Corn Fields and Coral Reefs

Summary: Iruka's life sucks. He's had no one since his parents died, or has he? What happens when he is tutored by a young genius? Well, when that young genius is Hatake Kakashi… a lot of things can happen. Though with teenage hormones and a need to be acknowledged by someone… well you get this fan fic.

Warnings: Yoai, (no like no read, you've been warned, don't blame us)

Parings: Iruka x Kakashi (Just cuss we like them so damn much)

Disclaimers: Don't own anything at all (if we did, why would we be writing?)

NA: We turned the clocks back about 9 years okay, just so you don't get confused

Chapter #1

Iruka fidgeted in his chair, he was in trouble again. That was no surprise, however, seeing he was the class clown. What did you expect form a fifteen year-old craving attention? But it wasn't his latest antics that had him sitting before his instructor. No, it was his grades.

He twiddled his thumbs in annoyance, and glanced out the window, where the children from his class were already outside playing after a hard day at school. The room was slightly dark, with long lines of light spreading lazily out of the windows and stretching across the room. He watched as several children were picked up by their parents and sighed, before the instructor walked in and he was forced to look over at him instead.

The instructor looked down at him with a concerned look on his face, then pulled up a chair beside his seat. "Iruka, do you know why I asked to see you?" he asked.

Iruka did not look up as he shrugged his shoulders. It didn't matter what he said because the instructor was going to tell him anyway. If he guessed wrong that would only mean more trouble, and if he guessed right he would only be lectured more about how they intended to 'fix' the problem.

Seeing that he was not going to get a response from his student, the instructor rubbed his temples in annoyance. "Iruka, your grades are going down hill," he said bluntly.

"Yeah, so?" Iruka answered, not lifting his eyes from the surface of the desk.

"So...if you don't start to work harder, it's going to become really difficult to become a ninja." The instructor explained as patiently as he could. When Iruka didn't answer, the instructor reached out to touch his arm. "Iruka, is there something wrong?" he asked quietly, with the intention of helping.

Iruka's head snapped up and he slapped the hand away. "Something Wrong?!" Iruka repeated with heat, "WHY would there be anything wrong!? I'm only an ORPHEN, What possible reason would there be for me to have something wrong in my life?!" Iruka choked back his words, he had not meant to yell or to even utter those contemptible words at the older man. But he had and now his instructor would be 'obligated' to help him. Iruka didn't want 'help' he wanted his parents, and the man sitting in front of him could not give him that.

Iruka stood there, his breathing labored because of all the shouting and the emotional turmoil he was feeling. Tears began to sting his eyes and he realised he could not let his teacher see him cry...he would not. Pushing the man aside and staring at the ground, Iruka fled the room without saying another word. His instructor, watching him go, sighed. This was going to take some kind of drastic measure....

Iruka ran blindly out into the hallway, well maybe not running, but he was definitely in a hurry to get out of there. As it was Iruka was not watching were he was going, but it was after school hours so no one should have been in the hallways. Unfortunately for Iruka there was, and with his head bent down to hide the tears Iruka ran straight into them...a lot of them. Falling onto his ass, he groaned and rubbed at his head, his topknot loosening slightly. Looking up to apologize to the people he had crashed into, his blood froze. It was one of those notorious gangs of students from two grades above him...and they always took any opporotunity to pick on Iruka since he was smaller and weaker than them.

"Hey, look boys, it's Iruuuuka, where are you going, chicken little?" one of the boys smirked and leered towards Iruka.

The older boy leering over Iruka smirked as the smaller boy tried to get away. Unfortunately for Iruka, the front of his shirt was now firmly in the grip of the older boy. "Oh look, Our little Iruka is scared to tears."

"Poor little orphan."

"Tisk tisk, not only is he a pathetic crybaby and orphan , but look at this scar." one of the boys poked Iruka in the nose, "Poor ugly duckling."

Iruka squirmed and tried to get away, but the older boy had dragged him up to a standing position, pulling him right up to his face. As the older boy's friends laughed around him, his smirk widened. "Hmm, what do you guys think we should do to ickle Iruka?" He cooed cruelly. Iruka stared, frightened, at the gang of older boys, there was nothing he could do. "Maybe we should give him another scar to match the one on his nose..." He grinned and pulled his fist back to punch Iruka in the face. Iruka winced, waiting for the blow to come.

When the blow did not come, Iruka opened one eye a tiny crack, then the other shot open with shock when he saw the scene in front of him. Some one...some one had actually come to his rescue! Hell was freezing over, that was the only exsplanation. Who would want to step in and stop a fight with these gorillas? Iruka knew he had no friends last time he checked so who would come to his aid?

The head bully's eyes widened as the young man who'd saved Iruka slowly twisted his arm behind his back, with all the emotion of a dead fish. "Don't you have better things to do?" he asked in a quiet voice, looking over at the others, who obviously knew him, for they were staring in sort of awe and fear. "...what has come of youth today?" he wondered, pulling out a small book from his pocket and nonchalantly reading it while he continued to twist the bully's arm. "I can wait all day you know..." he pointed out quietly.

"K-Kakashi!" the bully grimiced in pain as his arm was twisted into a very painful looking position. Not being abble to take it anymore the bully who had suspended Iruka in the air, dropped the younger boy. The wind was knocked out of Iruka when he hit the ground hard.

Satisfied, the boy named Kakashi gave one final twist and released the bully's arm. The gang stood and stared at him for a moment, and Kakashi grinned. "I believe this is the part where you all leave." he said almost pleasantly. By the way the boys scattered and ran off in all directions, however, it was obvious it was a threat, not a vague suggestion.

Kakashi took his eyes away form the book in his hand and looked down at the fifteen year old who was panting for breath. Iruka raised his head to look at his rescuer, and would have thanked the older boy if he could breathe right, or if his mouth didn't feel like it had become a desert. By the time Iruka was ready to say his thanks, Kakashi had walked passed him, heading in the direction that Iruka had just come from. "Um...aah, K-Kakashi?" He was finally able to get out.

Kakashi stopped and turned to look at the younger boy, who had not gotten up off the floor. Iruka found himself tounge tied and nervous, not knowing what to say, since no one had ever stuck up for him before. "Um...isn't that book for eighteen year olds?" he blurted out, and immediately wished he hadn't. 'Great, now he'll think I'm a total moron.' he thought to himself miserably, realizing that his big mouth had probably cost him his one chance of having an actual friend.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow...or maybe he raised them both, Iruka couldn't tell because there was a bandage covering his left eye. Why hadn't he noticed that earlier? Oh yeah...the bullies had been trying to rearrange his face...

Kakashi looked at the book in his hand then back to the boy on the floor. "So it is..." he said as if he was surprised.

Iruka looked at him for a moment as Kakashi stared at his book. The older boy's face was completely covered by a black mask, and one eye was covered by the bandage, which made him look very odd indeed. Not to mention that his silver hair was sticking up at odd angles where the bandage was wrapped around his head. Iruka had heard of Kakashi before...a genius ninja who had passed the Chuunin selection exam when he was only six...

"Eh, whatever." Kakashi finally shrugged and turned around to continue down the hallway.

After a moment Iruka realized that he was still sitting in the middle of the empty hallway. Blushing hotly, he quickly got up and made his way to his locker, grabbing his stuff and practically ran out of the academy. He was so embarrassed, having been saved by a ninja, and one as notorious as Kakashi!

He ran blindly through the streets, not bothering to really look where he was going. Fortunately he'd made this trek so often that he practically found his way home without having to think about it. Climbing up the stairs and into his small home, he dropped his books on the ground and stared at them miserably for a moment.

Homework. Homework meant school...which was the last thing he wanted to be thinking about right now. School was usually any teenagers hell-hole but it was even more so for Iruka, he had no friends, and the teacher didn't seem to care what he was going through. Although that was probably his fault for being the class clown in the first place. But it still hurt...couldn't anyone see how much he was hurting?

Fighting back the tears, he closed the door behind him and stepped forward, leaving his books lying there on the floor. He stumbled through his small apartment and into his even smaller bedroom, and flopped down on his bed, burying his face in the pillow. It was days like this that made him wonder why he even bothered to get up in the's not like there was anything good waiting for him at the academy.

Kakashi sighed as he stood in front of an older man, the office he was in was stuffy, filled with books, and papers were taking up more space then they should. He was a little annoyed with the current situation, if he hadn't had his eye injured he wouldn't have been given this assignment... although he really didn't know what the actual assignment was, all he knew was that it involved the academy.

His one visible eye twitched slightly as he waited for the older man to find some piece of paper which was hidden in this paper ridden excuse for an office. He couldn't help but feel that the rest of his life would pass by waiting for this genius to find something that probably wasn't even there.

"Ah, here it is." The man said, and miraculously pulled out one sheet of paper from a large stack of the things. This action, however, inadvertently caused the entire stack to fall over. Kakashi sighed as he looked down at the paper covered floor. If anyone wanted to kill this guy they wouldn't have to wait for a ninja, this office was most likely a death trap.

Sighing, the older man didn't even bother to look at the mess on the floor, since that would certainly tell him he had to clean it. "Here, sign this." he said, handing the paper over to Kakashi. "It allows you to be legally under the employ of the academy for the duration of your injury." the older man told him, and lazily cleared a spot on the desk so Kakashi could write his name on the if he wanted to, but he needed to be employed somehow.

Taking the newly signed document, the older man 'filed' it in yet another stack of papers. "Ok, your job is to be a tutor at the academy for those who are having difficulty with their ninja training." He informed Kakashi.

'Oh Joy.' Kakashi thought, although he was careful to keep his expression as bored as possible so as not to show the annoyance. Although with his mask and his bandaged eye it probably didn't matter what his expression was like.

"Actually, I have one student in particular that I would like you to work with." the older man continued as he began looking through the files. Finding the one he was searching for he pulled it out and handed it to Kakashi, "One Umino Iruka, Class 3C. Currently failing...almost everything."


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