Disclaimer: I don't own Riddick.

A/N: This story is about two years after Pitch Black. I haven't seen the Chronicles of Riddick ( yet), so this story is not going with that timeline. And I don't give a damn about the relationship between Riddick and Kyra. ( I like her ( Kyra), but she's not in this story.) This ( if there is any romance) is a purely Riddick/OAC story. Hope you enjoy it!

R&R please.

Riddick pushed his chair away from his desk and tiredly rubbed his eyes.

No, not Riddick, he corrected himself. Riddick is gone. He died a long time ago, along with Caroline and everyone else.

He had changed his name to Rick Johns, kind of ironic if you thought about it. He had also paid even more money to get the shine taken out of his eyes, because there were still bounty hunters out there looking for him and that was apparently the number one way to recognize him.

He had landed on New Mecca with Jack and Imam, but then had left them in search of work.

He then had taken a job as a pilot, carrying small groups of passengers to various planets.

After hearing so much about it from Caroline, he decided that it would be a good job for him.

Silently he raised his coffee mug to the dead woman's memory and turned back to his files.

A/N: Do Riddick and Kyra hook up ( does anyone know ?) Cuz, if they did that would be sort of weird.

I love Riddick, but isn't he a lot older than Jack/Kyra ?