
Chapter 1

by Kayla Chavi

rating: R




Please take the rating on this seriously. There are mature themes throughout the entire piece. It's going to be dark and uncomfortable. Think of it as a companion piece to Wicked.

I almost didn't post this because of a personal experience involving a violent act against a woman and parts of this are difficult to write/read simply because I personally would not be able to handle some of what will occur between Sango and Miroku.

However, it was also the deciding factor in whether or not I finish this piece and post it.

Any kind of feedback will be greatly appreciated.


If one more idiot asks me if I'm okay, I will seriously maim them. I don't care if they're concerned, I don't care if they're my friends. I want to be left alone. I can't stand to see the look in their eyes; the pity and sympathy disgusts me.

I won't take it from her. If she looks at me that way, I will leave. Screw the mission. Fuck saving the world. I'll leave.

"Set him down here."

Her voice. Soft. Quiet. All those things that a good woman's voice was supposed to be. I hated it when she sounded like every other woman. She was anything but soft.

"I'll clean him up. You shouldn't see this."

"No. I'll do it."

"He won't want you to. You're a bitch."

"And you're another man. Inuyasha, I'll take care of this. I've dealt with this sort of thing before." She was louder, more forceful. The words really didn't mean much to me, other than she was close. "With women."

"Then he was--"



The disbelief of my friend cut through me. Of course this couldn't be happening. Of course it's impossible. Of course I wanted it. I'm a man. Nature is against me.

"I'll explain it to you later. Just get out. Take Kagome back to her time and just leave."

"And Shippou?"

"Give him to one of the villagers. You have a brain, Inuyasha. Use it," she snapped at him. I heard the rustle of the door signify his departure so I finally opened my eyes and looked up at her.

She was kneeling by the fire, heating water and a needle. I winced and laid back down. I couldn't close my eyes again. Every time I did, I saw her.

"You haven't asked me yet."

I think my voice startled her, for I heard a gasp followed by the clank of a metal pan.

"Haven't asked you what?" She stood and carried the hot water to set down next to me. She was still in her battle gear. I could hear the leather creaking as she bent over me. She began to untie the knot that would release my robes.

"If I'm all right."

She shrugged and wrestled with the purple cloth. "You're not. What's the point of asking?" She tossed it aside. A moment later the black robe joined it. When she put her hands on the ties to my pants, I stopped her.


"I can get Inuyasha."


"Either way, your pants are coming off."


"Miroku, this isn't a choice. We're going to take off your pants and clean you up. Either I'm going to do it, or I'll get Inuyasha. But this has to be done. Now."


I let go of her hands and turned my face away from her. I wanted to close my eyes but the pain was still burned into my eyelids. She moved quickly and efficiently. Sango's stronger than we give her credit for.

She is, after all, just a woman.

The cloth that she used to clean my wounds was warm, the water clean. She washed away the dried blood and dirt on my chest and arms. She stayed silent the entire time and I looked up at her.

Her face held nothing of what she was thinking or feeling--and I am an expert on reading her body language. I've spent the last two years dying to screw her, I know her body better than anyone alive.

Not even the thought of touching her, of kissing her could get me hard. Nothing happened when she wrapped her hand around my penis to clean it from the semen that still clung to it and my thighs.

The most beautiful woman alive was touching me and I couldn't even get semi-hard. Flaccid. The pervert was flaccid.

"Turn onto your stomach," she ordered quietly. "I'm going to have to reopen some of these lashes on your back to clean them out. It will hurt."

I snorted, but did as she asked. She reopened nearly every wound on my back. This time she used hot water and a stinging needle to sew the deeper gashes shut. The disinfectant that Kagome had brought from her time burned as well. Sango was thorough and left nothing to chance.

"Sleep on your stomach. I'll be back in a few hours with food." She draped a clean blanket over my buttocks and legs.

"Get out."

She left. I couldn't sleep, so I just laid there.

I think I cried.