Author's Note: WOW!! Thanks for all your reviews, you guys!! Made me sooo happy!! I was wearing this HUGE grin ALL DAY!! D Wow!! Sheesh you guys, you really know how to make a girl's day!! ) OK, a couple notes. This is the finale, epilogue, end of the story chapter!! Whooo This fic is complete!! Finally!! Wow!! Hehe, sorry if it's a little confusing, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at:

Also, I did something a little differently and it might be a little confusing… if you could tell me at the end, in a review or an email, your comments on it… that would be great!

Remember, I live to serve ((wink)). Oh and I noticed I didn't have a disclaimer so:

All characters and/or scenes seen in manga, or anime do not and will never belong to me but to the great Takei Hiroyuki. All hail the great master!!

And, I'm not sure, but I think my friend, Keeper of Yoh, is writing a side story on this, so if she does, look out for it! Again, thank you for all your patience with my lazy writing habits! Thanks again and don't forget to review! ((Big smile))

Open Eyes

The Grande Finale

StrawberryLove-sama Productions

Started on Thursday, August 26, 2004 and finished on

All pairings

She smiles. He laughs. A frown laces the brother's face.

Why is everyone happy but me? He wonders. He looks at the others. The golden eyed boy softly smiling at the azure-haired one and that snowboard, porcupine, blue-spiky haired 'dude' holding another girl, with pink hair.

Everyone is happy, his lip curls with disgust. But he knows, that somewhere deep inside of him, he too longs to be happy as well.


HoroHoro ran a hand through his unruly hair. The day had finally come. Yoh and Anna were to be married! After being engaged for a 5-odd years, a wedding was scheduled.

And about time, He thought.

But he couldn't dwell on it for long, because Tamao came running up to him and told him to hurry up.

"But Tamao! I can't get this tie tied." HoroHoro had been struggling with the tie for the better part of the hour.

She laughed. "Aw, poor baby."

HoroHoro laughed too. They were like best friends, these two.

"Come here," Tamao said, taking his tie in her hands.

She swiftly and deftly tied his tie and tightening it, brushing his chin with her hand. Tamao didn't notice HoroHoro's blush.

"There," She smiled at him. "Can we go now? We're going to be late."

HoroHoro nodded, not trusting himself to speak. How long was it? How long had it been since HoroHoro had fallen in love with her? How long he had despaired of ever getting her to notice him…

Far too long.


He watches. He watches the pink haired girl walk to that insolent Ainu. He watches the blue haired boy blush and redden. He watches them leave the room and feels jealousy. He wonders, why don't I have something like that?


Ren walked in with Pirika. HoroHoro was just about to ask Tamao something when he interrupted him.

"Where's Yoh?" he asked.

Tamao shrugged. She and Pirika walked off, talking excitingly.

Ren watched his wife walk away. Lately all they had been doing was arguing. He didn't like it one bit. Walking with HoroHoro (who was talking off his ears), Ren couldn't keep his mind off his beautiful wife.

A wistful look came to his eyes. Soon, right after this wedding, he would do something for her, as an apology.

If HoroHoro noticed anything about his friend, he wisely didn't say anything.

Flowers, Ren decided. He would get her flowers. Flowers like those she had on that day, many years before.

Ren closed his eyes and immediately an image of Pirika came to him. He loved her so much. A soft smile came to his lips.


He grits his teeth. Yet another who had something he did not have. But there wasn't anything he could do.

He knows that he longs for something like that. That something that everyone seemed to have.

He watches the Chinese man smile softly, and he watches the Ainu grin at the sight of his friend. They both know what it feels like. What he did not have; what he will never have.


Anna was trembling, nervous. She was clad in a glowing white, the envy of all the women there. The walls were a soft peach, and hanging from the ceiling in the corners, were flowers: lilies, carnations, violets, and peonies. All were shades and hues varying the lights and darks of pink and purple.

The aisles were sprinkled with petals and everything radiated tranquility.

The wedding started. A little girl and a little boy both walked up the aisle. He was wearing a cute little white tux while the girl was wearing an adorable white dress. They matched. Flower petals fluttered and joined the ones already on the floor and in the pews from the little girl's hand. The boy carried a pearled pillow with two glimmering gold rings.

Tamao went first. She was dressed in a cream coloured gown falling in elegant folds to her feet and HoroHoro on her arm. She looked uncomfortable and HoroHoro asked her something. She smiled a little. He watched her gaze follow up the aisle to the man waiting there and his eyes narrowed a little and he frowned a little. Tamao was oblivious.

After them, came Pirika and Ren. She stared everywhere but at him directly. Ren stared at the floor. He bit his lip and his eyes shifted. He reached over and plucked a single rose from the bouquet Pirika was carrying. She gawked at him in surprise.

"What are you doing?"she hissed angrily.

He just smiled a secret smile and tucked it into her hair. "You're beautiful." He tilted his head and widened his grin at her blush.

"I'm sorry," Pirika shook her head. Words didn't have to be spoken.

Lastly, walking in a stunning white gown was Anna. Yoh's eyes lit up and softened.

They only had eyes for each other.

Hao grimaced.


He… didn't have anything like that. That… that something everyone had… Everyone but him. That something… called love.

His grimace fades into a frown. The angry look disappears. A sad one replaces it, and yet, as he watches the one he loved walk to another man, he couldn't feel anything else but… but happiness. Because the other one that he loved would be happy as well. His brother. His twin brother.

All through the ceremony, he had sat sullenly, jealously withering in him. But now, the ceremony had finished and he, along with all the others, went to congratulate the newly weds.

-- fini --


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Author's Note: So, did you like it? It's finished. Wow. Lol, well I'm dying to know, the new style I wrote it in, did you like it? Could you understand it? Was it confusing?

And if you didn't get the whole point of this chapter (other than the wedding), it's this:

The whole fic is connected. The first chapter is Yoh and Anna's wedding, but focusing on HoroHoro and Tamao. And this chapter, the last chapter, is that chapter also. The second chapter focused on Ren and Pirika and this chapter also sorta drew attention to that. It's all connected see? And the third chapters are the previous events happening before this chapter!

Sorry if that's confusing…

Anyways, thanks for reading, for being patient, for reviewing the previous chapters, and to those who are reviewing this one (WHICH BETTER BE ALL OF YOU ((fierce look))) thanks-in-advance!

Now, let's see if we can get those reviews to 70! ((Wink and a grin))