

A/N: Mary lost that baby. She had a miscarriage. Read the chaps over, it seemed clear to me. Sorry that I didn't specifically spell it out and sorry if you didn't get it.



The whole family was gathered around in the backyard. Sam and David were putting around with their respective girlfriends. Eric and Annie were quietly bringing food into the back of the house. Simon drove down from an hour away with his wife, Cecilia. Lucy, Kevin, and their three children walked down the street and in through the back gate. After the adults, first through was nine year old Katie, then seven year old Gregory, followed by four year old Thomas- the kids always walked in age order.

Ruthie and her husband, Jeff, stood against the picnic table. They were quietly holding hands and mumbling to themselves. The couple was completely unaware that everyone around them already knew their announcement. They had called everyone over to Eric and Annie's to make a statement, and as soon as that was said everyone knew what was going on. They had been through this too many times before not to anticipate this news.

Last to arrive was Mary and Wilson. Next to Wilson, and about the height of his hip, was their five year old daughter Cammie. Mary was holding their one and a half year old Willa. Their children had been named after themselves, every bit of narcissism fully intended. Cammie was for Mary's maiden name and Willa for Wilson.

They all smiled at each other and hellos were passed around the bunch. The children quickly started up a game of soccer on the side of the tables, kicking the ball everywhere but near the imaginary net. The warm weather of the summer engulfed the group as the adults sat down for some relief. Mary, with Willa in tow, sat down in a chair next to Lucy.

"Hey Willa," Lucy said tickling her niece's stomach.

The child giggled. "Oose-ee," she said, her version of "Lucy." Lucy was like Willa's second mother; she and Mary were constantly over each other's houses and were closer than ever.

"So, are we here for what I think we're here for?" Mary asked her sister.

"I think so." She sighed. "She's too young."

Mary smiled. "No, she isn't."

"Fineā€¦then she hasn't been married long enough. She just finished school."

"Stop making excuses to be upset. I get it. She's Ruthie, little Ruthie. But this is out of your control so let it go."

Lucy huffed and crossed her arms. "Fine." After eleven years, she had still never lost her attitude.

Willa reached for Lucy and Mary gave her to her. She got up and went over to Wilson, who was standing next to Kevin. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he turned around to see her. "Hey sweetie."

Wilson kissed her forehead. "Anything wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to be with you. Since when does that mean something's wrong?"

Wilson thought of a witty comment, but refrained from verbalizing it. Instead, he kissed her lips lightly and squeezed her in tightly. He loved her more than anything, except of course for his wonderful daughters and his son. Before he could speak, Annie came up behind Mary. Wilson motioned to Annie with his chin and Mary turned around.

"Yeah Mom?" Mary asked.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I was just wondering when Billy was coming back. We all are actually."

Mary smiled. "Next weekend. He has one more week of school left. We can't wait. I can't stand him being so far away anymore. It's killing me." Billy had gone off that year to the same college that Simon had gone to a while back. That comforted Mary a little, but she after his first year of school she still wasn't too keen on the idea of him being over two hours away from them.

Annie opened her mouth to share her motherly pain, but Eric and Simon announced that the food was done. They were all eating hamburgers and hot dogs straight from the barbeque. Everyone got their food and sat around two picnic tables pushed together.

Ruthie and Jeff stood up together. "Before you guys eat, we have an announcement to make," Ruthie began. Everyone quieted down, and Mary and Lucy smile at each other. Ruthie took a deep breath and then spoke. "I'm pregnant."

Everyone smiled and hugged Ruthie and Jeff. Mary's turn was last. She hugged Ruthie tightly, knowing that was what her sister needed. She pulled away and looked at Ruthie's face; she was crying.

"Can we talk?" Ruthie asked.

Mary nodded and the two went into the kitchen for some privacy. "So, what's up? Scared?"

"Very scared. As soon as I found out, I though about you and what happened when you were first married. I know I was young, but I still haven't forgotten. That touched all of us so much."

"I know," Mary said, "and I'm sorry that I did. I scared you, I scared Lucy, I scared Mom, and I scared all the men. I feel so bad for that."

"How'd you get over it?"

"Honestly? I gave up on trying have control over my own life. Sometimes, you're truly amongst something greater than yourself and you just have to run with that. I don't know why what happened to me happened, but I have to beautiful girls now- and kids or not I still have Wilson. Jeff is a great guy and he loves you so much Ruthie. No matter what happens, he won't be taken away from you."

More tears rolled down Ruthie's cheeks. "I know. I know you're right. But I can't help being scared."

"You'll get over that. It'll just take time." Mary hugged Ruthie. Just as she did that, the back door opened and Wilson and Jeff walked in.

"You guys OK?" Jeff asked.

Ruthie walked over to him and out the door. Wilson stayed inside and went over to Mary. She leaned her head onto his shoulder and closed her eyes tightly. She kissed his neck lightly and his hands went around her waist.

"Don't tell me you upset over this," Wilson said.

"I'm not. I just feel bad that I ruined being pregnant for everyone. It should be a happy ting- it is a happy thing. Now, because of me, everyone just gets scared. That's not right."

"It's not your fault. Forget all of that. Negativity is bad. Be happy."

"I am happy. I have you, and Cammie and Willa. What else could I need?" Tears formed behind Mary's eyes but Wilson didn't see them. Even after eleven years, some days were harder than others for Mary. She tried to keep it together, and most of the time she succeeded, but sometimes she just needed Wilson to hold her and remind her of that. She could tell when she was getting more self-absorbed than normal, and quickly pulled herself out to avoid self-pity. Life hadn't been easy on Mary, but time and again she had realized how good things could be. For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. After all the bad she was dealt, she was due for about three lifetimes of good.



The End





A/N: It's over. Actually, I half like this story now. It wasn't as bad as I thought I guess. Yeah, feeling complacent. So what.

Cammie, Willa, and Jeff are all mine. Paws off people.



All proceeds from reviews go to the Feed My Inbox Foundation.

