Hey everyone! How are you? Sorry it's been such a long time since we last updated! It's just that we were hoping to get a couple more reviews than we did...tear. Oh well! On with the story!

Disclaimer: Actor:Cat and Neko do not own the world of InuWasha.

Neko and Cat: YASHA!

Actor: What?

Neko and Cat: It's InuYASHA, not InuWASHA!

Actor: Oh, so sorry, let me try again.

The world of InoYasha does not belong to Cat and Neko.

Neko and Cat: You said it wrong AGAIN!

Actor: Well if you think you can do better, I QUIT!

Neko and Cat: Well, fine. Since our once lovely actor just left us, which he will be paying for in the near future, here is the properly pronounced dislaimer.

We do not own InuYasha, only this story line, and any OC's that you see come up.

As soon as that was said Neko and Cat began to chase after the actor,very pointy sporks in hand.

Look at the end of this chapter for review responses!
"Mom! It's so beautiful! Where did you get it?" questioned Kagome.

"Your father made if for you the day you were born. He said it had a special meaning and that he would tell me when you and I were both ready to know what it mean." said Yelan.

"So what is the meaning mom?" asked Kagome, with a curious look on her face.

"I never found out. Your father died the day he said that he could tell me the purpose of the necklace." Kagome's mother told her sadly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry mom. It's my fault, I shouldn't have brought that up…but how about I go back to the Feudal Era and ask Sesshomaru about training now, okay?" Kagome asked, after looking crestfallen over causing her mother's sudden sadness.

"No! It's no you fault Kagome. Your father was a wonderful man, and I want you to know that. I don't want you to think that I don't want to talk to you about him, because I do! It's just that sometimes I can't help be think of all the happy times we missed out on, all because of your father's death. And about the Sesshomaru thing, you can just contact him telepathically. Tell me when you done! Oh, and to contact him, all you need to do is focus on him and imagine that you are talking to him, or sending him a letter." said Yelan, while walking out the door of the room, and closing it softly.

"Okay, I can do this." said Kagome, while focusing on a mental picture of Sesshomaru.

Hello? Sesshomaru?

Who are you? Sesshomaru growled into Kagome's mind.

This is Kagome. The girl who travels with your half-brother. My mother was wondering, as was I, if you could train me in combat. replied Kagome, growing a little more at ease.

Why should I help you? Your just InuYasha's wench. And how does you mother know me? Sesshomaru asked, Kagome picturing the perfectly emotionless mask he wore on his face.

My mom said you should train me. Oh, and her name was Yelan. She said she knew you father. responded Kagome.

Yelan? As in the queen Yelan? The one who married THE Yoko? Sesshomaru thought back, his "voice" clearly showing as much awe as possible for him.

Ya, I guess that's the one. So will you train me? asked Kagome.

Yes. You will be here for three months. No longer, and no shorter. InuYasha will know nothing of it. Sesshomaru replied to Kagome calmly.

Okay, Kagome told him after a minute. I'll be there in three hours. With that said, Kagome quickly closed the mind link that had been held between herself and Sesshomaru.

"Mom! I'm talking with Sesshomaru!" Kagome yelled.

"Okay, so when do you start your traing?" questioned and eager Yelan.

"I'm leaving in a few hours. I'll be back in three months." stated Kagome.

"Really? I thought it would take longer than that." said Yelan while she shut Kagome's door behind her.

"This is what he said, and I quote ' You will be here for three monthe. No longer, no shorter.'"

After Kagome was done packing, she said good-bye to her mother, and jumped down the well. When she climbed out of the well, and was on her feet, Shippou jumped into her arms and gave her a big hug. "KAGOME!" yelled Shippou. "How come you left us?"

"Shhh…quiet Shippou. I don't want InuYasha to know I'm here." Kagome said quietly.

"And just why don't you want me to know you're here?" questioned InuYasha, standing behind Kagome with his arms crossed.

Dun dun duuuuuuun! What ever will InuYasha do? Tune in next time, for another exciting installment of: When Dark and Light Collide!
Okay, here are review responses!


crazy-punk-girl: Yay! I got it right! Gives you BIG lollipop for telling me this Okay, thank you for the spoiler, and I can't wait to read more! Oh, and as for being your first reviewer, it was no big!

Hiei freak: Thank you for the compliments! We liked that her mom was an earth faerie too! And as you can see, we have updated!

Shenyu(anonymous): Woot! Another Review! Okay, well yes, Kagome will have some problems controlling her powers, but we won't find out about that stuff until a chapter in the 30's or 40's. And yes, we do have that much written. P.S. We wish we could fly too!

Shenyu(signed): Thank you very much! You are a very kind person, and a good author! I'm glad that you liked the story! You got me hooked on RK stories, so hats of to you! And no problem for the reveiws, your stories are so good I can't help but write them!

Chapter One:

Jochnap: Yes, we are evil and insane. And we are PROUD OF IT! Lol, any way, I hope that you will continue reading our story, and leaving reviews, because yours really helped us get through the day!

kurama'sdarkangel1: Yes, we didn't know she could be that mean either...Well, actually we did, since we wrote it and all.Lol, thank you for you review! Oh, and yes, we don't think that rock felt good either.

Kyosama: First of all, thank you for saying we got the personalities right! In future chapters, the characters will be a little, or a lot you decide, OC. But that's the fun of fanfiction! And also, are you a fan of Fruits Basket? I was just asking because there is a character who has the name Kyo in that series.

Samantha(anonymous): Thank you very much for the review! No, it isn't much of a stretch to have Kagome react like that, and that is exactly what we found sooooo funny, lol. And we updated! Really!

Shenyu: You rock! You are a terrific person! You reviewed the first two chapters, for which we love you. Gives Shenyu special black and red cake.

Sheryu(anonymous): You didn't expect it? Well that makes us feel special, because it lets us know we weren't being TOO predictable. And yes, I think what Kagome did was reasonable. I would yell at my mom too, if I was a demon and she didn't tell me.

Chapter Two:

Anonymous(anonymous): Thank you very much for your kind words, and InuYasha's reaction is in like chapter...hold on we're checking...oh,we don't know, butwe do know it's after chapter 20.

inugurlz: Neko speaking: Okay now, Cat, I know you want me to type up the stuff you wrote, but please don't go into the account to review our own story!

Kirah Amy: Yes, we don't want to get rid of the ears either. That is too cruel! And we will try to use more grammar, but we are a tad ditzy sometimes...just ask the voices in our heads!

Megan Consoer: Hey Megan! Thank you, we are glad you are enjoying the story! We will update more, promise! And it's not the writing that's a problem, it's the typing it up part that gets us!

Shenyu: Yaaaaay! You reviewed another chapter! We shall give you the loyal reviewer award! hands Shenyu a shiny gold trophy shaped like a sword. AND for getting the award, we shall also give you a...GIANT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!

Chapter Three:

amanda: Thank you for the reviews, and we will email you and let you know we updated!

dearthofsanity: We realize that what we did wasn't the most realistic, but it's a fanfic, so we thought 'why not have a little fun'? We know her powers seem a little too much, but we don't want to go back and change them now, so instead she shall just have some issues with them in the future. Because even the most powerful demon can't get anywhere without a little guidance. Thanks for the review!

dog-gurl: No, thank you! And we will update more, promise!

Kyome Takashi: Ya, we already had the next 6 chapters or so written out when we got your review, or else we really would have taken your idea into serious debation. Thanks for the review!

Shenyu: We got you hooked? Really! I think that I shall remember this reveiw forever...and ever...and ever...and ever...(cat grabs the keyboard Cat: I think she gets it Neko! Neko: Fine! fun-sucker!) Thank you for the review, and we hope to hear from you again.

Your Deadly Shadow: Thank you! We know our chapters are a little short, and are working to fix that problem. We upated too, by the way, lol!

Chapter Four:

Dark Inu Fan: Yes, our story is fast paced at the beginning, but it slows down, really! It's just that the things that have happened so far really aren't that big...hint hint.

fallen-angel-scorn: Thank you! Andwe shall read your story! We have just been a little swamped lately, but will get to it right away! Because your story rocks!

Layana Hamoura: Woah. A review and a poem all in one. You get an award! gives Layana a shiny gold ribbon.

Chapter Five:

Layana Hamoura: Yay! You reviewed again! And as with all reviewers who reveiw more than once, here is a nice big sugar-good cake! Lol, I love Lord Fluffy as well. And Inu. GAH! But don't tell them I said that!

Chapter Six:

ayame and conan: Thank you guys for reviewing! It's nice to know that we have friends we can count on! And I shall take your votes into the big bowl of doom.

madi: Thank you very much for the review! You rock! And as I told ayame and conan, I shall but your vote into the big bowl of doom. And as for the Kikyo thing, I'll see what I can do...(only Neko wrote this reveiw...)

Well, that is all of the reviews! Thank you guys soooooo much! See you next time! Oh, and look for an upcoming Gundam Wing fic from us. And a Yu Yu Hakusho InuYasha x-over. And anotherYu Yu Hakusho InuYasha x-over! And a Card Captor Sakura story! And a Fruits Basket! And a plain Yu Yu Hakusho! And a Rurouni Kenshin story! Lol, they all have at least one written chapter already, so let us know which ones you want on the site!

Cat and Neko