Disclaimer: I own nothing. I am also dirt poor, so don't bother trying to sue me.

A/N: Not really sure where I'm gonna go with this… this is a fic with absolutely no planning at all, just the words flowing out of my pen. Please RR and give constructive criticism, suggestions, etc!

Ron pulled out his half-finished Transfiguration essay and stared at the parchment in frustration. If he'd just kept his big mouth shut, Hermione have been willing to help him research his topic, and he wouldn't be sitting here in the library alone while everyone else was at dinner.

He sighed, angry with himself. He had run last night's scene over and over in his mind, and each time he felt like screaming.

"Hey, Ron, can you pass the big green book over here? I haven't checked that one yet." Harry absently pointed his quill across the table. Ron nodded and pushed the book towards Harry, while Hermione gave them one of her looks over her Arithmancy notes.

"What?" Ron asked in exasperation. Hermione has been shooting disapproving glances at them for the past hour. Might as well let her get it off her chest.

Hermione set her notes down and glared at them. "That book won't help you. It's about same-species transfiguration, and we're supposed to be writing about cross-species transfigurations."

Ron and Harry rolled their eyes at each other – it didn't go unnoticed. If anything, it fueled her indignation. "If you had started your essays two days ago like I suggested, you—"

"Oh, come off it, Hermione!" Ron was angry now. Why did she always feel the need to lecture them on their study habits? And why did he always have to rise to the occasion?

Hermione's eyes reflected her hurt, and yet blazed with restrained fury. "I'm only saying that you—"

"I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!" Ron could feel the heat rising in his face. "I've had ENOUGH of you telling me I'm irresponsible and stupid! Just because I'm not a bloody know-it-all like you doesn't mean—"

"STOP! Stop it!" Harry pushed in between them and held up his hands. "This is stupid! It's not worth ruining your friendship!"

"What friendship?" Hermione's hoarse whisper reached out and burned Ron like a hot poker straight from the fire. He finally looked at her – really looked at her – and saw tears in her eyes.

"Look, 'Mione, I'm sorry. I—"

"Forget it, Ron. Just forget it." She turned away to leave the library, but Ron caught her arm. She pulled away as if his touch were poisonous. "Just stay away from me, alright? Stay away."

And now, here he sat, alone with his tortured thoughts and his unfinished homework.

If only he could take his words back. If only he could make it right.

But this time, he feared it may be too late.

Chapter Two: coming soon! Okay, so I don't know how soon… no planning, remember? RR and I'll write faster! ;)