will wait here."

Sango walked over to him and hit him in the head.

"Don't you dare spy on us!" Sango growled.

Miroku rubbed the lump on his head. "I said we would stay here."

Inuyasha laughed.

"When will you learn monk? Everyone knows about your little spying game. Heh. Miroku and I will do some work around the hut for Kaede," Inuyasha said.

Kagome smiled warmly at him.


Kaede smiled, pulling out a long piece of paper. Inuyasha and Miroku looked over at it.

"Uh... What's that?" Miroku asked.

"Oh, it's just a list of things Inuyasha just said you and he would do for me. This old women deserves a day off."

Inuyasha frowned. 'What have I gotten myself into?'

Sango, Kagome, Kohaku and Shippo left after gathering their belongings and went to relax in the hot springs.

Moments after they left, Kaede clasped her hands together and handed the list to Miroku.

"What are ye waiting for, get to work," she ordered.









Late Evening

Kagome and the others returned late that evening, smiling and giggling while Kohaku and Shippo followed behind them with deep blushes on their faces. Miroku and Inuyasha were lying down in Kaede's hut, looking exhausted.

"He he. Looks like Kaede's chores were more than these two could handle," Kagome giggled.

"They can destroy numerous demons, but they can't even do a few chores," Sango laughed.

Miroku and Inuyasha glared at them.

"It wasn't as easy as it sounded," Inuyasha barked.

"Yeah, it wasn't just a few chores! We had to sweep the hut, pick herbs from the fields, give medicine to the sick, put in a new roof for Kaede's hut!" Miroku whined.

"Not to mention eleven other hut we had to sweep and re-roof! We also had to carry water back and forth from the river several times!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Awww, Sango. The poor boys had to do so many chores," Kagome said sarcastically.

"Yes I know. I hope they didn't break a nail."

Kagome and Sango looked at each other and began to laugh hysterically.

"Yeah, laugh while you can. One day you'll have to do those chores," Inuyasha mumbled.

"Enough of ye's bickering. It's time to eat," Kaede stated, handing everyone a bowl of soup.

Everyone ate their food quickly, anxious for the arrival of the next day.

After everyone was finished eating, they immediately went to bed. Miroku slept close to the door. Inuyasha slept in a corner, making sure he was close to Kagome. Kohaku slept next to Sango and Shippo slept next to Kagome. Kaede slept in the middle of the room, snoring loudly.

Inuyasha opened one eye and looked around at everybody. He felt as if he was looking at a big happy family. Miroku was like a brother and Sango a sister. Shippo, even though quite annoying sometimes, was like a son. Kohaku was like an extremely shy brother and Kaede was like the wise older grand mother. And Kagome... Kagome was like....

Inuyasha blushed slightly. He loved her and she loved him, so it didn't really matter what she was like. Inuyasha smiled.

'We're all like a big happy family... And that's all that really matters...'