"Moon Princess......HALATION!!!"

The droid gave a screech of final agony as her body turned to ash. Her pink tuxedo was nothing, her tutu and slippers gone. All that soon remained was a pile of dust, a blackened gem, and a pair of broken sunglasses.

"WELL!" Sailor Moon beamed. "I think we got a good thing from the deal!"

The night sky shone down on the five soldiers as they transformed back into their civilian forms. The new moon had begun to wax, and so that night a bright sliver of silver could be seen in the heavens.

"'Good thing' is an understatement." Minako's hair was done up in braids. "Man, that monster had such low self-esteem. I had no idea."

"She was so willing to die, too!" Ami looked puzzled. In her hand was Usagi's school bag. "She was willing to do....anything."

"Mmmmmm." Usagi was licking a cone. "Super-sized chocolate-dipped twist cone!"

Indeed, the droid, for several hours, had become the soldiers' slaves. In that time, she had helped pick up the school, drive every single infected kid back home to their parents (with complete assurance that they should remember nothing of their ordeal), brought Luna home, tucked Chibi-Usa into bed, done Minako's hair, cleaned Rei's temple, did Usagi's homework, bought Ami new books, ordered out for pizza (as it is brain food), bought some manga, kissed toads, streaked naked across a highway, got affordable healthcare for American seniors and attended a Greenpeace rally. To end the night, the droid, before leaving, bought everyone the ice cream of their choice. She didn't seem to mind; in fact, it was apparent that the droid didn't care. To compensate, Sailor Moon bought the droid the a large ice cream cone, which the droid ate before she was vanquished.

"But truly," Ami looked down. "Did we really have to have her do all of that? Wouldn't just getting the ice cream have been simple enough?"

"Ami-chan!" Minako poked Ami. "You ilk something for its girth!"


"You know! The old saying...."

"I don't think that's it," Makoto began to sweat. "And besides, I don't think we're going to get lucky like that with a monster again anytime soon, anyways."

"Hmm!" Usagi swallowed the last of her cone. "Either way, I think I did a good job with the droid! That was smart of me to do that! Now my homework's finished and my tummy's full!"

"Oh, what a shock," Rei replied sarcastically. "Usagi couldn't do her homework."

"What was that?!?" Usagi turned to Rei. "You know, this morning I could have whipped you and the entire school district into shape with what I knew!"

"Bah, that was this morning. Just get over it, Usagi." Rei glared. "You're not smart at all, ok? You're just back to your simple self."

"What do you mean, I'm not smart AT ALL? I got the droid to do stuff for us!" Usagi glared. "And how am I simple?!"
"Usagi," Rei stuck her tongue out. "Let's just say ten to one you're one of the people who end up going to the supermarket just to watch the automatic waterers in the produce section."

This, of course, began a large fight between Usagi and Rei. The other three slowly began to back off and watched embarrassingly as Usagi and Rei's fight began to draw spectators in.

"What childishness..."

"Oh, they're sticking their tongues out!"

".....Come on, girls." The three walked off. "Let's go."

"Go what?

"....Let's go study."