Author's Note: And this is it kiddo's. This is the end of the whole story. There isn't much left of a story to tell....well, there's the future, but I'm feeling kind of done with the story. Use your imagination ;). Well, I have a lot of other stories to post so hopefully you'll like those (including one with a semi-mean Michael). Okay, enough rambling from me. And here it goes. Not my best work....but it'll have to do.

Oh, and the song is by Brandy. It kind of seemed to fit...

I started shaking. Michael's hero, Paul McCartney, was standing ten feet away from me. All the songs that Michael tried to teach me that the Beatles played suddenly came into my head like an express train.
He was talking to his wife. Do I go up to him and ask for an autograph? No...that wouldn't be princess like. But I could talk to him, right? But what does one say to the man that her boyfriend—er, ex-boyfriend, idolized? Hey, I don't know anything really about your music, but I like your daughter's designs?
But I didn't have to say anything. He came over to me. "Princess, I assume?" he asked, bowing.

I nodded and offered a nervous smile. "Yes sir...I uh," I stammered. I wish Michael was here to help me not sound like a moron to this rock god. "I am a big fan."

"And we are of you," his wife replied. "I wanted to talk to you actually about land mines," she continued on.

She went on and on, but I stopped listening to them and stared at a person across the room. Could it be Eddie? No...Eddie liked to be around lots of people. He liked to network. This person, in a lion's mask, was sitting off to the side and sipping a Shirley temple. He looked totally out of place and nervous. I saw him biting the straw, not taking in the drink. I saw him drumming his fingers against his left leg. It was definitely not Eddie. It was definitely Michael. But what the hell was he doing here? Oh crap, he caught me staring at him.

I caught her eye. She didn't know it was me though, I know that much because of her smile. If she had known it was me she'd have been nervous. I had dyed my hair the night before so that I would have the same appearance as Eddie. She would have no idea, or would she?
I had arranged to take my anatomy final the day before. I had been totally stressed out about tonight that I am sure I did terrible on it. But I didn't care. I just wanted her back in my life.
"Hey Eddie," she said softly. "I love your masque."
I nodded as a response.
"Oh, Mom told me about your voice. It sounded fine last night, what happened?"
I shrugged. She looked at me oddly.
"Avez-vous été malade ?" she asked in French. Luckily I knew French. She had asked me if I had been sick.

"Oui," I said hoarsely.

"Pauvre garçon ! Une si belle soirée." Poor boy! On such a lovely evening! "Avez-vous voulu quelque chose à boire ? Je suis sûr que nous pourrions obtenir du champagne." Did you want something to drink? I am sure we could get some champagne.
I shook my head. The bell was rung for all of the guests to sit down for dinner. I sat next to Mia. She laughed and seemed sincerely happy. I saw something though that made me realize she wasn't though. She made a face when she was listening to people's jokes. It was like 'Well, that was totally unfunny but I have to be polite'. Her upper lip would do this quivering thing when she smiled if she was not really happy.
I didn't eat the main course because she didn't. The main course had been some type of pork dish which she obviously wouldn't eat. Instead she and I played tic-tac-toe on a napkin. It was nice to be so close to her again.
She looked at me funny when I made my 'O'. "Eddie?" she asked softly.
I tried not to look at her directly in the eyes.
"Eddie, would you like to dance?" she asked after dinner finished. "People are starting to dance."
I shook my head.
"Oh come on you loser. I know you suck at dancing but get over it."
I smirked. I didn't want her to notice my trademark smile. My dimples would show.
A fast song was playing. I saw her grandmother sigh visibly. The DJ was playing some top forty songs that she clearly did not deem suitable for a queen's prescence. I tried dancing close to her, "Eddie, no."
I opened my mouth to say something.
"I have diamonds on this dress. I can't afford to lose any. Grandmere would kill me!"
So she didn't mind Eddie being up close to her regularly?
I looked around and saw a lot of celebrities around. The Olsen twins were there with their boyfriends. I still could not figure out which twin was which. They came over after a while and danced with us. I made a mental note to let Gabe know that I was dancing in a group with the Olsen twins.
Mia laughed with them and cracked jokes about other people's dresses and masques. "Did you see the one over there with-"
"The pea cock mask!" the twins said in unison.
A Britney Spears song came on so I took that as my cue to back off. "Eddie, what are you doing? You love this song," Mia said, pulling me closer to her. "Why are you being so weird?"
Soon a slow song came on. I tried to put my hands on her waist but she pulled away. "Eddie, I can't dance with you...slow songs just make me think of him. And I don't want to cry tonight. I'm supposed to be happy tonight."
I nodded. Good. She didn't like Eddie at least. I smiled.
She laughed softly, "Why are you smiling?"
I shrugged.

So I knew it was him. That smile was the clincher. The signs had all been there. All I really needed to see was his eyes through the masque. The peat boggieness was like no one else's around. He should really get that trademarked.
But then we played tic-tac-toe. He automatically took the 'o', usually Eddie took the x. And the way he makes his o is different from everyone else. He went right to left and made the top of the 'o' overlap the other one (know what I mean?)
The song "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" came on. I would know it was him if I had just walked in. The carefree way he danced was very much him. He had always teased me with this song because I am both rich, and well, somewhat famous. He always said he would come rob me if I complained too much about being a princess.
He didn't notice that I slipped away. He was too busy enjoying the music. I went over to Lars and told him to go upstairs and get my guitar and to place it in the indoor garden.
I saw Michael looking around nervously. He didn't realize that he had nervous ticks like I did. He bit the side of his lip when he was worried. I kind of giggled. He had been so adorable trying to surprise me. I was almost sorry I was going to be all secret spy on him and figuring out his plans. I saw Lars come back into the ballroom so I took that as my cue to leave the room. Michael saw me though, and had a confused look on his face.

I whispered to Lars to send Michael in. He looked really confused. I quickly explained the situation and he smiled slightly, "I am happy that he has seen the mix up."
"Me too, Lars. Me too."

Oh perfect. I bet she's figured it out by now. I can tell she knows its me. How could she not? She left the room when I caught her eye again. I saw her say something to Lars out in the hall, then he turned to me.
I pretended not to notice that he was walking over to me. I started walking in the opposite direction. A moving target. "Prince Edward!" he called to me. Oh crap. Oh, wait, that's me. Right? She wants to talk to Prince Edward?
I turned, "Yes?" I asked, changing my voice. Why did I try to make it sound more manly when I mimicked him?
"The Princess wishes for an audience with you in the garden, if you will follow me?" he asked, motioning to the private area where Mia and I had almost kissed the previous year for the first time.
"Yes," I said hoarsely. There goes the manly man voice.
I followed him into the garden. I didn't see her right away though because the lights were off. Lars flipped a switch as he left. The area was much different from last year. There were fountains and butterfly lights all over the place.
Then I saw her. She was...I can't even begin to describe it. Her masque was like a butterfly. Somehow she had fastened it onto her face within her hair. "Hello," she said softly.
"I have to show you something..." she said even more softly.
She took my hands and pulled me further into the garden. Much further than we had been last year...and that is not a metaphor. I meant that literally. I saw a guitar on a bench. "Sit," she instructed.
I did.
"I've been working on something for you...for awhile..."
She started strumming on the guitar, and then she started singing. I didn't recognize the song though.

It's the only explanation

To the question at hand

Like years of pain gone away

In a single day There's nothing that compares

To the way You make me feel inside

And I'm so glad you're my...

Prince charming, my angel

My king and my friend

My lover, my one He is, he is

The beat in my heart The kiss on my lips

My lover, my one He is, he is

They could take away the money

My fortune and fame

But as long as you stay here with me

I would be okay

I look at you

And I see me

Just reflections of the love you made with me

And I'm so glad you want to be my...

Prince charming, my angel My king and my friend

My lover, my one He is, he is The beat in my heart

The kiss on my lips My lover, my one

He is, he is My sun, my shine

My heart, my mind

He is everything I gotta love you like no one has ever loved before I

gotta give you what you gave, baby, so much more

I wanna take it fast, but I wanna take it slow

Addicted to your love, and I can't let go....

I noticed her nervously glancing at the strings, worried about getting the wrong notes. I only wished that that song had been for me. I tried to hold back the tears. She had found her prince charming in Eddie, not me?
"Do you have something to tell me?" I asked hoarsely.
"Yes, I do Michael."
My masque couldn't hide my surprise. "Beg pardon?"
"I'm not stupid. I can see through that masque. Now I think we have two options," she started, coming closer to me.
"Y-Yes?" I stammered.
She kissed me, "We can do that...." She started after she pulled back.
"Or..." she said with a twinkle in her eye.
"Are you propositioning me?" I asked. It was almost like nothing had even happened. Like Eddie had never arrived. Like I had been her date all along.
"Why, yes I am. Can we go to your apartment?" she whispered huskily. I knew we'd discuss all of what happened later. But for now we just wanted to hold on to one another for dear life.
I started laughing. "You know, I had a big huge plan and –"
"I took over. I tend to do that lately. So?"
I took her hand. We snuck out the service entrance. I'm sure New Yorkers wouldn't be surprised to see two people walking around with big elaborate masques on their faces.
We reached my apartment silently about twenty minutes later. I ripped off my masque and she gingerly took hers off. "How'd your hair get so long?" I asked, helping her take the pins out of her hair.
"Extensions," she explained. We walked into my room after removing her masque. "Let me wash my face, okay?" she asked.
"Fine," I said, kissing her clean forehead.
I turned the lights on in my bedroom and started throwing all my dirty clothes in my closet and the dirty dishes were quickly brought into the kitchen. I tossed anything she might find offensive into a pile and covered it up with a towel. I doubted she'd be inspecting my room too much. Then again, I wasn't normally such a pig.
"Michael?" she said from my door frame.
I turned. She looked much different from before. She had removed all her makeup and her shoes. "Yeah, that dress..."
"What about it?"
"We're gonna have to get that off of you..."
"Why is that?"
"It just doesn't look right without your shoes."
She giggled. "I have to be gentle when I take it off. It's worth over five hundred thousand dollars."
"She trusted you with something like that?" I asked, shocked.
She didn't answer me. She undid the zipper and slipped out of the severely overpriced dress. "I feel terrible wearing it...that money should be spent on something a little more useful."
I simply stared at her. She was...well, I am speechless. I had seen all this before, but now I appreciated it just so much more. I walked away. "Mia I don't want you to think I just came back for this..."
She came up behind me, "I know..."
"I talked to Eddie...I saw the video..."
She kissed my neck, "Michael, I know. I understand. But let's not talk right now, okay?"

This was the second time we had made love. The first time since the first time. This time we didn't giggle or screw it up. It was perfect. Just perfect. And we could lay down with one another afterwards. I couldn't be happier.
"Michael?" she whispered. I had thought she'd fallen asleep.
"I have to ask you something."
Uh oh.
"Whatever possessed you to dye your hair?

I burst out laughing. "Well, I couldn't have fooled you with my regular old hair, could I?"
"You didn't with this one either..."
"Shut up already and kiss me again."