Ripples in Time

Disclaimer Alas, I own none of these characters! This is for purely entertainment purposes!


Summary Dracula is attempting to rewrite history by going back in time. Van Helsing must go back to his forgotten past and stop him from changing it, but when he realizes that there may be a way to save Anna, will the mission be compromised...?

A/N Ah, I saw Van Helsing on opening night, HATED the ending but loved the rest of it! And now I am completely obsessed! So, this story popped into my head... I'm writing it on a whim, so it is very subject to change! Please no flames!

Prologue: Out of Hell

The flames, in rainbow shades, scorched him angrily. He fought his way through them, ignoring the pain. His fury was so much hotter than the fires of Hell.
Through the dizzying smoke and fires he walked, unwavering, unfazed by the howls of agony that always graced the bottommost pits of Hell; in fact, he drank the sound in like a fine claret. At last the blinding heat was gone and he entered into utter blackness and silence. He stood there, his limp, wet black hair hanging around his shoulders and his pale face full of grim anger.
From somewhere in the unfathomable black, a sigh was heard, and then a voice:
"You let him do it again, Vladislaus?" it said in a disappointed tone. Dracula bristled with rage, but said nothing. "And you've come to strike a bargain with me... again?" Still Dracula said nothing. "Well you could at least answer, I'm not being rhetorical." The voice quipped. A glaring Dracula proceeded to open his mouth and reveal a stub, still quite fresh, where his tongue had once been.
"Oh, that's right, I had your tongue cut out to deprive you of the pleasure of hearing your own voice. Well, I'll just continue talking and assume your answers. I do, after all, know you so very well, Count Vladislaus Dracula. Gabriel Van Helsing killed you centuries ago, and you struck a bargain with me to go back as a vampire. And he killed you... again. And now you want to go back... again." Dracula nodded. The voice grew slightly cold for someone living in Hell. "Be thankful that I like you, Dracula. Be thankful that the sweet misery you wreak on Transylvania makes me giddy with glee. Because I will let you go back and replay this whole game..." Dracula smiles his wicked smile, but the voice continued on. "But it will be on my terms." There was a tangy, metallic taste in Dracula's mouth, and he when he swore at the foulness of it, he realized that his tongue was back.
"What terms have you?" Dracula asked.
"You are going to go back." The voice said simply. Dracula's face twisted into one of confusion. "Very far back. I'm just curious to see if you won't mess it up.. the first time it happened." Needless to say, the Count was very shocked. Before he could react, everything blurred away into lights and sounds, before blending into a bouquet of utter agony...

A/N Okay, that's all I have so far! School is really hectic right now, so I can't say when I'll have time to continue, but please read and review!