Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not own Final Fantasy 8. It's a copyrighted product of Squaresoft.

A/N: This is my first fanfic, let alone my first attempt at something somewhat romantic, but it just kind of got me made of how Squall gets with Rinoa in Final Fantasy 8, and not with Quistis, so it's my turn to change things!

Chapter One

The day was solemn, writhing by like an unchangeable dream. Far away in the sky the sun could be seen shining extravagantly, like the first fire as it shone brilliantly. A dull wind fluttered by as a woman of no more than 18 walked down a narrow path, her hair shining brightly from the untamed sun. All around her large trees loomed away into the distance, as she stepped upped the forbidding stairs back into her home of many years, Balamb Garden.

Quistis was an important figure at the Garden. She was a professor who became a SeeD at a very young age. An the outside she mostly seemed jubilant and content, but contrastingly on the inside Quistis was a large pool of forgotten waters that wished for some unknown thing to find its way there, to once again send ripples through her fading waters.

Just like always, Quistis thought to herself, there he is.

Indeed he was there. One who worshipped the ground on which she walked, Zell Dincht. It had been known now for about a year that Zell had feelings for Quistis, but unfortunately for him she did not feel the same. In fact, she quite despised the constant worshipping. Even her friends were starting to get annoyed by the constant following, but to be nice Quistis did nothing about it. She kind of liked the idea of having such a devoted follower, although it got annoying often.

Quistis let Zell stay around her all the time and act as if they were together, just because of the fear she to break someone else's heart, for hers had already teetered on the edge.

"Hey Quistis!" Zell enthusiastically called, "I've been waiting for you!"

"I know Zell, like always. I'm heading up to Cid's office to deliver some things, then I'm off to the cafeteria for lunch. Why don't you go on over there and I'll meet you there."

Of course she did not wish to meet him there, but she could use some company to eat with. Most of the Trepies only worshipped her from a distance, and life was starting to get lonely.

After she had said her words Zell nodded and headed the other direction towards the cafeteria to wait for her.

Quietly she made her way to the elevator to ascend to Cid's office. Once she had reached the elevator she took the short flight up and entered the garden's headmaster's office.

All around books and notes lay . Cid was certainly a man of education, and it was beyond Quistis why he never wished to share his knowledge of such skill and fighting with everyone else by becoming an instructor.

When Quistis stepped into his office, a large smile registered on Cid's face as he motioned her to sit.

"Ah, Quistis, at last! Have you brought the papers from Galbadia as I had wished?"

"Indeed, headmaster. They are all here as you wanted."

"Good, good. Hand them here." And with that Quistis handed the headmaster the few papers she had been carrying with a hesitant posture. He nodded in agreement and began hastily looking over them. I don't mean to rush you off," Cid began, "but I have much work to do. There are a few papers over on the table that I wish for you to take to the infirmary. Thanks again for this."

With those final words Quistis bowed slightly and headed to the table to pick up the papers that Cid had referred to. There were a few normal sized lined sheets of paper filled with Cid's illegible handwriting. Quistis took the papers and descended back down on the elevator.

You're an instructor Trepe, not a paper woman, was her only thought as she made her way back to the garden's main floor.

When she made it back to the ground floor she headed off towards the infirmary. Zell can wait just a while longer, she though, no rush.

Slowly she made her way down the hallway, towards the main quad. No one was around, leaving her to mercilessly dive into her own thoughts. Silently she went on until a stone was thrown into her pool of thought, leaving unfamiliar ripples to steadily waver.

Without warning someone who had been running hastily down the hall crashed into her. Quistis went flying sideways, as all of Cid's papers went flying in every direction. The person who had ran into her still stood, although he was a little bent from loss of breath.

At the time she couldn't tell who it was that had done this, until she looked up at the stranger. A teenager of maybe 17 stood before her, leather jacket hastily inflating and deflating from his hard breathing. His dark brown hair shone valiantly in the lighting, and his dark eyes stared right into hers. For a moment they just gazed at each other, until Quistis realized who it was that had run into her. It was Squall Leonheart, a student of hers although he was only a year younger.

Squall began to blush embarrassedly. Tentatively he lowered his hand towards her, trying to help her up. With slight hesitation Quistis took his hand and was hoisted back to her feet.

"I'm so sorry Quistis, uh, Miss Trepe," Squall began, "I was just in a hurry to..."

"Don't worry Squall, no big deal," Were the only words she could muster. Slowly she bent down to grasp one the papers that had fallen, when without notice another hand had fallen to hers, apparently trying to pick up the same fallen paper.

The hand was Squall's of course, and he retracted it with a frightened stare.

"Don't worry Squall, I can handle this. You just go on to where you are off to." With that Squall nodded and headed down the hallway again, this time at a slower pace.

As Quistis slowly picked up Cid's fallen papers, she though quietly to herself. She had known Squall for a very long time, although she wasn't exactly able to remember how long. Recently rumors had been growing around her class, and even some parts of the garden that Squall had feelings for her. She thought this foolish, for she had once had feelings for him, but they were cast down like a falling mountain, before he even knew about the feelings. But perhaps everyone was right. A lot of her friends, especially the ones that talked to Squall a lot(Although a lot to Squall is only a few words) like Rinoa and Selphie, had told her that Squall said that feelings had grown in his heart for her. Of course she didn't believe it. What foolishness, she though, he'll never feel like that towards you.

Suddenly Quistis felt light headed as she began to softly weep. Yeah Trepe, no one will ever feel like that towards you. You are nothing. You will never be anything.

Stealthily light began to fade, and darkness took Quistis away into her mind, right into the drying pool that soon could house no stable being....

A/N: I'll try to update as much as possible, although who knows how much that is. The next chapters will probably be more eventful(or possibly less eventful) than this one, but hey bare with me, this is my first attempt at romance.