Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the Rings or its characters.

==== means change setting or scene

by: firewingz

Chapter 1: Bruises

The sun was just setting as a young rider arrived at Imladris. The rider was heavily dressed with a thick black cloak and hood hiding his face. The guards immediately halted the mysterious rider.

"Who are you? What business do you have here?" One of the guards spoke firmly, bow in hand.

The rider smiled. "I am glad security is still uptight." The rider then carefully pulled back his hood and let it drop on his back. The light from Imladris shined on his face. He had blonde hair and clear blue eyes, his ear pointed.

"Prince Legolas," the two guards immediately bowed. "We are terribly sorry, we..."

Legolas quickly shook his head. "It is alright. I understand."

The guards immediately let the young elven prince inside the gates of Imladris, where he got off his horse. Suddenly, Elladen, Elrohir and Estel came up to him and gave him a bear hug. Elrond stood in back, a smile playing on his lips. But Elrond suddenly caught pain in Legolas' happy eyes. Anyone would not have seen it for the elven prince hides his pain very well, but Elrond had known this elf since he was just born and knew him well.

When the twins and the human let go of Legolas, Legolas immediately bowed to Lord Elrond in respect.

"Welcome Legolas. What brings you here?" Elrond greeted with obvious joy.

"Ada (father) gave me a vacation from patrolling and also gave me permission to go where I'd like. I have not been here in a long time and I wanted to see all of you," Legolas responded. Legolas had used the time from Mirkwood to Imladris to decide upon what reason he'd give to the lord of Rivendell as to this unexpected visit was.

Elrond nodded with a smile. Elrond knows there's another reason as to his visit or rather possibly escape. Legolas spoke as if he'd rehearsed that. Something did not feel right and Elrond had learned to trust his instincts after his long life.

"We are glad indeed you have come," Elrond said, as he led the elven prince and his sons to the rooms. "How fares Thranduil and Fauxvir?" Fauxvir is Legolas' older brother and the crown prince of Mirkwood.

"They are both well and sends their regards. How does Imladris fare?"

"Imladris is well, but I cannot say the same for my sons," Elrond said, glancing at them as he spoke. The last mischievous act they did was somehow releasing the horses and it took weeks to retrieve them all.

Legolas smiled widely, knowing the legendary twins and Estel's games. In fact, when Legolas was an elfing, he was pretty mischievous as well, though Elrond knew this full well.

"Legolas, you are tired. Rest," Elrond almost commanded, knowing Legolas would not admit it.

At the sound of the commanding voice, Legolas bowed and went to his room that he used whenever he came to Imladris. Legolas carefully shut the door and bolted it. He carefully removed his cloak and boots. He carefully took off his upper clothes before slipping on his night clothes. Even in the moonlight, the numerous bruises and cuts on his chest and back were clearly visible. He only hoped that Elrond and his sons would not find out, though he had already made up a story to cover his injuries.


The next morning, Estel knocked on Legolas' door, wondering why the elven prince hadn't awoken yet. Normally, Legolas was the first to be up.

The bolt was slowly removed and Estel came inside.

"Good Morning," Legolas' soft voice greeted the human.

"Same to you," Estel responded good naturally. Elrond and his twin sons had also came up to see Legolas.

In his haste to greet Estel, Legolas had not covered his wrist completely, which was a deep shade of purple and red. Legolas suddenly noticed it and quickly pulled his sleeve down, but not before Elrond saw it.

Elrond walked briskly up to Legolas and grabbed his hand and pulled the sleeve up to reveal his wrist and arm. It was completely covered with bruises and small cuts.

Elrond looked up to Legolas with shook written in his eyes. The twins and Estel gasped aloud. How could they not have noticed?

"Where did you get this Legolas?" Elrond asked, clearly anger with whoever had done this.

Legolas looked at the ground and refuse to look Elrond in the eyes. "It...It was spiders and Orcs that I had encountered while coming here," Legolas recited, just like what he planned a week ago.

Elrond looked more closely at the cuts and bruises then grabbed his other hand and pulled the sleeve up as well. "Legolas, let me see your back."

"It is nothing. You need not worry, Elrond." Legolas spoke softly.

"Let me see them. Either you could show them to me, or I'll ask Elladen and Elrohir to."

Legolas kept his eyes on the ground and knew he could not keep his promise for long. He sighed and carefully removed his upper clothes. Elrond would have gasped but he quickly composed himself. "Elladen, get the medicine."

It took Elladen a couple seconds to comprehend what his father had said, but he quickly obeyed.

Legolas' back and chest were covered with the same bruises and cuts like that on his arms. His back looked like it was flogged in the same spot at least twice.

"Legolas, how did you say you got these wounds?" Elrond asked again, knowing full well that Legolas is lying.

"Orcs and spiders," Legolas quickly replied.

"Legolas, do not lie to me. Orcs and spiders do not give you this type of bruises and cuts. Who did this to you?"

"It is as I said, orcs and spiders."

"Legolas, if you do not tell me, this elf would be torturing others like yourself. You have to tell me who abused you like this."

Elladen then came into the room, carrying all the necessary herbs.

"It is okay to tell us," Elrohir assured.

"We'll get him back for this, don't you worry," Estel said, anger lacing his words. Everyone else agreed. Legolas had been like another son to Elrond and another brother for the twins and Estel.

Legolas, for the first time since the interrogation looked up into Elrond's eyes. "If I tell you," Legolas nearly whispered, then looking at Estel, "would you promise me to not blame or tell anyone of him?"

Elrond, Estel, Elrohir and Elladen wore the exact same shocked and curious face. But they nodded in unison. Their thoughts were to first find out who did this, then figure out a way to somehow punish the abuser without breaking their promise.

"We agree, please tell us Legolas," Elladen said, desperately wanting to protect Legolas from the elf that dared to abuse the Prince of Mirkwood like this.

Legolas sighed again. He knew that if he were to lie and blame it on orcs and spiders again, they would not believe him. But in truth, the injuries were not that bad, with the speed of elven healing, he'd be back to normal within days. These injuries he can recover from. After all, battling orcs on his patrols constantly gave him more fatal wounds then these simple bruises and cuts. But if he told the truth, the soldiers that Legolas protected from getting flogged again for their incompetence in battle, would be whipped again. Legolas looked at the ground again, wondering what he should say.
To be Continued.

I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense, but in the next chapter the person responsible would be revealed and his motives would be as well. Plz RR and tell me your suggestions and advice. Thanks!