'Who is she Really?'

Chapter One Meet Star.

AN: This is a Will/OC story if you don't like it turn back. NOW! The OC is NOT me so this is NOT a Mary-Sue.

Summery: Star is Elizabeth Swans little half sister, Elizabeth hates her, Will & Kea are her only friends, and she's miserable at home while Elizabeth gets to be kidnapped by pirates then comes back and is even MORE in the spotlight... It's so not FAIR.

Disclaimer: I DON'T own it (runs away and cries).

Me: "Hi I'm the author."

Jack: "Well hi miss author."

Will: "Hello Miss."

Me: "Well On with the STORY"

Star Swan-labeled as Elizabeth's little sister. Although she was very pretty with her sun blonde layered hair, sky blue eyes, and light tanned skin she was in Elizabeth's shadow...


"STAR YOU LITTLE BRAT THAT WAS A PERFECT CHANSE FOR WILL TO ASK ME OUT!" Shouted Elizabeth Swan, you see right after the movie ended and Elizabeth had been left alone with Will, Star came running up shouting 'WILL WILL' just as Will was about to say something to Elizabeth, and when they got home Star got it. From her dad to, because Elizabeth and Will weren't officially 'dating', now bad rumors might spread about Elizabeth.

Now a month later Will still hadn't asked out Elizabeth and she was REALLY mad at Star. Therefore, Star spent most of her time with Will and Kea her best and only friends.

Star, wearing a plane white dress that ended at her knees, was sitting in Wills shop talking with a long light-brown haired girl with forest green eyes, wearing a plane pastel yellow dress like Star's.

"So were going to make you're invisible cat attack Elizabeth?" Asked the girl in an amused tone.

"Yes, where has Will gone?" Star Asked in return looking around for him but not seeing him in the shop. 'I bet he went to see Evil.' thought Star.

"To see Miss Elizabeth or Evil in you're world." Said Kea, rather bored to be talking about Elizabeth, as she hated her as well.

"Did I tell you she cut up five of my dresses, ripe up my new diary, good thing there weren't any entries in it, and ripped up one of my pictures of my mother..." Star said the last part a bit sadly, as seeing there were only two known pictures; Star had both, because she and Elizabeth were only half sisters.

"She's a witch isn't she?" Asked Kea already knowing the answer.

"Yea I don't have the oddest idea why I have to have a CRAZY family... I MEAN THEY SHOULD BE SENT TO THE LOONY BEN!" Said Star rather loudly causing Kea to laugh.

"Well excuse ME." Said Elizabeth looking angered. It turned out Will had brought her back with him.

"Hello Miss. Elizabeth." Said Kea bowing her head politely in Elizabeth's direction.

"Hi Evil - I mean sis." Said Star on purpose trying not to giggle-ok laugh insanely-as Elizabeth got RED in the face.

"YOU-I didn't even do anything to you." Said Elizabeth pretending to sob earring comfort from Will. 'Oh she's sucking up...'Thought Star angered by her sister's evil self.

"Star apologize to you sister." Said Will while holding the 'sobbing' Elizabeth in his arms.

"No." Said Star plainly with zero present emotion.

"NOW." Said Will imperatively (AN: AHHHHHHH CRTCT word 0o0AHH means demandingly).

"No." Said Star once again in that 'no tone voice', then she observed Will getting mad, so she grabbed her stuff and ran out the door. Kea ran after her and shouted 'STAR' but to no avail, she was gone...


A blond haired boy was sitting at the side of a clear stream that did not reflect faces of people if they looked in it. He had a fair pale face, and silver clothing. He was playing a piccolo (a small flute and that's a musical instrument that you play in a school band.) while a calico cat walked around him. "Come on Baby lets go home." He said and they walked off into the horizon just as the last of the suns rays faded.

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Star slipped a note for Kea in her room at the manor and left, she went down to the beach and stared into the water when she saw something...

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Jack Sparrow snuck into Port Royal to see his old friends-Star Kea and Will. He got to the blacksmiths to find Will and Elizabeth.

"Hello William, Miss Swan," Said Jack ", where's Kea and Star?" Jack asked Will. So will told him the whole story.

"That' funny I herd s'reaming from the beach." Said Jack, Will looked alarmed.

"Star hates the ocean it could not have been her." Said Elizabeth, lying.

"Whatever ye say luv." Said Jack looking at Elizabeth as if he doesn't trust her (AN: Well who would after all the stuff I made her do.)

"Well that's good that she should be OK." Said Will

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"Star... Star... Wake up." Said a young boy with black hair but the rest of his features were blurred by the fog that had moved in and dark of night.

"Ummm. Whe...Where am... I and w... Who... Who... are you?" asked Star bleeding from the head a bit.

"Tis not important who thy is, you are on the beach remember Starlight." Said the young boy in an odd old English tone of voice.

"Yes... I... I remember... h... He tried to... To kill me... Who... Who is Starlight?" asked Star confused that someone called her by her mothers name. 'MOM' thought Star rather suddenly.

"Thy wilts not call thee Star on the basis it dose not suet thee," Said the boy ", thy must go now" and with that disappeared.

Star, after a while, got up and walked around for hours until sunrise.

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OK do ya like it, hate it what? Should I continue? Tell me in a review.