Chapter One

The car pulled to a halt at the rear of the building and three men got out. One of them, his metal rimmed glasses catching the glare of the street light nearby, bent and spoke briefly to a fourth man who was sitting immobile in the car. When he had finished the fourth man, slightly stiffly, also got out of the vehicle.

To casual eyes they were businessmen, perhaps attending a business meeting – although a casual observer might think it strange for a business meeting to be held in the small hours of the morning. The four approached the side door of the building where they were met by a policeman who blocked their way.

"Good evening sirs. Can I help you?"

The man who had emerged last from the car stepped forward.

"It's alright Ruperts. Are any of my people still here?"

The policeman leaned forward and peered into the man's face. As recognition dawned his expression changed and he stepped back.

"Lord Silton. Your pardon milord I didn't recognise you. No my lord, the Bank is empty. Mr Lovegrove was the last to leave and he went about four hours ago – with the weekend and Bank Holiday we weren't expecting to see anyone now until Tuesday morning."

Ruperts looked questioningly at the three silent strangers standing in the shadows behind the Governor of the Bank of England.

"Everything is in order Ruperts. These gentlemen have some urgent business to conduct. It is of the utmost importance and cannot wait. I will let you know when we are finished."

Gesturing dismissively to the policeman Lord Silton turned to the side door, operated the security locking mechanism and went inside, followed closely by his companions. Behind them Ruperts, after watching the door close, radioed an update to his controller and continued with his duties.

Within the Bank the bespectacled man spoke softly to the Baronet, who was now standing stiff and immobile next to the door.

"Thank you Lord Silton. That was well done. Now, we will go to your office and you will carry out the remainder of my instructions."

The older man nodded once and then moved off, followed silently by his three shadows.

Half an hour later Ruperts was summoned to the side door of the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street by a call on his mobile communicator. He arrived to find Lord Silton just completing the security coding on the door. In the background, half hidden in the shadows with their coat collars pulled up against the autumn rain, were his three companions of earlier.

"Thank you Ruperts we're finished here." said Lord Silton before the policeman could say anything. "I've locked up as normal and we'll be on our way. Goodnight."

Without waiting for an acknowledgement Lord Silton turned on his heel and left with the other three men. Ruperts, having watched them enter Lord Silton's car and drive away, entered another report with his controller and once more resumed his rounds.

At Silton Manor the next morning Lord Silton's valet found the Baronet deeply asleep when he came to wake him for breakfast. Growing alarmed at his inability to rouse his master a doctor was called. Shortly afterwards Lord Silton was rushed to the nearest neurological unit and admitted to intensive care where he remained unresponsive to treatment.

On Tuesday morning when the Bank of England opened its doors for business the Bank was found to be missing a sum of fifty million pounds. Investigations traced the sum to an electronic movement of funds authorised by Lord Silton during his visit to the Bank in the early hours of Saturday morning. The funds had been transferred to a bogus offshore account from where they had since been withdrawn and the account closed.

................... .....................

Far away in the South Pacific Jeff Tracy sat in his office talking to the video picture of Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward that was looking out of the picture frame that sat on his desk.

"So you don't think Lord Silton was a voluntary member of this gang Penny?"

"No Jeff I don't. I've known Lord Silton for a number of years and I'm convinced that he's completely trustworthy – no matter how badly things look for him."

"But the British Police say his behaviour that night appeared completely normal."

"Jeff, the policeman on duty that night may have thought that Lord Silton was acting completely normally but believe me, for the Governor of the Bank of England to transmit fifty million pounds to an unknown bank account without good reason he was anything but completely normal. It would be as normal as for one of your sons to take one of the International Rescue machines off the island without telling you about it first."

Jeff grunted in acknowledgement of the simile.

"I guess. So, what do you want me to do for you Penny?"

"It's more Brains' help I need than yours Jeff. The doctors are at a loss to discover what is wrong with Lord Silton. At first they thought he had had a stroke but all tests for that have now indicated otherwise. This sudden malady must be related to his behaviour that night but the doctors do not know how. If I can get a copy of their report to you would it be possible for Brains to go over it to see if there is anything that occurs to him that the doctors have missed?"

"Sure thing Penny though I don't know that Brains'll be much help – his strength is more in engineering than medicine." Jeff thought for a moment. "Get the records sent through Penny. I'll get Brains to take a look at them and if needed I'll use a couple of other contacts I've got that might be able to help."

"Thank you Jeff I appreciate it. Lady Penelope out."

.................. ..................

Just outside the entrance of the Staimer Scientific Laboratories in Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia, Doctor Liam Brady slowed his car to a crawl as it approached the security gates, giving the security guard plenty of time to recognise it. As he neared the barrier the red and white striped bar slowly rose to allow him admittance and the guard waved his hand as the car passed by.

Mechanically, his eyes never leaving the road, Doctor Brady waved his hand in acknowledgement and drove on. Parking his car in its normal slot he passed into the building, ignoring the reception desk as was his wont and made his way to the secure research block where he had his laboratory. Once within the extensive area he made his way to the control room that was already occupied by another white-coated scientist.

"Hiya Liam. You're on time mate."

"'Morning Bill. Anything new?"

"Nah, everything's fine as usual. No stress. I've had difficulty staying awake it's been so normal."

Bill loaded his books and papers back into his bag and then removed his lab coat and hung it in one of the lockers that lined one wall of the room.

"I'll leave you to it mate. I'm off to shake the soil of this place off my shoes and get some clean wilderness air in my lungs. Richardson is coming in for the next few days, I won't be back till next week."

"Fine. I've got plenty to be getting on with here anyway. Have a good break."

Turning away Doctor Brady opened another of the lockers and took out his own lab coat from where it hung. As he did so his colleague gathered the last of his belongings and left the room. As soon as the door clicked shut behind him Liam Brady's stance changed. His arms, which had just emerged from the sleeves of the lab coat, dropped to his sides, his back stiffened and his features became impassive and flat. Crossing the room to the door with a slightly stiff gait he operated the full range of high- security locking mechanisms that were only usually used when the room was being left fully unattended for a prolonged period of time. This done he then re-crossed the room to several large banks of dials and controls. Working at a deliberate, seemingly unhurried pace he operated a series of switches on the consoles, ignoring the flashing amber lights that soon began to appear.

Having finished here he moved further to an adjoining subsidiary control room and again manipulated a number of the controls and switches in one of the security cabinets, again steadfastly ignoring the increasing number of flashing amber lights that began to blink from the control panels.

After a few minutes, apparently satisfied with his work he seated himself at one of the tables in the room that were provided for the working notes and papers of the scientists who normally occupied the laboratory. He sat rigidly upright for several minutes, his hands resting on the table top in front of him, his eyes glazed over as they stared unblinkingly into the distance. Gradually a change started to come over him. His eyes began to drift closed and his body began to relax, his shoulders slumping forwards. As his weight shifted his hands and arms moved forwards on the table until his forehead came to rest on the tabletop. His eyes were now fully closed and his breathing gradually lessened and became more and more shallow as he passed into full unconsciousness, totally oblivious to the multiple red flashing alarm lights on the consoles around him and to the alarm klaxons that had started to sound in the nearby facility.