Author's Note: Welcome to the prequel for "Married to the March Warden." You do not have to read my other story, however to understand what's going on in this one. I would like to say a special thanks to my beta Dragonfly32 for her wonderful help on this chapter! Please tell me what you think of my fic, should I continue or no? Thanks! Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Tolkien's work.

Chapter 1 Farewell

I watched as my Naneth hurried around our flet, her long brown hair falling haphazardly upon her thin shoulders. Never before had I seen her so disarrayed, normally she was quite organized, much to my chagrin. In her arms were piled silken dresses, each one softer and finer than the last. The colors of the rainbow spilled out upon her bed as she let them fall from her hold.

"Two…four…six," she counted them quietly, her lips barely moving. I remained in my corner, never seeking to aid her. Perhaps it had been our years of arguments and battles that stayed me, or perhaps I just enjoyed seeing her so frazzled. What it was I shall never know, but I had to admit that I was slightly amused. "Elenwen, dear?" I cringed, dreading the sound of my own name.

"Yes, Naneth," I emerged from the shadows, hugging my shoulders with my arms.

"See that I have my silver circlet," her voice was clipped and commanding, not unusual for her. I moved over to a trunk situated in the middle of the room, its lid thrown open, its sides near splitting with the enormous amount of possessions it carried. Lothlorien, my blessed home, was astir this eve, for many of my kin moved to and fro, readying themselves for the journey across the sea. My Ada had already departed, some weeks ago and now my Naneth would follow. It was much of a relief for me, though I loved both my parents dearly, my Naneth was quite a nag and my Ada never argued with her obsessive rules regarding dress and etiquette. I suppose it was because of this stifled childhood that I rebelled against them, letting my appearance stray from what she deemed 'suitable.' I dressed often in loose breeches and shirts, abandoning the long, flowing dresses that she treasured so. I was a loner, preferring to seclude myself in the quiet glades of our realm to compose music and sing, instead of trying to endure the horrible twittering of ellith my age. I was not a pretty elf; my hair was waist length and a light blond, though it always had a tendency to look greasy, or so I thought. My eyes were blue, taking after my father mostly in coloring, though I held my Naneth's petite form. My parents were such beautiful elves, that it was expected for me to be up to their standards. But unfortunately, the Valar had a sense of humor, making me plain and normal, with only one real talent to behold. I was a prolific musician and quite a good singer if I do say so myself; mayhap all the hours I was forced to spend in the company of my elders learning the fine arts of elven skills had not been wasted. I had no friends and few acquaintances, though my Naneth begged me to seek out one. I ignored her as usual and went my own way in life, infuriating her even more, if possible. I had briefly entertained the idea of becoming a musician, but that quickly faded out when I had mentioned it to her.

"I will not have my daughter make her living in such unsavory manner," she had screeched.

"How is that unsavory?" I had retorted angrily. To this I never got a reply. 'Til this time in my life I felt decisively lost, traveling upon a path that led nowhere, except to more confusion. But now I would be alone, all alone to choose my road. I could carry on down many twists and turns, but it would all be of my own decision.

"Elenwen!" her voice broke through my thoughts.

"Yes," I grunted back.

"Have you located the circlet?" she asked. I mumbled something incoherent to answer her. "Have you?" she was getting annoyed, I could tell.

"Yes!" I shouted back, silencing her. "Valar, help me," I muttered under my breath in frustration.

"Come here, my child!" she called once more. I felt myself tense. Her tone was that of when she wished to lecture me. I moved dejectedly to the room in which she stood, amidst her precious jewels and clothes. "Come," she beckoned me closer, her face free of emotion. I stepped forward cautiously and she pulled me in front of her, to face the mirror. "Look," my Naneth whispered, "you have such beautiful eyes." I could barely keep my jaw from dropping open in shock, never before had she complimented me in that manner. Perhaps she had finally come to realize that I was a good daughter and that she would have to accept me for what I was. But my hopes were torn down quickly as she continued. "This dress," her hand reached out to pull a light blue garment from its place on the back of a chair, "it would go perfectly with your eyes and flatter your figure. If you only wore such attire more often…" I did not let her finish. Anger boiled within me and I pushed her away.

"This may be the last night we ever spend in this household together before I see you again across the sea!" I snapped. "And all you wish to discuss is dresses!" I stalked to the door and threw it open before dashing outside.

"Elenwen!" she cried after me, but I did not heed her. "Oh, that elleth," my Naneth muttered from our house. Tears streamed down my face as I flew down the stairs, disgusted with her and with myself.

It was early morning, the birds twittering softly, amazed by the great noise created by the elves. I watched as horses were led through the forest, each bearing a burden of some sort. My Naneth had handed over her trunks to an ellon who then loaded them onto a horse, who I greatly pitied. She then turned to face me, her eyes finally glistening with tears. I had returned home late last night, to find her pacing the length of the flet in an absolute worry for my well being. I suppose I could forgive her for all those years that she had been harsh on me, after all, I was aged enough to be considered an adult. She stepped forward and embraced me tightly. I kept my composure and bid the tears not to fall.

"I shall see you again soon my beloved child," she whispered and I could do nothing but nod. "Namarie."

"Namarie," I managed to mumble as she mounted a horse and began to move off with the others, leaving me completely alone.

Namarie: Farewell

Naneth: Mother

Ada: Father

Ellon: Male elf

Elleth: Female Elf

Ellith: Female elves