Hello hello! This is my first Kingdom Hearts fanfic that I'm actually posting!! I have tons of others but I finally got this one typed! I wrote it on a Kingdom Hearts forum I'm on and it's very spur of th' moment! So it might not be th' best!!! Soooo

Disclaimer: Not mine...

Warnings: yaoi, cursing, AU, slight OOCness possibly!

Please enjoy and please review!!!

In the candle light

By: Kitsuna Ri

Thunder sounded outside and rained pounded on the roof of Sora's house. Sora sighed as he stared at the glowing computer screen. He knew he should probably shut everything down, considering it was raining outside but he had a feeling that he should stay on anyway.

"Why isn't anyone??"

He slumped down on his chair and clicked open a game of solitaire when his buddy alert popped up.

Buddy Alert: SilverHairedGod

Sora rolled his eyes as he saw Riku's screename pop up. Riku was so full of himself...

But...it is a true message...gah! I shouldn't be thinking that about my best friend!!

SilverHairedGod: Hey! What's up?

Starrydreamer: Hey...nothing to much....sucks that it's raining, ne?

Sora winced as he saw his screename blink on the im...he really wish he hadn't let Kairi choose it...

SilverHairedGod:Yeah it does...I guess...errr how long has it been raining? I just woke up ''''

Sora chuckled. Riku was known to sleep in for a long time when nothing was going on...unless he was staying at Sora's house...then he made it his goal to wake up before him just to find the worst way to wake Sora up...

Starrydreamer: That is sad Riku...anyway, it's been raining since 11:30...so what did you have planned today?

SilverHairedGod:I was gonna head over to your house and kick your butt at video games or something...but guess that's out of th' question...my mom would flip if I went out in this weather.. :p

Starrydreamer:lol...hey! I could kick your butt ya know!!! hmph...pouts

SilverHairedGod:hahaha! yeah right!! oh come on...rolls eyes Stop pouting you big baby!

Starrydreamer:I'm not a baby!!! XP jerk...anyway...if the rain stops, you going to come over?

There was a pause for a moment and Sora hoped and prayed that Riku would say yes.

I have got to stop caring this much...or just face the fact that I...no!! Not my best friend!!

Riku did not reply for a moment and Sora was wondering if Riku was suspecting anything.

What is there to suspect?!

Sora continued with his inward battle until he heard the familiar noise of a reply.

SilverHairedGod:Duh. What else do I have to do anyway? Both of my parents are still gone on business...go figure rolls eyes

Sora sighed. Poor Riku. His parents were always leaving to go away on business and wouldn't come home for weeks on end. And when they did come home they would only be back for half a day. But, even though it seemed bad it did mean that Riku was always coming over. Sora gave a small smile of triumph (though he hadn't really accomplished much...) and placed his hands on the keyboard to type back a message when a sudden flash of lighting flashed and all the electricity died.


Now, if there was one thing Sora hated more than thunderstorms, it was being home alone, in the dark, during a thunderstorm. He groaned.

"This sucks..."

He got up from his computer, hoping the electricity would come back on (and hoping his computer wasn't fried...) and stumbled around his room heading towards the windows to open the blinds. At least there was a little light outside...Thunder rumbled and more lightning began to flash. The rain became harder, and when he looked outside he could barely see any of the other houses. This was becoming very bad.....


Well that's all for now!!! Hope you enjoyed it! I will be updating soon I hope!!! Please review!!!